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  • in reply to: Why did your Fuzzy travel with your Windstone? #752897

      I asked for my fuzzy before my order got shipped. I guess it had nothing else to do! 🙂

      in reply to: What is this place? #751777

        Yaaaaaaay! :shout: I just got my first fuzzy! 😀 It’s red with purple eyes and is currently sitting on top of my male sunset griffins head! If I’d known about this creature earlier, I would have had about a half dozen already! 🙂

        in reply to: Condensed White List #558716

          Somewhere on here I saw someone say they had a good experience with 2Huberts on ebay and I ditto that! She is a very nice person and shipped my item immediately. Got to me in 2 days from across the country! She packs well and the item came without blemish!

          I would definitely do business with her again! 🙂 😀 🙂 😀

          in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #690850

            Funny, I was just thinking that it would be nice to give a wish list of things not yet made or done–so that’s what a squeak is–I’m new and am learning all these terms.

            Here’s my squeaks and I’ll come back to edit them as I think of more:

            PYO Phoenix
            PYO Griffin Chicks
            PYO Flap Cats
            PYO Poad
            Baby Poads
            Baby Flapcats
            Griffins in blue color with complimentary colors added–silver, magenta you know what looks good
            How about Phoenix Windstones–don’t need a family since they regenerate themselves!
            Carry the paints & brushes you recommend for painting PYOs and we can then order everything from you!

            squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek* squeek*

            in reply to: Jokes and Email Sharing Part 2 #740177

              The Little Boy’s Plight

              There was a little boy who wanted to have a $100 more than anything in the world. So he asked his mother about where he could get such a sum of money.

              His mother answered, “That’s a tall order and I don’t think too many people will give you a $100 so why don’t you pray to god and see if he can help you.

              The little boy prayed and prayed and prayed but to no avail. He goes to his mother and says “Mom, I don’t think god can hear me because I don’t have my $100 yet.

              The mother thought and then said “He is so busy listening to all the prayers from other little boys. So why you write me a letter. Maybe that will catch his attention.”

              So the little boy wrote his letter making his request. He put it in an envelope and just addressed it to “GOD”, put a stamp on it and mailed it.

              Well the letter gets to the post office and the employees were in such a quander as to who is god and where does god live. One of them spoke up and said, “I know. Send it to the Whitehouse.”

              So the letter reaches the Whitehouse and Mr President opens the letter and is touched by what the little boy has written. He immediately tells his secretary “Send this young man a nice crisp $5 bill.” And so she does.

              The little boy gets the money and sits down to write a thank you note. He writes, “Dear God, Thank you for sending me the money. But why did you send it through Washington? Those b*****ds took $95!”

              Hope you enjoy–I thought it was cute! 😀

              in reply to: Broken nose…. #766233

                Ouch! Hope you heal soon–broken noses are a bummer. Broken anything is a bummer! I never broke my nose and hope never to but I had a friend who was horse back riding and when the horse jumped, her face went forward and the horses neck went back and her face collided with the horses neck! Broke her nose big time. She was in awful pain and it got swollen and her husband would call her ‘gorilla’ woman! From what I last heard, he’s still alive 😀

                in reply to: how times have changed #763429

                  foxfeather wrote:

                  My 1 year old neice has a push/ride toy and I noticed the warning label the other day
                  “Do not use on stairs”
                  Ummm… thought that was common sense? 😕

                  Well if the manufacturer didn’t put that warning on the label and a child did this and got seriously hurt, the parents could sue them because they place this warning on their label. A lot of this is to protect manufacturers from lawsuits! Yeah, times have changed! :scratch:

                  in reply to: She did it again!!!! #766085

                    I saw her video and I think her voice is amazing! Loved it when the judges gave this ‘yeah right’ attitude towards her when she first appeared and then she opened her mouth. Put them back a ways–just loved it! Goes to show that you can never judge anyone by just their appearance! 😀

                    in reply to: samples 🙂 #766128

                      Well some people think that California has some good weather–well it can get downright weird sometimes. I have my furnance set to 68 degrees and I’ll hear it come on early in the morning and the day will turn out to be 90 degrees! Then it’ll get real hot from 90 to 100 degrees and later on in the week it’ll rain and be cold! Right now it is rather pleasant but I need a sweater in the morning! 🙂

                      in reply to: Paypal Question #608257

                        There are some good suggestions here as well as people who are verified and have no problems. Let me put it this way folks–I’m older than your average windstone collector and we old folks get mighty suspicious of all this online stuff. I’m nervous as heck even having to access my bank account online. I didn’t grow up with computers–I remember the early ones that took up a whole room 😆 ! No VCR, no cell phones, I mean I remember where I was when Kennedy got assassinated! Got the picture 🙂 ! I could pose for one of them ‘Ole Warrior’ pieces 😆 ! I get a little edgy with personal information on computers. I don’t have all those years to get back everything I could lose to a hacker! But I also try to keep up with the times and get on forums, online banking, and paypal is part of it. It was a learning experience to read all what everyone posted and I’ll take it to heart.

                        I especially like the suggestion of a naughty password for sites you feel is phishing you 👿 ! Someone told me that there could be a way that someone could even get into your email addresses and send emails to everyone in there and the way to help prevent it is to set up phony emails in the beginning and end of your list. Well I’ve got some naughty and downright vulgar/obscene email addresses they will come across if they try messing with my list 😆 👿 !

                        So here is what I plan to do–open a checking account for paypal transactions only and keep the minimum in there and transfer over money when I need to. I’ll talk to my bank about getting a credit card that doesn’t have a high limit–can’t afford so spend $3,000+ on some of these statutes anyway. I will set these up for all my paypal stuff and that way can keep better track of my purchases without going overboard which we all can do on this site and ebay and such. 🙄 😈

                        So, ya think I gots a good plan for a nervous older lady?! Tell me what ya think 😀

                        in reply to: Mosaic PYO dragon for sale #765650

                          I do like his coloring but right now, I need to pay off some debt! 🙄 Looks like I’ll be tied up until July so if he’s still around, I’ll contact you. 🙂

                          in reply to: Considering selling #2 AL OW… Any takers? #765500

                            He is beautiful but I really did a number on my credit card this month 😮 . Been bad, bad, bad :spank: but I had fun and am getting some nice pieces. Love his coloring but I’ll have to pass for now unless he’s still around come July? That’s when I’ll have some breathing room! 🙂

                            in reply to: Griffins for sale! #748132

                              setsunawolf wrote:

                              LadyFirebird wrote:

                              Hi–I hope you see this. Please check your Windstone messages–I’ve explained it all there!

                              Alcyone isn’t on as frequently as some other members. But I’ve bought several pieces from her and have always had a positive experience. Good luck. 🙂

                              Thanks setsunawolf for the reassurance. As Alcyone explained, there was a little problem with her email that we needed to straigthen out so I could send payment. I’ve already seen other posts of how good she is about all this and she is on the ‘white’ list. I knew she was all right andI had no problems except the email part which is now taken care of and my item is on the way! 😀

                              in reply to: Paypal Question #608250

                                When you sign into paypal look in your account, there is a link that says ‘show limits’ and these are the amounts that you can send, receive etc. From what I understand, these amounts are set to ‘0’ each month so whenever you opened your account, let’s say April 26th, your limits would be set to ‘0’ on May 26th. I read somewhere that this is the case. If you want to lift these limits, then you provide the extra information like your bank account etc. Someone had a good suggestion that you open a small account just for paypal. I’m like you, don’t like to give out too much personal/financial information on any one given site. Also, I can’t see why putting your personal bank account information will make you more ‘secure’ to sellers. Like, what if you don’t have that much money in your checking account–then what?

                                I’m new to paypal myself and figured this on my own. I’m sure there are others out there who have dealt with paypal a lot longer that I have and have more information.

                                Afternote: I stand corrected here–I went into my paypal account just to see what this is about and the reset to ‘0’ applies to receiving and withdrawals from your account. Once the sending/spending limit is up, then you have to get ‘verified’ to use the account. I refuse to get ‘verified’! So I’ll do what everyone else has suggested–open another account with another email etc. They claim that the seller never sees your payment info–then how did some people get hacked? After my limit is up, I will just close the account. Other than Windstone and getting items from nam, I rarely use it. I’m sure that Windstone staff isn’t going to use my credit card fraudulently and I can write nam checks.

                                You can’t be too careful out there!

                                in reply to: Happy Birthday Blackdesertwind!! May 26th #766135

                                  Happy Birthday Blackdesertwind and many more to come! 😀

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