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  • in reply to: Movie Discussion #1579207

      I’m waiting for His Dark Materials on HBO. The Golden Compass just didn’t do the books justice.

      in reply to: Painting a PYO #1578618

        I love the muse! I know it’s supposed to be a practice piece, but it is one of my favorites. It’s not as intimidating as it may seem. It’s smaller, and if you get tired/frustrated of painting one texture (such as feathers), you can switch to a different area and come back to it later (you can’t quite do that if you’re painting the griffin. LOL). I had a muse tutorial somewhere, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere on the forum. 🙁

        Everything Nightcrow said is spot on… dark base for a darker PYO and a light base for lighter ones. I also use a dark base if I’m using interference paints. It makes the colors pop. Base coating always helps. If the brand of paint you use has very opaque colors, I don’t find it that big of a deal, but it does help block in the color layout. But some brands of paint have different levels of translucency/opaqueness depending on the color. It makes for some blotchy painting in the beginning, as the paint seeps into the sculpt at different rates. If you have one of these brands, it’s a good idea to base coat first to prevent that from happening.

        As for blending it is easier to blend colors that aren’t so contrasting. It is easier to blend blue and green together as opposed to white and black. Your paint can dry out before you get the colors nicely blended, so you may want to practice with colors that are closer on the color wheel first. For me blending white with any dark color can be a real pain. My paint always dries out before I can get a really nice gradient so I usually use what’s called a retarder. It keeps the paint from drying out too quickly.

        The best thing you can do is just start practicing. The more you paint, the more you’ll discover what works for you and what comes naturally. 🙂


          OMG… I don’t know how you haven’t completely lost it. You are a much better person than I. I wouldn’t be able to deal.

          in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1575882

            That TOTALLY blows. I’m not friends with any of ex-boyfriends either. Actually, the only one I am still friends with is the ex-husband. Go figure.

            So I will be moving back to Louisiana probably next week. The birth center called me and said they would not be able to have me in their care. I have a couple of big fibroids and one is in a really bad spot. I am now considered high risk and my care is being transferred to the hospital. There is a chance of uterine rupture and may need a cesarean depending how things go over the next few months. Needless to say, I didn’t take this information well. AT ALL. And I still have to get tested for trisomy/genetic issues. This is NOT the birth I had planned out in my head.

            in reply to: Movie Discussion #1574617

              Best movie I’ve seen so far this year was Alita. Call me weird, but dang, I LOVED that movie! My pre-order Blu-ray from Amazon should be arriving soon. Woot!

              Godzilla was fun, too. Lots of monsters, lots of destruction. Pretty much sums it up. LOL

              I really, REALLY want to see the Lion King, badly…but “morning” sickness is out of control right now. I’ll have to wait. 🙁

              And when I’m really large I’m going to prop my feet up on the ottoman, have pizza and ice cream, and watch Stuber. Hahaha!

              in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1570027

                I am 8 wks now. This was the timeframe when they said I had lost the last one. I have to make an appointment today actually. It will be for sometime next month, and I have to travel back to Louisiana for it. There’s a wonderful birth center there. They really helped me through everything last time when they rushed me to the hospital after my terrible Cytotec experience. The health care here in Taos in not something I want to deal with. We don’t call the hospital here Holy Cross, we call it something else. LOL

                The last thing you want to do is have to go to the ER here. When Ron got sick and had to go, it took forever for them to find a working blood pressure cuff. Then they told us that he had been taking serious painkillers. NO, YOU GAVE THEM TO HIM earlier when he was admitted to the room. Morons. There was so much that went wrong on their end that night, telling us we may need to all our affairs in order. Geez. I will not be leaving my reproductive health and unborn to their care.

                If all goes well during my visit in Baton Rouge and things look good, I will have to move back to Louisiana for the duration of the pregnancy. It’s way too far of a drive, especially when the visits will become more frequent.

                in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1569911

                  Thanks, drag0n. Also, I haven’t forgotten about your kitty griff commission. It’s just, you know, life stuff in the way… plus now this. LOL

                  in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1569901

                    Ugh… morning sickness BLOWS!!

                    I just hope I can carry to term. I don’t want a repeat nightmare of the last time.

                    in reply to: PYOs on Instagram! #1539778

                      Also, if there is anything in particular you want to use from my gallery, please feel free.  🙂

                      in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1539775

                        Ugh… Nothing is falling into place right now.  I was supposed to move early this year, but it got pushed back.  Then again later in April. Then no.  Now I have no idea when I’ll be moving.  I am so ready to get out of New Mexico.

                        Everyone is on edge right now.  Fire season and a severe drought do not go well together.  The Ute Park wildfire is about 30 miles east of where I live.  It’s actually a little unsettling seeing the smoke cloud and then an air tanker cross over the mountain ridge to get to the fire.  The Santa Fe National Forest is now closed to the public… all 1.6 million acres closed.  Why?  Because park officials found more than 100 unattended campfires during the Memorial holiday.  WTF is wrong with people!?  There are fire restrictions all over the state.  No open fires, not even cigarettes unless you are in a car or designated smoking area.  We are sitting on a matchbox.

                        We live on the mountain.  One night we looked over the valley and actually saw a fire.  When you see it, you are kinda in denial at first.  Is that the start of a wildfire??  Then you see the emergency vehicles with their flashing lights coming from every direction.  You watch as the fire gets bigger.  You watch as the vehicles get closer.  It’s like a race.  Then it hits you… do we pack up the car and head off the mountain so we don’t get trapped up here?

                        I’ve decided that since I was in the process of putting my stuff in storage down in town for an easier move I might as well keep moving stuff off the mountain.  So all my books (except 4), gemstones, fossils, Windstones, anything not needed for immediate survival… it’s all going in storage.  It’s much safer there.  Town is basically on the mesa (flat).  Once you hit the base of mountain, it’s very steep with pine and scrub.  If anything catches, the mountain is going up in flame.  I have a grab-and-go bin by my door — birth certificate, documents, cash, the pack’s ashes, some valuables — all ready to go if need be.  I’d rather deal with a hurricane.  This is too much anxiety.  :/

                        in reply to: PYOs on Instagram! #1539771

                          Still trying to figure out how to do the # thing.  LOL.  I should hopefully have some up in a couple days.  🙂

                          in reply to: Airbrush vs handpaint #1537776

                            I have an airbrush, but I rarely use it.  I only use it to prime larger pieces like the griffin and keeper.  Everything else is completely hand-painted.  And I agree with Landipan… on the smoother sculpts just go thinner with your paint.  I have pieces in my gallery as well if you want to take a look.

                            in reply to: Jinxed #1537083

                              aw man… that is totally unfair.  Being without a car can be so frustrating.  It’s been almost a year for me since my mechanic totaled mine.  I was supposed to pick up a lease today, but that didn’t work out.

                              I do hope you find something soon.  Maybe something better will come along.  Hang in there!  🙂

                              in reply to: Spam Private Messages #1536605

                                I got a new one from “athumsa”

                                in reply to: My “First” Sculpture #1535138

                                  OMG!  That’s awesome!

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