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  • in reply to: Ruby Old Warrior wait list-squeak! #570556

    Ohh . . . every time I see a picture of this guy, I kick myself for not getting one. I think that means please put me on the list too! Although I would pray for one that looks like my Fledgeling, glorious vivid red with only traces of pink. I lack a proper appreciation of the color pink. πŸ˜‰ But I do love red! Especially with the gold accents and gold on the wing webs. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Condensed White List #558615

    I’d like to add doll-queen. I received a Baby Pegasus from her today. I had asked if she would double-box it with lots of padding. Holy cats, did she ever! Three layers of tissue paper, two layers of bubble wrap, foam wrap, a diaper, more bubble wrap, shredded paper, interior box, more shredded paper, and an exterior box. 😯 You could have dropped the mail truck on that package and I think the figure would have been fine. Plus she put it in the mail right away and got it here incredibly fast. I’m really impressed!

    in reply to: wolf griffin family is available #568949

    Not that I’d mind the big ones being $144 each! If they’re $144 I can collect the whole family sooner . . . . πŸ˜€

    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563576

    Melody wrote:


    What material are you going to repair her with? It would be neat if we could see her repairs step by step!

    Honestly, I’m not sure. I don’t have much experience with this kind of repair. 😳 (I’m anticipating a storm of dismay at this point. A historical Windstone, in the hands of a greenhorn?) I plan to get some Apoxie Sculpt and experiment with it–off the dragon–to see if it can hold its form well enough to bridge that gap between wings and back. And there’s a whole pile of Breyer bodies that I’ve been planning to customize. They have now become my practice pieces. 😈 Some very peculiar plastic ponies may come out of this!

    I guess I’m also trying to say that I won’t go dashing in on this project until I’m comfortable with the materials and techniques. So hopefully My Lady won’t suffer (I don’t mind being inexperienced, but I mind like crazy the thought of botching her restoration). And if I start getting in over my head, you folks will be the first to know! (After the cockatiels, who live in the crafts room and are learning some interesting words.) πŸ˜› Right now I’m in the process of cleaning her up, which is taking a lot of slightly damp Q-tips and toothpicks. I’ll take more photos when she’s all clean.

    in reply to: More Poads??? #564743

    More Poads = Happy Thought! πŸ˜€ I’ll look forward to that. Meanwhile my solitary poad looks so sweet and benevolent on her shelf . . . I’m sure she’s plotting some sort of mischief. πŸ˜›

    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563572

    Her poor wings, yeek. They’ve been through not one but two major accidents. I don’t even know what the first one was: it happened before I got her, and cost her the last third of both wings. When she was shipped to me, the seller sent her squeezed into a flat-rate Priority Mail box. She had a nice foam rubber pad under her, and lots of packing peanuts. Unfortunately the box must have been turned upside-down at some point, and something heavy put on top of it. The packing peanuts didn’t stop her from settling to the bottom, where a lot of the paint on her wings got rubbed off against the cardboard. Then the box got scrunched, and her wings collected a whole new set of breaks. πŸ™
    Well, I wanted a challenge . . . πŸ™„

    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563567
    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563563

    Uh . . . wow. Wow wow. 😯 I had no idea. Oh my. Wow. πŸ˜€
    Okay, that settles it, she gets restored. I will do my very best for her. She’s so broken! πŸ˜₯ I’ll take more photos, maybe this weekend, and you can see. Even in her current condition, though, she’s got a powerful force of personality. Her name is My Lady; the name hit me the moment I opened her box. I’d been resisting the urge to name her that, but there’s no question about it now. She deserves the honor.
    It’s ironic that I bid on her simply because she was so broken, and I wanted very much to try restoring her. She has so many little chips and some major breaks; I figured she’d keep me happily occupied for months! Now I know she’ll keep me busy, because I want to see her whole again. And although I’d bid on her with the notion of repainting her, I don’t think I’d dare do that now. If I can match her original paint job, I will.
    Hoo. Wow. (I may be repeating that for a few days!)

    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563548

    Photo #1 shows the bubble best. (I’m still amazed that the links work. Thanks for the tutorial, GB!) Sorry about all the dirt on the dragon’s face–I was in a hurry to catch the last of the sun and didn’t even clean her. 😳

    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563546

    Okay, here goes. I’ve taken some photos of those crazy eyes and put them on Photobucket. Now I’m going to try my hand at including the links. This could be entertaining for the more experienced forum users to watch. πŸ˜› Popcorn?




    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563544

    Fascinating–I’d always wondered how the Windstone eyes managed to look so lifelike. I’ll see if I can get a decent picture of this dragon’s eyes. It’ll be tricky to get the bubbles in focus! They could be just as you say, trapped underneath the material used to make the pupil. I should mention that this poor lady is in pretty awful shape overall, broken and really dirty. πŸ™
    Mimitrek, I looked up the link you sent, and it made me run and take another hard look at mine! Her eyes are orange, though, and the pupils at least seem to be the regular size, and when I tap on them they sound like glass. But I am prone to wishful thinking! πŸ™„

    in reply to: "Bubble" eyes #563539

    I ran across a Mother Dragon in the Old Green coloration recently. She has the most peculiar eyes. In each eye there is a pretty big bubble trapped deep in the eye, directly over the pupil. I’ve never seen anything like this before, and it makes me wonder if she is legit. The rest of her looks OK to my admittedly undertrained eye: no felt pad but she has the stamp, she’s just as heavy as my other Green Mother, and where she’s chipped the exposed material is finely grained and doesn’t powder when pressed. It’s just . . . those eyes . . . 😯 Do you recall any “bubble-eyed” dragons from that era? Thanks!

    in reply to: POLL: Old vs New Peacock #563506

    My immediate reaction is to prefer the new version. I love bright colors! I bought a Fledgeling in peacock shortly before the retirement was announced, and I think his version of the paint job is my favorite. But I saw an Emperor in an older version of peacock the other day–base color is a deep blue without green–and I have to admit that the more I looked at him, the better I liked him. There are some of the nearly-black peacock pieces on eBay right now. I don’t know what to make of those. I wish I could see one in person . . . without having to buy him first! πŸ˜›
    It is neat that there are so many variations of one “color”. Does anybody know why so many variants were produced?

    in reply to: Wisdom Teeth #552339

    I had the usual 4 wisdom teeth–wow, I had no idea that there could be more or fewer than that! The top two came in fine. The bottom two were impacted and starting to shove all of my lower teeth forward: I still make a funny pattern when I bite into an apple. πŸ˜› When I was 18, my dentist persuaded me to have all 4 removed: he said that if he pulled the bottom two and left the top two, they’d drop down because there was nothing for them to strike against. (Okay . . .) I have a serious case of the screamin’ squeamies when it comes to needles, but after listening to my mom’s wisdom teeth extraction story (general anesthesia) and then my dad’s (“I had a local, and it was just fine!”) I decided it was going to be general anesthesia for me, sorry Dad.
    I had a moderate attack of the creepies when the assistant went fishing for a vein, but once they got the drip hooked up, I was out like a light. I woke up lying on a couch in a room I’d never seen before (that was weird) with Mom standing nearby looking green. My mouth was crammed full of cotton, which I promptly spat all over the nice clean floor. Mom lugged me out to the car. I felt absolutely no pain, and it was a darned good thing I wasn’t driving. πŸ˜†
    Well, my face swelled and bruised like crazy. I looked like a chipmunk that had been in a bicycle accident. For some reason, though, it didn’t particularly hurt: ached some, but not bad at all. I took painkiller the first day and never again; kept telling myself that if it started to hurt in earnest, I’d take the Vicodin, but it didn’t. I did, however, lie around wearing the stupidest ice pack arrangement on the planet: two jumbo maxipads that had been soaked in water and put in the freezer, tied up in a tea towel around my jaw. Dad, the eternal prude, couldn’t even look at me in that getup without getting embarrassed. My sisters thought it all howlingly funny. All I cared was it reduced the swelling, and it didn’t hurt, and anything that took the lovely purple and crimson away faster was fine by me. πŸ˜› So I can recommend One More Use for Maxipads. πŸ˜‰
    I never developed a dry socket, and when the dentist pulled those silly tickling sutures he said it all looked great, considering that one of the impacted teeth had hung onto my jaw like grim death and finally taken a piece of bone with it! I’ve got the set somewhere, and he’s right.
    My sister had her wisdom teeth out two years later. For her, the problem wasn’t so much the surgery as the discovery that she’s quite allergic to erythromycin! So I hope they use an antibiotic that you already know you’ll be OK with. Wishing you the best of luck!

    in reply to: White Pawed Wolf Question #553114

    Regarding pad color and nail color in canids: It seems pretty consistent that if a pad is all dark, the nail usually is too. Likewise, if the skin around a nail is dark, the nail is usually dark. Light skin and especially pink pads tend to result in pink/white nails. You can also get a mixture of dark nails and white nails on the same paw, although this still seems to depend on the neighboring skin color. And I’m sure there are exceptions to every rule! πŸ™‚
    It can get fun when the pad and/or the skin are finely spotted, like some Queensland heelers or spaniels and their cousins. This will give you a striped nail (like you might find on a horse’s hoof) where the dark nail is next to the dark skin and the pink/white nail is next to the white skin.
    Calico and tortoiseshell cats are REALLY cool demonstrations of coat color genetics, but they’re not the topic here, so I’ll be quiet. πŸ˜›
    Pictures would help, darn it; I wish I had a good photo reference. I bet a groomer could put together a fantanstic coat color and paw reference!

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