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Finally got pictures taken of my fat cat. Pumpkin Spice Fat Cat
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This little beauty arrived yesterday. I haven’t had time to take pictures yet, but thought I would share. If it’s your favorite, let me know, otherwise I’m happy to keep it.
This is Bobby and Squeaker, two of the cats here at the state park my husband is over. Bobby is the grand matriarch at 16 and is a tailless manx. She’s very particular, and not overly cuddly.
Squeaker is much younger, around 4. She is tiny and timid, but will come around for pets.
Bobby and SqueakerAugust 29, 2019 at 6:14 pm in reply to: A Large Collection Will Be For Sale Over The Coming Months #1578181From what I can remember of the “IVEP” that Male looks to be one of them.
August 27, 2019 at 1:34 pm in reply to: A Large Collection Will Be For Sale Over The Coming Months #1577977Some of the pieces I was able to provide the original ebay photos from as I still had them from when I maintained the now defunct RavnHeart online database. I’m limited to the data that happens to be on a thumb drive because the monitor on the laptop where the rest is stored is toast.
Beautiful tiger! Love the colors of your silhouette too.
Beautiful cat Scarletdrite!
Love that tiger Syn!
In case the link is crabby
Thanks to some help from Susie I was able to get a fantasy cougar after all. I got a silhouette cougar. It’s nice but I was hoping for a something a bit more “Lisa Frank”. I’m open to trades.
Windstone Silhouette Cougar by Melody Pena love your fantasy cougar Sherry!
Guess it’s time to take a break again….I just wanted one but I have to wait and they lifted the limits and now there are people with 5 and 6 on the way…Good bye.
I wish you would wait a week before lifting the limit on things.
I’d love to get one, but my husband and I are in the process of changing banks so there’s not enough money in either account and my husband and I don’t get paid until Thursday for him and Friday for me.
Now that the limit has been lifted I will most likely miss out. 🙁
July 28, 2019 at 5:30 pm in reply to: I can ship grab bags with the Individual Cougar orders #1574712I ask the limit not be lifted yet…I’d love to get one, but we are in the process of changing banks so there’s not enough money in either account and my husband and I don’t get paid until Thursday for him and Friday for me.
We rented Shazaam from the red box last week. It’s a hoot… one of the few DC movies that they did right (like Wonder Woman and Aquaman).