Raffle prize for April

This is “April” the Windstone forum raffle prize for April. This is a test painted Lap dragon that has been painted over so many times her detail has begun to fill in, but she is still very pretty in her various shades of copper, ruby, gold and deep red. She has probably been painted by … Read more

They are everywhere… By Chessie

Last night I went over to a new friend’s house and found a Windstone in her living room! It belonged to her roommate, who had owned it for years. They were both excited to find out it was my mom who made it. This sort of thing happens all the time. My boyfriend’s mother had … Read more

The endangered Gothic Unicorn

The Gothic Unicorn is a great mystery. If you are unfamiliar with this piece, The “Gothic Unicorn” is a funny looking goat-like unicorn sculpture, with a poofy llama tail. He is retired in the white color, but I had always intended to paint him in other colors. The mystery about him is…what happened to him? … Read more

Mold making update

Things are happening in the mold department! We have unearthed the “Keeper Dragon” master. This sculpture is the larger of the two Paint-your-own dragons I made. If you would like to see him out of his case, here is a link to a picture of a test painted Keeper in my Elfwood gallery: http://melodypena.elfwood.com/Paint_your_own_paw_up_dragon.3031676.html We … Read more

I make aluminum foil animals.

Doesn’t everyone ? I have made foil creatures since I was in kindergarten. My mom started me on this hobby by teaching me how to make ducks. Ducks are made by rolling a piece of foil around your finger with the open seam up. You pinch the end into a duck head, remove the foil … Read more

Packing department

I think carts of finished product is a lovely sight. It is so nice to see stuff getting finished! I thought these bobcats looked so cute all laid out like cupcakes on a bakery rack. The packing department is starting to be filled with product, but even this last stage of the finishing process is … Read more

Wild Plum

This is “Wild Plum”, the raffle prize for May! He was an Amethyst colored Oriental dragon that got a wild hair and turned out a coppery plum color. He is one of the test paints I did for a “Copper Plum” color I am working on. This is a experimental color combination sort of like … Read more

Our Windstone garden, yeah right!

This is our backyard at the Windstone factory in Corvallis Oregon. Isn’t it great? There is a little creek if you keep going towards the big trees. The creek feeds into the Mary’s river, which is at the end of our street. We thought it would be fun to put in a big vegetable garden … Read more

New Flap cat colors

This is a photo shopped pic of three, make that four, new flapcat colors I have painted. ( I flipped the black sunset cat , he really faces the other way) I have been painting all the flapcats I can find around here. We have quite a few of the eye shut ones, so I … Read more

Cute Chick

There are allot of finished or almost finished pieces that I have sculpted for Windstone that we have never produced. Sometimes they are just finished sculpture, but sometimes they nearly reach the stage of being in production before we go “eh” and shelve the idea. This chick is one of the ones we made mold … Read more

When you think you know something…

…you are probably wrong. Since the website “Snopes” became the ultimate source for truth… I now have come to accept that 99.9 percent of everything I thought… is wrong. The “Great Wall” is not the only man made thing visible from space ( I guess I could of figured that one out myself if I … Read more

Raffle prize for July!

I have been experimenting with transparent glaze-like finishes for years. They look really great but they always run and make puddles at the bottom of the piece. I managed to get around this problem on this flegeling by holding him in my hand and rotating him until the finish dried. That won’t work in production, … Read more

Windstone photos

I haven’t had time to write about whats going on in the Windstone factory lately! We have been working hard to re-learn everything from casting to paint color mixing. It is very frustrating work. I took some photos of our three long-suffering painters. These people deserve a round of applause for putting up with everything! … Read more

Its really hot here

Its hot. And I had a beer. So I was looking around for a different subject to draw, and decided to draw the toilet tank, because it is pretty cool sitting backwards on the toilet in the bathroom with a beer. This is part of my life-long effort make myself draw things that I am … Read more

Further adventures of the casting demons

I was asked about our reject pieces by “Nakase” in a thread on the Windstone forum: http://www.windstoneeditions.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11360 I have been whining about how much trouble we have been having with the gypsum lately, so here are a few photos of what we are dealing with. I tried to photo the more subtle defects that these … Read more