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  • Pegasi1978

      The PYO unicorn by Jessica (not Joseph) Frye arrived yesterday and is getting acquainted with some of my other unicorns. I feel like the painter is a forum member or a former forum member because I vaguely remember the name from somewhere.




        Here’s the Black Sunset Griffin chick with his adoptive family. Now I just need to find the matching sitting chick for the family to be complete.

        in reply to: Your next addition? #1622236

          VS what I do to post pictures to the forum is either upload them to imgur and link from there or text the picture to someone and then save the picture out of the chat because it makes it small enough to upload to the forum.

          in reply to: And of course CAT pictures too! #1614636

            Awww! He’s a looker.

            in reply to: Windstone Identification Thread #1611613

              Here’s the whole family in the old black (a side from the colt because I missed them every time 🙁 ) Mother’s eyes are brown not red, it’s a trick of the flash.


              in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1611611

                Looks more red than pink to me

                in reply to: 2020 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1611411

                  I think part of it might be because of lower number of staff. Back in the days of the Sunrise Lap (2009) they had just moved from California to Oregon [I have a prototype ki-rin baby from May 2008 with the Hollywood address on the COA; and my Sunrise #17 from June 2009 has the Corvallis address on the COA]. Before the move there was more staff so there could be someone who focused more on painting things like just Ebay pieces while someone else focused on painting production pieces. Now it sounds like those extra bodies are gone so if someone focuses on only painting Ebay pieces then production pieces fall by the wayside and don’t get painted. By limiting Ebay pieces to one of each sculpture it means that production pieces can still be completed.

                  in reply to: Show Off Your Conga Lines! (Part II) #1611357

                    I love the bluejay wolf

                    in reply to: Item Identification #1611035

                      You might try to put a piece of paper over the stamp and gently run a pencil over the area sort of like a gravestone rubbing to see if that makes it any clearer.


                        Secret Keeper ripoff. Already notified John.
                        Guarding Dragon

                        Heck, one of the in set puzzle pieces resembles the hatching empress.

                        in reply to: And of course CAT pictures too! #1610683

                          Hard to believe Nougat’s 13 weeks old now.


                          She’s so easy to get purring, but she’ll do this indignant meow at the same time like she’s saying “no I don’t want to be purring.” She loves chewing wires…finding a replacement cord for an older Alexa is proving interesting.


                          She and momma are having little spats now and then. The boys don’t quite understand that they will work it out. They have their own food bowls, but share a water dish since they never drink at the same time. She’s more of a lap cat than her momma.

                          I do miss her siblings, but I can’t imagine having three kittens in the house at one time now that that we are down to just one.

                          in reply to: Covid 19 Support/Whine thread #1610629

                            For hyperactivity he’s been on Intuniv ER (Guanfacine) of various strengths. For focus he’s been on something I can’t remember, Ritalin LA (methyphenidate), and is currently on Strattera (atomoxetine). Our plan is mandatory generics so sometimes it’s hard to know the brand name for the medication he’s on.

                            We had stayed with non-stimulants due to side effects my husband had as a child and worry that our son might have some of those issues due to genetics. My husband had to be followed by a cardiologist for a time after being on too high a dose stimulant. Middle son isn’t 8 yet so that limits some choices as well.

                            Because of my work I’ve heard about the “GeneSight” testing. I don’t know if our insurance would pay for it. I also know that some insurers won’t accept the results for overriding criteria on medications that require prior authorization for the insurance to pay for it.

                            in reply to: Covid 19 Support/Whine thread #1610597

                              Since the kids have been home from school more and more I want to strangle my middle child. He is adhd-combined, and his hyperactivity is insane. He’s been on medication almost since the time he was diagnosed (we tried the no medication route and it didn’t work). It used to be we had very little problems with him at home so we were confused why when the teachers would fill out the quarterly medication evaluation forms and indicated problems. They would never give any indication in between the evaluations that things were problematic and his medicine wasn’t helping. He has a teleconfrence med check this week and I’m going to bring the fact that the med for his hyperactivity isn’t working and now I’m not sure it ever has been. His medicine for focus has been changed three times, but other than adjusting the strength (up or down) of his hyperactivity medication he’s on the same one. Something has to change or else I’m going to go insane.

                              in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1610595

                                The one day a week I get to sleep in is Sunday and what should happen 9 out of 10 times? My middle child wakes me up. I just want a good solid night’s rest for once. It doesn’t help that once I wake up I’m usually up for the day too.

                                in reply to: Show Off Your Conga Lines! (Part II) #1610507

                                  It looks like it might be one of the Intense Black versions of the Silver Emperor.

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