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  • in reply to: I'm greatful for…. #840730

    This is such a *wonderful* idea, and one that’s really needed, I think. 😉

    Let’s see……

    I’m grateful that I still have the roof over my head and good, clean water to drink, good food to eat when so many have neither.

    I’m grateful I have a job; after going 8 months last year without one. It doesn’t pay well at all–yet–but I will be sitting for a state licensing exam on Tuesday that if I pass, I’ll get a $2000 raise. (please wish me luck–been studying like a mad thing! :bigsmile: ) That’ll be a step in the right direction.

    I’m grateful that the powers that be have seen fit to bring wonderful friends–both 2-legged and 4-legged–into my life.

    I am *profoundly* grateful that my 17+ year old Maine Coon cat seems to have turned a corner for now. About a month ago I thought we were going to lose him. The vet thinks he has some kind of growth in his sinuses. He had some serious gunk coming out of his nose, and the vet wasn’t holding out much hope. In fact, she has pretty much written Cayenne off. Long story short, after having some kind of fit and throwing up a large amount of dark blood (he had probably ingested it kind of like when you have a nosebleed…ewww! :SP ) anyway, for the last week or so, the nose gunk is gone, he’s back to being his loving self, eating like a horse, begging at the table, snuggling on my lap; the whole 9 yards.
    I’m choosing to be grateful for each day I still have to spend with him, instead of the alternative.
    And I’m also grateful for the other critters that share our home: Whims and Lillee, our American Bobtail cats, and of course, Maggie, our Pembroke Welsh Corgi. I couldn’t ask for sweeter beings to share my life.

    in reply to: This may be a strange question but… #832831

    I can’t cut through bones, like using kitchen shears to cut chicken, or a cleaver for same. I’m also acutely aware of smells; there is one perfume out there (and I don’t know it’s name) but it smells cloyingly sweet and like strong soap to me. And the men’s cologne, Aramis also nauseates me to the point of having to vacate the immediate area. When I worked in an office environment, it was sheer hell some days…..Why do some folks feel the need to marinate themselves? :puke:

    in reply to: Living (Where and why?) #831435

    Born and raised for the most part in NJ–started out in northern NJ–not far from Newton, as a matter of fact; and have been steadily working my way further south through the state over the years, it seems. I think NJ has some very beautiful places, although most people don’t realize it; they’re getting to be less and less these days. I think the politicians here won’t be happy until the entire state is paved over….
    But I. Absolutely. Hate. It. Here. We seem to get the worst of a lot of things: very high taxes, lots and LOTS of people (a lot of whom can be very unpleasant to deal with….), very hot and humid summers, very cold and snowy winters, both seasons subject to extreme swings without warning, depending upon which weather God we’ve cheezed off for the day/season, and frankly, the only things that keep me here right now is my husband’s job–He’s got 37+ years with the same company–unheard of in this day and age–and the other thing is the real estate market. We *need* to be able to sell this place and come up with enough money to either have no mortgage, or a very small mortgage for the place we bought in Kentucky a few years back, and I am chomping at the bit, waiting for the day when I can put this crowded, dirty state in my rear view mirror for good, and light out for the Bluegrass. I’m lucky in my choice of work (water and wastewater treatment) in that my licenses from this state carry reciprocity in a lot of others, and since my current job pays less than I was making on unemployment (how sad is that by the way), I figure I probably won’t be taking too much of a major pay cut when we finally do move out to KY. The really ironic thing for me, anyway, is that things down there are actually more convenient than a lot of things here. The food stores and gas stations are actually closer to our place down there, and we’ll have natural gas and city water–neither of which do we have here. 😈 But the area there is *ALL* farms, there is very little suburban sprawl, and the people we’ve met there are a HELL of a lot nicer than a lot of people we’ve met here. And at least they don’t appear to be trying to pave their entire state over. 😛

    in reply to: Plans for retiring more colors? #831172

    I have only 1 RF piece–one of the Magic Invisible Paint eBay OW’s. I was still kind of hoping to get at least one more piece in that color.
    And I like the EmPea color–especially the more intense violet ones….I hope that color doesn’t go next.

    in reply to: More PYOs in the store #831741

    bodine6127 wrote:

    🙁 I’m flat broke 🙁

    *SIGH*……me too. I had to make a choice between ordering some much-needed farrier’s tools, or going for one of the phoenixes……the tools won. Damn! 🙄
    Oh well…..my 50th birthday is coming up; maybe I’ll get lucky and someone in my family will take a very broad hint! 😀

    in reply to: CALLING ALL CORGI LOVERS!!! #824620

    AWwwww!…Ein is SO cute! Love that fluffy coat. (^-^). Until we got Maggie, I never knew the Fluffs existed. Is he hard to keep combed/clean? Maggie has an undercoat almost like our Great Pyrenees; but she is pretty much wash ‘n’ wear. I just get *such* a kick out of walking behind her. All you see is the bunny butt and the backs of her ears. 😀

    in reply to: CALLING ALL CORGI LOVERS!!! #824613

    drag0nfeathers wrote:

    As a corgi owner, I can testify that they are wonderful and SMART little dogs! They can learn almost anything and ever one I have met seem to have a lovable chip on their shoulder. They make all sorts of noises too. Not really barks, but it’s like they try to talk. They all do it! LOL!

    I was wondering about those noises!
    Our Pemmie, Maggie (aka Miss Wiggledog) makes noises like a pig grunting, muttering under her breath, and really weird gurglings. 😀 Not to mention about 5 different bark sounds, each one is for different things, apparently.
    The grunts and gurgles are usually part of her greetings when I come home from work.
    The Corgis are such neat little dogs!
    BTW, the plural of Corgi is Corgwyn……just a little useless trivia. 8)

    drag0n, I’ve been meaning to ask you something about Ein–is he a Fluffy?

    in reply to: Regional Slang #825420

    NJ, here……
    Let’s see, there’s Taylor Ham/Pork roll. It’s kind of like Spam, only tastier and actually edible. 😀 And once you get out of the NJ/Philly, PA area, it doesn’t exist.
    Depending on what part of NJ you’re from, a “submarine sandwich” is called either a sub, a hoagie or a grinder.
    If you live in the southern half of NJ in the Pinelands area you might be a Piney.
    We have Six Flags Great Adventure, but it’s called “Great Adventure” by Jersey natives.
    We have BF Nowhere, and east Doodlyf***. Means the same thing as BFE basically.
    We don’t go “to the beach”, we go “Down the Shore” which is anywhere along the coast of NJ from about mid-state down. And if you live in the shore area year-round, the people that visit during the summer months are called “BENNYS”. It refers to people who come from northern NJ/NYC area. BENNY stands for Bayonne, Elizabeth, Newark and New York.
    We have “jughandles” and traffic circles. The first is for making turns that involve crossing a highway, the second is also called a “rotary” in England. It’s literally a big circle in the middle of the highway that has multiple roads that you can get off or on from.
    We don’t “go to New York”; we go “to The City”.
    If you were from around the Newark/Jersey City area, you don’t say “What?” if someone says something you didn’t hear, you go “Haanh?” It’s this kind of weird bleating sound that comes out of their nose/mouths…..My husband does that, and it drives me nuts. 😆
    It’s not Burger King, it’s Burp and Fling.
    You don’t carry a “purse”, you carry a pocketbook. That one got me in trouble when I went to college in AR…. 😉
    A washing machine is a “warsher”, it’s not “Washington” it’s “Warshington” and a linoleum floor was called “earlcloth”. Corrupted pronunciation for “Oil Cloth”. That one might be a generational thing more than a locality thing…… 😳

    On the grandparents’ names, my mom’s mom and dad were Mom-Mom and Pop-Pop, and my dad’s were Granma and Granpa.

    in reply to: Nocturnal? Diurnal? #824698

    I guess I fall into the nocturnal category. I have absolutely *no* problem staying awake at night, especially if I have a good book in my hands. I worked a steady night shift–11PM to 7AM for about 3-4 years. Of course, I was considerably younger at that time…….. 😳
    Right now I’m working 7:30 AM to 4PM, but that will change to 4AM 😮 to 2:30 PM once the cooler weather starts. My husband, OTOH is a total Lark to my Owl. He gets up at 5AM every freakin’ morning, whether he’s working or off……..*sigh* So he’ll get the “job” of making sure I don’t just hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

    in reply to: CALLING ALL CORGI LOVERS!!! #824607

    First, a couple of questions: Is Misha a Pembroke (no tail) or Cardigan (tail), and what color is she?
    Second, try contacting the Corgi Clubs in your area, or Corgi Rescue. They might be able to help with transport. 🙂

    in reply to: July 28- Raven is now resting in peace. #798042

    Oh, Nat! I’m so, SO sorry to hear about Raven. He looked so much like our Turbo, whom we lost 2 years ago, I started crying when I saw your pictures. 😥
    It’s so very hard to let them go, but it’s most often the most loving and kind gift you can give the furkids. I’m sure Raven knew he was much loved.
    Remember: We’re all here for you if you need us.

    And I have to agree about your vet’s rather cavalier attitude; whatever happened to helping the patient first and worrying about the bill later? I think that’s a tad callous, really. :spank:

    in reply to: Green Fire color? #823003

    That Emerald Green FIre is my hubby’s *absolute* favorite color. The way I feel about a deep, rich metallic royal blue is how he feels about his greens. We’ve kind of “compromised” of sorts with the Emerald Peacock color for now. The irony for me is that I didn’t care for the Emerald’s when they were out, because I felt they were too monochromatic. Now *THIS* Green Fire color with the golds and hints of other colors is stunning to me. And since it’s hubby’s favorite color, it….ah….might be easier to get him to agree that we need to add some green dragons into my….er….*HIS* collection. Yeah, that’s it–HIS collection. (which currently has a grand total of 1 PYO dragon I painted for him around Christmas…..)
    We both would love to see Green Fire come out as a production color. *PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESEEE????? XD squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek*

    in reply to: Green Fire color? #822989

    Is there any chance that this will become a production color? *crosses fingers and toes and makes puppy eyes*
    I think it’s absolutely gorgeous with all that contrast. and we really need new green dragons…….

    in reply to: Hatching Dragons: What's your opinion? #822057

    I’ll have to say that I’m rather undecided on this one. I don’t particularly like the sculpt in itself, but since it’s relatively inexpensive I’ve picked them up in different colors to see if I like that color or not. I do like their faces better than the faces on the fledgies which always strike me as being kind of too cutesy. Call me crazy…. :shrug:

    in reply to: Pixel #817948

    Have you considered building an outdoor cat enclosure? The breeder we got our American Bobtails from has a huge enclosure that is attached to her house at the door to her cattery. Its made out of heavy duty mesh netting that is wire-tied onto a pipe frame. I’ve seen them made from PVC pipes, and I’ve seen them made from regular metal pipe, and all stages inbetween. It has all kinds of perches and shelves, along with places to hide and climb and all and it keeps the kitties safe. The key to the DIY idea is making sure to use the best materials that will keep the cat in and prospective….”dinner” partners, out
    Either that or try to teach her to accept a harness and leash. One of my friends taught her Siamese to walk on a leash, and he brings her his leash when he wants to go out.
    If you look in the back pages of pretty much any Cat Fancy magazine, there are ads and websites for safe cat enclosure plans. I know we don’t allow our cats to go out but they are encouraged to spend as much time as they wish lounging in our three season sunroom.

    I have to agree with Jen on trying to “convert” Pixel to being an indoor cat. Between being on the menu for any number of larger critters, the risk of poison whether accidental or deliberate, and the risk of getting sick from being exposed to anything that might come along with meeting other cats/dogs/??, outside is scary. 😮 My best friend lets her cats be indoor/outdoor cats, and I always worry about them being out since we have coyotes and large hawks and owls and not to mention a bunch of testosterone fueled good ol’ fashioned hot rodding. We’ve had several discussions over the years. We’ve just kind of agreed to disagree on that subject. 🙄

    Also, outdoor cats can really decimate the resident songbird population. We’ve seen a decline over the last 5 years ever since a few neighbors had let their cats (un-neutered/un-spayed) become outdoor cats. We’ve seen the cats just disappear, too. Between getting hit by cars and wandering off, we do know of a couple that became someone’s dinner. :puke:

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