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  • in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #1526627

      Can I squeak for a limited edition run of the mystic umber color? I really love that blue paint with that color brown!

      in reply to: Website Help #1520295

        Hey Skigod! Do you still own the domain name ‘’? If you do, you can ask whoever you bought it through to redirect it to the new address.

        in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1493836

          Here is mine:

          I like him, but I’ve also put him up for trade to see what else is out there.

          in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1491683

            Aw, my order still says processing. Ah well, probably because I got it in at the tail end of everything.

            in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1491067

              Rusti, my oldest would SO approve of both your avatar and the fact that you are buying a light saber for cosplay purposes. Going to any cons in the near future?

              No, my costume is far from done. I’m doing a generic Jedi general from the cartoon referenced in my icon, hoping to join the Rebel Legion. Currently I have material for the tunic, tabards and obi, but haven’t called the costume shop I was referred to to see if they can do the sewing for me (can’t sew!). I’ve also got the bracers in progress, but they’ve been on hold at the bondo stage for a couple of months, July was too hot to work outside and I’ve been too busy this month! I’m hoping, fingers crossed, to get the darn thing done by the end of the year!

              in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1491062

                Had to wait for them to fall out of carts since I was manning our t-shirt table at the local county fair and spent 45 minutes tapping the ‘add to cart’ button hoping I’d get one when they finally fell out of carts. Managed to get one ordered, pushes my lightsaber I need to purchase for my cosplay back another month, but that’s OK, LOL.

                in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #945354

                  I was thinking along the same lines Mashubert, but more like fireworks with purple sparks

                  in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #945344

                    I got my unicorn today! This is “Balder”

                    I reckon i’d consider a trade for the right unicorn if he’s your grail from this batch, but otherwise, I dig him and he’ll stay!

                    in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #945183

                      Yeah, I think I’m just crazy. Instead of my ‘car payment to myself into the savings account’ I bought one of these. No, I don’t always exhibit the most good sense I could. But I just couldn’t swing it the last time they were available and was always a bit sad, so I bit the bullet this time.

                      in reply to: Looking For A Vintage 90s-00's Horse Poster #943803

                        Have you looked up Sue Dawe to see if it was any of her work? She had a lot of unicorn stuff on posters.

                        in reply to: The thread for Furries (and other cosplays) #943623

                          Do Jedi count? I’m about to start a generic Jedi General build with the end goal of joining the Rebel Legion. I haven’t even started the practice outer tunic and I feel way in over my head with the sewing, so I have no idea how you guys do it with the fursuits. I’d much rather sit with a soldering iron and do the lightsaber wiring tutorials I’ve read than sit at a sewing machine, but I have a pattern printed out and I just need to make the practice one out of muslin to work out kinks and then go to town with the cotton gauze I’ve picked out!

                          I’ll also have to do a little bit of armor building, but there are kits for that and it doesn’t scare me near as much as the sewing machine. I’m aware that I am bizarre.

                          in reply to: Demeanor of Posts and Other Bad Intentions #941928

                            As somebody who joined here very early on, this drama has always been here. It just seems to come and go in waves. There have always been call-out threads and people sending nasty PMs and discussions turning into fights. It’s called human nature, and I’m not really sure it can be eradicated. One can make rules endlessly, but what constitutes somebody being rude or mean or whatever is so subjective, and it takes a lot of time and attention from the people running the forum to catch every rude comment… I’m not sure it can be done here, to be honest.

                            On the other hand, the VAST majority of folks here have always been nice and polite. So long as outright name-calling and personal attacks aren’t allowed, I don’t think the forums are going to collapse under the drama.

                            Agreeing with SPark (have also been here for quite some time). These things seem to happen in a cycle. They’ve happened before, been quelled with a rule update from John or a mod and everything was as peaceful as possible with so many different personalities present before the next dust up reared its head. I think it comes with the waxing and waning that happens as older members drop away from the forum and newer ones join, something that was percolating comes to a boil as new members get involved and so on and so forth.

                            in reply to: Baby Pegasus Grab Bag SHOW OFF! #941435

                              I got mine today too. She’s a dark gunmetal gray with lots of special sparkle paint, purple appaloosa spots and some gold fringing on her forehead and her rump.

                              in reply to: Baby Pegasus Grab Bag SHOW OFF! #941244

                                I got super lucky and got one too. I happened to get the email as I was getting up from my desk at work to go video a lecture, but I sat back down and took the extra five minutes.

                                in reply to: So I had a BIG surprise today! #937336

                                  Yup, you’ll get the hang of it so well that the next time you get in an automatic you’ll stomp the floorboards looking for the clutch when you go to start the car or stop.

                                  I have done this so many times. It’s also fun to reach to shift when there is nothing to grab on to. “Yes, I was totally reaching for the radio there…not thin air”. I am also amazed by how many people here drive manual cars.

                                  I did it in front of a sales person test driving a Tacoma. Somehow I managed not to take the truck out of gear (the Tacoma gearshift is in the same place a manual transmission’s is), but did hammer my foot on the floor looking for that non-existent pedal.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 1,772 total)