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  • in reply to: Happy 10th birthday, WINDSTONE FORUM! Whoot! #949484

      Best forum ever, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Windstone forum and a celebration to all the wonderful relationships built here <3

      in reply to: *Meowmix101's PYOs* #948924

        I’m late to the party but HOLY MOLY your blue roan appy is gorgeous! My eyes popped seeing her! Your hippocampus is beautiful too, all those soft colors. Did you have any prior painting/art experience? Or are you self taught?

        in reply to: Show Your Collection Version: 11 #948923

          Jennifer did some beautiful Griffins, but her Flame Point is my all-time favorite too; he’s exquisite. It’s hopeless pining for him, but I might try talking you out of that hot pink Young Uni someday. Guess who has the Caribbean Sunset Spectral? 😉

          And guess who has the Caribbean Sunset rising spectral? 😉 Once I get moved, I can’t wait to unpack my collection and take pictures. I’ve tried to leave my more favorite pieces out where I can enjoy them.
          Drag0nfeathers, can you put me in your will? lol It seems we have the same taste in Windstones. SOOO many pieces you have I’m in love with. Rockfish rising spectral, emerald tabby and sunset tabby grand unicorns, turquoise/blue sun dragon (I forget that one’s actual name) and a few of those young unicorns too. I’m glad Balderdash (is it?) and his grey friend are still with you. Still some of my favorite unicorns ever.

          in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #948921

            They are so sweet and lovely. Remind me of that lullaby All the Pretty Little Horses. Or something like that, it’s been awhile lol.

            AHH!! I thought the same thing! They are so lovely

            in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #948920

              WOW! So many beautiful unicorns! I wish I could have played along this batch. Maybe next time. I love Briar Rose too and Zorre-a few others too. WOW! Somebody want to trade for an ebay griffin? I have two lol

              in reply to: Texas is flooding-2 forum members caught in the flood #948902

                Another update:
                First of all, THANK YOU to everyone who offered to help! This just proves that we really are a big family here. As far as necessities, we have been able to gather anything Riversgrace and her kids and husband needs, and they are still able to work so they have been able to purchase anything they forgot to grab.
                Riversgrace, true to her name braved the flood waters and went back into her house yesterday to grab a few precious things that were irreplaceable and check on the status of things. Everything was moved upstairs except the fridge and couch, so they are ruined, but everything upstairs is safe!! 🙂 All the clothes, Windstones, photos etc. is high and dry. Currently, everyone has everything they need except OpalDragon. We are trying to find her a job (as is she) so she can get back on her feet. The waters have gone down about 2 feet, but there is still a few feet of water in the bottom floor of the house. They’ll be able to live upstairs while repairs are going on as soon as the water has gone down all together. I’m an hour, about 30/40 miles northwest of her house and it continues to rain here every day. We are out of the path of the Brazos river, so life continues as normal. I love the rain, but Houston is AT SEA LEVEL so unlike the PNW where it rains every day, we don’t have the benefit of mountains (I wish) to wash it away. I hope it stops raining soon, but we are just at the beginning of Hurricane season so that means lots more rain. I hope Rosenberg doesn’t get anymore. Her birthday is THIS WEDNESDAY! 🙂 the 8th so if you’re friends with her on facebook or if you want to email her at Riversgrace27(at)yahoo.com to say Happy Birthday, I know she’d love that <3 🙂

                in reply to: Texas is flooding-2 forum members caught in the flood #948834

                  Wow, I had no idea. That’s is awful to go through something like that but glad to hear you are others are helping them and hopefully the rain will stop and flooding will go down. Did they just have to leave their stuff on he second floor and hope to get it back after the flooding resides?

                  Yes, they are hoping the water doesn’t reach the second floor.

                  We all wish we could send you this water in Canada. It would be the perfect solution. Maybe someone was trying to put the fire out and sent all this rain, but their aim was poor.

                  I’ll update the main post with a link and photos.
                  I’ve been able to gather clothes for Riversgrace, and she says her kids are taken care of now, they have everything they need all considered. If someone has any men’s clothing-pants size 34 and shirts XL for her husband, I know he would appreciate it.


                    I’m so sorry to hear about this little boy’s problems. I tried to donate to your Go Fund Me page, but it wouldn’t work. When I tried it changed my amount (down to $4.00), and lost my name and comment in the process of trying to donate. I’ll check back later to see if it is working, but you might want to ask them to check. Best of Luck!

                    I just went back to the Go Fund Me page and it worked perfectly! I hope the family is able to find help for this little boy. I don’t know how to get more information about it, but there was some work done about hypersensitivity to sound and a little girl who (after she was helped) said that rain sounded like machine gun fire. If they can track it down, maybe the people involved could help.

                    Thank you so much Vance-and-Marilyn! Really, you have touched my heart. That must be terrible for the little girl. I love the sound of rain!

                    I don’t know how closely his dad is watching but we are now up to $158 and I’m so very excited! As I told his dad, 2016 has been a bad year for a lot of people on a lot of different levels. At least maybe ONE person can have a decent year if Jace can get the help he needs. 2015 was kind of lucky for me (for ONCE in my life) so I feel someone else deserves some luck.


                      Someone else said it didn’t work for them. It works for me, but maybe because I’m the one that set it up? There is a $5 donation so maybe it went through!? Thank you so much for even taking time to read his story, I do appreciate it.

                      in reply to: Some of My Artwork 🙂 #942861

                        Love the little unicorn and moon as well as the grey/white horse on the grey background!! 😀

                        in reply to: How old are Windstone Collectors #942727

                          I bought my 1st Windstone in 1986 at the age of 19 (I’ll let you do the math LOL). It was a Peacock Male Dragon. I purchased it for my boyfriend at the time who was crazy about dragons. It was so gorgeous that I wanted to buy one for myself, but unfortunately the store I purchased it at was no longer in business. It took me about 10 years to find a Windstone Dealer and I started my own Peacock Dragon collection. We didn’t have Ebay or online internet shops back then. Over time my love of Windstones has only gotten stronger. Aside from the dragons I have also started collecting Flap Cats.

                          You are 19 years older than me 😉 I’ll be 30 this May. Yikes. Not a birthday I’m looking forward to!

                          in reply to: Selling Comissions from others-your thoughts? #942670

                            If it was a gift, I’d feel a little guilty if it were me (pack rat that I am, I get more sentimental the longer I own something). But a commission? I think it’s perfectly fine for you to sell it if you want to. It’s yours, bought and paid for. No harm, no foul in selling in my opinion.

                            I’m like this too! And this is a beautiful piece but…I’m going through moments lately where I’m like “this is just stuff…”
                            My new year’s resolution was to spend less money on stuff and more money on experiences; concerts, travel, spending time with friends I never see. So if I could sell this item to make the final payment to the other artist, it would be ideal for me. Also…the piece I am thinking of selling is done by a wonderful artist here so I don’t want to hurt her feelings.

                            Thank you all for the replies!

                            in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #942660

                              I was trying to save a few dollars for a new unicorn and was baaad,I spent it.I went over to ebay and saw a good deal on three little Windstones.The baby Kirin I needed for the set and 2 hatchers.I offered $60 for them and they accepted.Yes! I got my baby kirin with a bonus.but now…back to the drawing board. 🙂

                              Story of my life! I was bidding on 2 standing kirins on ebay and lost them. I was sad but at least I won a little pebble wolf for $61. I can’t feel too guilty about that one!
                              Congrats on your baby kirin!

                              in reply to: Garden Dragon #942659

                                Gorgeous! I normally love the bright, bold, loud colors but these earth tones fit it so nicely. Too bad it’s not for out door use. I don’t even have a garden yet but I’d love some Windstones to adorn it. Maybe one day I’ll find a cement little rock dragon again. (sold mine many years ago)


                                  Very pretty! I have resisted the urge to buy even one model horse for years. Windstones are an expensive hobby, I don’t even want to start another. I do love this pose though!

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