
This may be a strange question but…

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      I can’t handle those velour (I think) blankets you see on hotel beds all the time, they sell blankets in the material at Kmarts and Walmarts also. Sort of a soft fuzzy on one side stuff? Sets my teeth on edge just to touch it brr. I was given a stuffed toy made of it once. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :puke: ๐Ÿ˜€
      I can’t stand the mouthfeel of fat, especially the slimy kind. Slimy foods in general don’t sit well with me. And if I bite off some gristle, I gag. ๐Ÿ˜ณ


        Some microfiber textures drive me nuts. I have REALLY dry hands and it just sticks and catches and gives me the shivers. ๐Ÿ˜€ I also hate fat on foods. I will disect a steak to get all of the fat and gristle off so I don’t have to eat it.


          Some really intelligent people have texture problems, my cousin will wear 2 different socks just because one of the matching ones ”just didn’t feel right”.
          I have a problem with certain textures as well, rough cardboard does it for me.. Blah!
          I also have to use even numbers all the time. For example, the tv volume cannot be 13… Drives me crazy! Increments of 5 are ok too, 5-10-15 etc.. ๐Ÿ˜€


            sagiaparri wrote:

            Some really intelligent people have texture problems, my cousin will wear 2 different socks just because one of the matching ones ”just didn’t feel right”.
            I have a problem with certain textures as well, rough cardboard does it for me.. Blah!
            I also have to use even numbers all the time. For example, the tv volume cannot be 13… Drives me crazy! Increments of 5 are ok too, 5-10-15 etc.. ๐Ÿ˜€

            OMG!! I HAVE to show my husband what you said! I’M THE SAME WAY!! He thinks I’m weird!! I am actually VERY uncomfortable if he puts the tv on an odd volume, he does it just to watch me squirm!! If I pick up my cell phone, I won’t make a call until it’s an even numbered minute, I feel it will be bad news if I don’t. When I eat crackers I MUST eat them in multiples of 2, if there is one left over I will throw the unlucky cracker away. My hubby jokes with me that I even had twin babies because of my even number OCD ๐Ÿ˜† I’ve been like this for as long as I can remember.


              For me, I strongly prefer odds, primes are best if I can get them. ๐Ÿ™‚ When I enter microwave cooking times, is isn’t going to end with boring 0’s or half-minute if I can help it.


                I’m not fond of most velvet, or the fuzzy that is on fuzzy posters or toys. I like fluffy soft textures but I can’t stand the short fuzziness. :shout:

                While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                I can’t cut through bones, like using kitchen shears to cut chicken, or a cleaver for same. I’m also acutely aware of smells; there is one perfume out there (and I don’t know it’s name) but it smells cloyingly sweet and like strong soap to me. And the men’s cologne, Aramis also nauseates me to the point of having to vacate the immediate area. When I worked in an office environment, it was sheer hell some days…..Why do some folks feel the need to marinate themselves? :puke:


                  tasgrs wrote:

                  I can’t cut through bones, like using kitchen shears to cut chicken, or a cleaver for same. I’m also acutely aware of smells; there is one perfume out there (and I don’t know it’s name) but it smells cloyingly sweet and like strong soap to me. And the men’s cologne, Aramis also nauseates me to the point of having to vacate the immediate area. When I worked in an office environment, it was sheer hell some days…..Why do some folks feel the need to marinate themselves? :puke:

                  Oh, I know what you mean! I have a sensitive sense of smell and some perfumes just kill me. I know exactly which perfume you are talking about. I can’t stand that one. It gives me a headache!

                  While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


                    I can relate to a number of these sensitivities. Probably my number 1 sensitivity is the texture of potatoes. :puke: It makes me gag. If they’re not small and deep fried (french fries, potato chips) I probably won’t be able to get them down without difficulty. And soggy food is almost as bad as potatoes. Next on my list is high pitch sound. I have very sensitive ears. Kids shrieking is like nails on a chalkboard to me. :shout: I can hear the old tube TVs on mute(high pitch whine) which drives me nuts *very thankful for the invention of LCDs*. I don’t even need to see them to know there’s one on and near me.

                    I’m a little weird about numbers too. I tend to like multiples or low prime numbers. Mulptiples of 2 or 5 are best, and 3 or 7 is ok too. It’s the worst when it comes to money. When I have the option to set monetary values for what ever the reason(even with fake money in games ๐Ÿ˜ณ ) I like to go with multiples of 5 or 10 or both (5, 10, 50, 100, 500, etc.). That or I will go with fractions of 5/10 (1.25, 2.50, 6.25, 7.50, etc.).

                    And then there’s fuzzy stuff… Can you say catnip? The softer, silkier, and fuzzier it is the better! I just go gaga over fuzziness and have since I was a baby though it’s probably gotten worse over the years. Cat/rabbit fur, microplush/mink/cuddlicious items, fleece. Hehe, fuzzy. When I walk past plush housecoats or blankets in the store I usually can’t resist touching them. Rich red stuff I go gaga over too. I’ve been known to want to buy stuff just because they’re metallic candy apple/ruby red even though I don’t really want the item itself. Fuzzy and red is a bad combination for my pocket book. I’ve probably have upwards of half a dozen plush red blankets just because I can’t resist taking them home with me. I have more blankets than I do shoes.

                    Ok, I’m going to go to bed now roll in my fuzzy red blankets… XD


                      I finally remembered one texture that I can’t stand, since I haven’t touched it for years, thankfully…and that is unpainted, unfired bisque, especially in places where it’s a bit rough. ARGH! I’m glad bare PYOs don’t bother me as much.

                      And yes, too much of most any perfume makes me a little nauseated, and is an instant headache-starter (though if I can escape, at least the headache usually doesn’t last).


                        There’s a type of fabric that always makes my skin crawl and my toes curl up when I touch it.. the only example I can think of is that it’s often found in the interior roof of cars. You know that slightly fuzzy, really dry-feeling stuff? It actually makes my fingernails hurt just to think of it!


                          Oh god.. I simply cannot BEAR the feel of those cotton things that dentists put in your mouth when you have dental work done! I am not afraid of dentists. I’m ok with needles, drills and discomfort but the thought of those cotton things, ahhhh!The same with any dry thing in my mouth !… like a terry towel, or a dry popsicle stick -oh gad, I am shuddering!


                            Melody wrote:

                            Oh god.. I simply cannot BEAR the feel of those cotton things that dentists put in your mouth when you have dental work done! I am not afraid of dentists. I’m ok with needles, drills and discomfort but the thought of those cotton things, ahhhh!The same with any dry thing in my mouth !… like a terry towel, or a dry popsicle stick -oh gad, I am shuddering!

                            I’m in total agreement here. I also hate the plastic tabs they make you bite down on to take x-rays. It makes me cringe just thinking about them.

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