Forum Replies Created
Along slightly different lines, I bought something on Amazon that was shipped via UPS. I sent it to my brother’s office, an address where he’d received lots of things I sent to him via USPS before. The package never showed up, and in looking through UPS’s scant tracking data available through Amazon, it shows they altered the address due to an ‘incorrect ZIP code’. The package was not signed for by my brother or anyone at his workplace, and I can’t access any of the info I need to put in a claim with UPS because I’m not the actual sender of the package. That, and it’s been way too long since the package shipped to file a claim anyway.
Bottom line is that I’m always happy to take my business to the USPS!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
March 16, 2012 at 2:16 pm in reply to: WTB/T GBUnis/Candy Corns trading GBB Poad GB Young 2YOrientals GBUnis Hatching empress Glacier Toasted Pearl Curlies Copper Male #876751PMed you!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
Welcome! Windstones are definitely like potato chips… can’t have just one 🙂
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
Pam, the Stegosaurus does have some really faint stripes on his back leg and the base of his tail. I would *love* to see the Monoclonius sculpt, even if there’s only a picture of it somewhere (and even though it may not be a valid species anymore, eek!).
Darkmoon Dancer, sorry if the picture is confusing, but the early Triceratops doesn’t have his head higher than the production sculpt – the piece is just tipped up because of the poof of the chair cushion! However there are some major differences in the sculpts the pictures don’t convey. Neither of these have a felt pad, a Windstone stamp, or even a finished bottom! The bases are a little uneven and you can see where the bubbles popped through the hardening gypsum stone. The Stegosaurus has his signature plate from Melody higher up on his tail, and the Triceratops is marked “1984 M. Pena” on his signature plate, but the production version is marked “Pena 93”.
The museum I work for used to sell the hatching Protoceratops and Maiasaura years before I came on board. I wish they were still in production, they were apparently hot items in the gift shop!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
I adore the dinosaurs 🙂 It took me years but I’ve added all of the regular production pieces to my collection, along with these beauties!
Melody has described these as very early versions of the baby dinos, and if I remember right she wasn’t sure how they made it out into the world! I found them on Ebay, go figure 🙂Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
February 28, 2012 at 3:03 am in reply to: February 2012 Grab Bag Young Poads–post their arrivals! #875054My little one is here! She is a cutie… I can’t decide whether I want to trade her away or not, but she’s growing on me 🙂 Melody, this and all of the other Poads I’ve seen are beautiful!
She’s got all sorts of colors on her, with a copper blush on her throat, copper beak and toenails, metallic light blue eyes, and purple interference paint on the trailing edges of her lacework. Yay!Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
Oh goodness, I listen to a huge variety of music… it’d be hard to pick out a favorite! I grew up with jazz, 80’s hits, and rock, and have mostly stuck with rock and alt-rock as I’ve gotten older. Not the stuff these young whippersnappers call rock nowadays though 😉
If I had to pick just one song as my favorite, it would be “Paranoid Android” by Radiohead. Radiohead is to me what Pink Floyd is to my dad – a band I discovered young and grew up with, loving their evolving and changing sound with every new album.
KaytanaPhoenix, ironically one of the genres I like *least* is country music 🙂 But I think that’s because I haven’t listened to enough of it! Looking forward to hearing your favorites list.
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
All the best to your little guy Drag0nfeathers! I have a female cat that wasn’t blocked up, but had bladder stones when she was around 1.5 years old. Like a few others users here I can recommend the Science Diet “prescription” food made for cats with urinary tract issues. It’s not particularly expensive compared to a lot of the other natural cat food brands, and it’s worked for my Loki! I don’t feed it to her exclusively – I echo Wampus’s suggestions about good high protien, low grain and filler foods. With medication and the Science Diet food Loki’s stones dissolved in a few weeks, I weaned her slowly off of the Science Diet food, and she hasn’t had any troubles since.
Another factor in kidney and urinary tract problems is water; well hydrated cats are much less likely to have issues. Just like everything else though, cats can be finicky about their water source! Loki has a little fountain just for her, with a charcoal filter in the base to catch anything icky. She still drinks out of the sink (and toilet!!!) every now and then, but prefers the fountain and is drinking more because of it. Petco sells a self-branded fountain that’s small, inexpensive compared to others, and has filters that also don’t cost an arm and a leg to replace. If you don’t have a Petco near you they sell them online too.
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
Hehe, why did I have to see this post when I’m already hungry? 🙂
I *love* sushi, although since my hubby doesn’t like anything fishy I don’t have the chance to eat it that often. I’m getting him to ‘wade’ in though, little by little! My favorite go-to roll is the spider roll, which contains fried softshell crab, but I’m also a sucker for anything that has avacado and/or eel in it. Add in a big bowl of miso soup with lots of seaweed, and I’m a happy camper!
On a side note, thank you Jennifer for posting that link! There are few businesses that I’ve found openly posting their seafood sources (sushi place or not), but I think that if enough people start asking businesses will be able to brag about having good sources and attract more customers for it. Very much like how cage-free chicken and grass-fed beef is all the rage now, as it should be!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
I always figured “ugly Windstone” was an oxymoron 🙂
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
February 16, 2012 at 12:27 am in reply to: January Grab Bag Baby Unicorn – Post them as you get them! #873684Lovely uni Fatalbeauty, I love that contrast between the green and copper. Thanks for the pics!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
February 11, 2012 at 11:45 pm in reply to: January Grab Bag Baby Unicorn – Post them as you get them! #873342Pretty girl Copper! I really like the shading around her muzzle.
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
February 11, 2012 at 1:56 am in reply to: OFFICIAL TRADE Thread for Grab Bag Baby Bunch (1/26/2012) #873252You and I are of the same mind drag0n! Good thing for my computer that I keep my nails too trimmed to do much damage 😉
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
Sorry to hear about your fishies Skeeterdee. For all of the dedicated and truly animal-oriented people that work at Petco, there are lots of employees that simply have no idea of what they’re doing. A friend of mine used to work there part time, because he loved reptiles and bugs and kept many himself. He ended up being the only one on staff (including the managers) who would even touch them, so he was the only one that fed them or cleaned their tanks. He ended up coming in on days where he wasn’t scheduled to make sure they were well cared for. He ended up working in the fish section too – only to be told he wasn’t allowed to use store stock medication to treat the store’s sick fish!
He was also appalled at the people that came in wanting to buy animals but having no idea how to care for them, and unwilling to purchase the proper habitats/vitamins/etc. He had one customer who was very bent out of shape that he essentially refused to sell her a turtle – when she wanted to put it in an aquarium full of water as she believed turtles had no respiratory system and didn’t need to breathe air!
Not to whine too much; I’m glad you and all of the other forum members I see talking about their pets here do everything to take care of their critters. Best of luck with the fish that survived through this ordeal, I hope they bring you many relaxing views through the tank!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!
Black Hills country is my home! I’m so glad you had a safe trip and good time spent with your Dad. Great pictures too BTW! As long as I’ve lived here and as much time as I’ve spent up in the hills, I’ve never seen an elk. One day!
Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!