Hi all! I’ve missed this place. I’m out of the Army, got a job as a groomer, and two months later, I’m the manager. Anyway-a couple years ago spa for paws hired someone to create and maintain spaforpaws.com. The site wasn’t great, defaulted to Elpaspgrooming.com and they fired him. 2 years later, the site is still up!guy won’t take it down-that’s issue 1. We moved on to spawforpawsep.com and didn’t get notifications our domain was expiring. Site went down with no response to calls or emails from the company, so, I got another domain, built another site, so now we’re spaforpaws El Paso.com. NOW the spaforpawsep.com host comes back and is like “sorry! Your subscription is renewed and your site will be up in 12 hours”-except the site won’t be. I deleted it when I made the new one. Anyway-how can I get a redirect for anyone who types in spaforpawsep.com to send them to spaforpawsElPaso.com? So two problems…. any advice?? Thanks in advance! Ps. I can build a site of a template like site builder but that’s the extent of my knowledge.
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