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  • in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784165

      hey y’all! phew! i’m still alive and around! i’ve been wicked busy and behind in all aspects of my life for a long time now, but finally trying to get caught up. i’ve actually been checking on the forum pretty regularly, been have been too lazy to log in.. id check the store and the ask melody section, but often totally missed the community section and not to mention this entry until tonight!!
      i wicked miss all of y’all and the fun of this forum, but i’ve just been in such a funk this year. all the drama and health issues from my wisdom teeth being out last year just continued on into this year- i was constantly sick with all different things the whole first 6 months of this year, and i’ve been trying to play catch up ever since.i turned 30 this year in september and that had me in a real depression of wanting to be further along and better off in my life at this point, but i’m trying get over that and use it as much of it as a constructive force as possible to make progress.
      another a big thing is that money has been super tight here (me now 3/4 supporting my same old b.f. along with myself on 250 bucks a week), and i simply haven’t been able to afford all (if any) of the prettys here that i would like to have. 🙁 i see many others buying, buying and buying and i wish i had that kind of dough to pay the bills, give it to family, get out of debt, etc. but i don’t and it gets sad and upsetting sometimes. i did manage to get an amethyst curl n fledge though as my only special goodies as of late.
      on a more positive note, in an attempt to make my art skills work for me and hopefully someday bring in more income ( if not an exclusive source of it so i can quit my day job) i have been trying my own hand at costume making, specifically fursuit making. 🙂 its quite the expensive field to start to get into unfortunately, >.< which has been where my only extra tidbits of money have gone, instead of windstones. i'm a sculptor by nature and have always sculpting anthropomorphic characters and fantasy creatures, so it seemed like a logical and fun branch off to sculpt in the new medium of foam, really bring these critters to life and have a little less to worry about in regards to copyright infringement.(aka people pulling molds of your work and reselling it)
      anyhoo, i’ve made two suits so far and put them to use in fundraising events at my work and using them in town for community events with great results thus far, so i’m working on learning, getting the techniques down and hopefully get selling some work someday. it is horribly hard to do something like this and still work a regular boring job,as u have no creative time to work on it so finishing a single suit takes months! i’ll post some pics of some of my fun out and about in costume in a separate post soon to not hijack this one. 🙂
      thanks for thinking of me and remembering me and i did not forget all of you….i’ve just been in a horrible endless funk this whole year, while at the same time trying to forward myself with my costume work with any free time.
      i am and will be around though- i am actually in such a money pinch right now i am working on finishing up a few of my long ago started pyos for some extra needed money, and setting the costume work on the shelf until i can get things under control a little better’ll see some pyos and some regular production pieces on ebay from me hopefully sooner rather than the meantime, i’ll try to sign in and comment more often, i am here, just quiet and watching and trying to get caught up here!

      in reply to: Calling all paint your own artists: P.Y.O dragon wanted #761948

        hey guys! long time no speak! 😀 thanks for the good words about my work- i really appreciate it! i’m glad y’all are still nice n happy with your pieces from me too! ^.^ yays!
        i did get in touch with laura btw…..unfortunately i’ve just had no time for ANYTHING lately due to having to deal all the charming and relentless dramas of life in the past many months, let alone having time for commissions, ebay pyos or even getting to post on the forum! >.< i simply haven't been able to take on anything with a time frame for a bit cuz i'm still playing catch up from xmas..sheesh! i have been loosely keeping up things here though thru lurking around when i can etc. and i know a lot of you guys in the same kind of boat…the world sure hasn't been an easy place to be in lately!
        my regards especially to Purple and Laphon for me not getting back to you guys…i really appreciate you guys checking in on me….i was just in such a dark place for a while i really just needed to distance myself from everyone (even my super best friend from childhood) as to not bog down those i care for with my murk. things are somewhat better now and everyone’s ok, so nothing to worry about there. i missed the forum and all the support and fun of folks here, (sigh) so hopefully i’ll be able to get my butt back on here and post some pics of what i’ve been up to (on the good side)! not to mention i still have tons of 80% done pyos, if i could only finish them! >.<

        in reply to: Radio Show #735392

          yes i had to use the old link and itunes too..i heard the new thing maybe wouldn t work with a mac…….

          in reply to: Happy Birthday tfsculptures (9/8) #732000

            pegasi1978 wrote:

            oh and this is totally sweet by the way! 8) lols! boy i loved that piece! thanks pegasi!! tee hee!

            in reply to: Happy Birthday tfsculptures (9/8) #731999

              YIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIPPEE! thank you guys! 😀 😀 y’all remembered me! yays! squee squee squee! not too many peeps remembered me today, but this is sweet! thank you! 😀 thankies for all the birthday wishes! i’m an old n dusty 29 today! one year before a big one!
              my sincerest apologies for not being seen around here lately the past couple months, i’ve really just had almost everything in my life go wrong as of late and its taken all my time and emotional energy to being dealing with it all. 🙁 its been so tough, but i’m trying to keeping hoping that after all this bad, that its high time to have an upswing and have things go better. thank you too ashli, for checking in on me- i didn’t forget you!!!! these last couple weeks have been the worst and only just the past couple days have i gotten a little breathing room to get back to folks!
              in a nutshell i’ve been suffering from the after effects of the wisdom tooth extraction incident, manifesting in really damaged short term memory ( you were right david!) and really persistent skin allergy problems. all of my five dogs got sick and needed to be vetted, each for different things over the past couple months, including multiple allergic reactions to possibly something in the apartment ( working on cleaning the place out this week), and two needed massive dentals totalling over $1600 within of a month of each other! 😯
              anyhoo, dealing with me being unwell, all my dogs having problems, my mom being sick and me working full time this summer to help fund it all has had me in real stitches to say the least! o.O its been soooo hard!
              i’ve been having to start selling down my collection to help get some more money flowing ( my dad hasn’t been able to get work, so i need to help him get some $$ to help pay for stuff and mom) so you’ll be seeing my stuff on ebay over the coming weeks to try to get things back under control.
              i’m back to part time now for fall, so i’ll be around more and be able after a little bit to be doing pyos again, for ebay and custom stuff and hopefully all will get back to normal. yays! i know a lot of folks on here have had real rough summer, with lots going wrong, or getting expensive, so that tough luck cloud has really been lingering for more that just me!
              sorry i have a negative report for the past couple months, but pound for pound i did have a decent day for my birthday today- i had to work unfortunately, but it was ok overall with minimal baloney. my parents came out this past weekend and we had a great visit complete with dinner, ice cream cake, etc, so that made things festive and hopeful. 🙂 sorry for the long rattle, but i wanted to account for my absence, etc..
              thank you so much for the b-day wishes everyone! (happy dance and festive birthday huggles for everyone) ^.^ squee!

              in reply to: Happy Birthday Necron99 (9/7) #731823

                yays! yip yip yippee for a very happy birthday for you! i hope you having an awesome birthday today and best wishes for a positive, healthy year to come!! 😀 😀 😀

                in reply to: TFs' pyos:new tropical sea dragon pg.5 #663644

                  tasgrs wrote:

                  WOW! That is one stunning paint job…..I love the blues.
                  Question: I have not been able to find antiquing in the gel form or in any other colors besides black and brown. I tried the local Michael’s and A.C. Moore’s….any suggestions?

                  oh! i almost forgot to comment on this! as for the antiquing, i don’t use any product to help, i just use the tiniest amount of water occasionally, often not at all to thin the paint to be ideal for the antiquing. i’ve found for effective antiquing for me is more based on a cleanly laid base coat and the correct amount of pressure with a bare finger at the right time after the paint has had a moment or two to start to set up on the surface.
                  i do know of the product of which you are inquiring though! i have some but have never used it yet, but i followed the link in the posts around here to know what product was good. i bought it at michaels, in the isle with the craft paints… its decoart brand “staining and antiquing medium”.. “turns acrylics into a stain” it also reads. same size bottle as the normal decoart craft paints. it has no color, so u can mix the color u want to use with it to make your custom antique. the color of the stuff in the bottle looks like drying elmers’ glue, its milky like. the label is fugly brown with images of wooden trim on it, which makes it easy to mistake it as something purely for wood based crafts. it fooled me the first time i went in there looking for it. i hope that helps! 🙂

                  lokie!!! yay, hi and thank you! i’ve been meaning to ask you, how is your awesome brown dragon coming?! huh huh? gosh i love that piece!

                  in reply to: TFs' pyos:new tropical sea dragon pg.5 #663638

                    oh SQUEE!!!!!!! thanks guys!!!! 😀 squealy, squealie squealies!!! i’m so you glad you guys like him so!! yay! thank you so much!! y’all made my next couple nights!! 😀 (big group huggles) i was so wanting to do a water dragon for a bit, so it was quite fun to do him, plus its great knowing that he was going to a good home! thankies!
                    hmmm so what’s next? i have a black n purple kirin almost done- it just needs the finishing touches. i also have a pearl white, pale purple and violet dragon most of the way done, but that one has been super difficult so gosh knows when i will finish that one. the pearl white always makes me surly and i always choose to work it in some where on a piece. >.< i have a keeper i have to finish up too, but they are so time consuming with all the scale edging cleanup, etc. but i really want to finish him in particular. he's another bad boy type. the kirin is next though, so it shouldn't be *too* long before i post him (knock on wood).

                    in reply to: TFs' pyos:new tropical sea dragon pg.5 #663621

                      siberakh1 wrote:

                      He’s gorgeous! I love his neck frills!

                      oooh yeah his neck frills are TOTALLY my favorite part on him! i was thrilled with how they came together and came out!! squee!! i was squealing when i did the first one and saw that it was going to work and look cool, lol! i kept the marine blue real light and washy over the blue underneath so it had that transparent quality.

                      in reply to: I was told not to post but I'm going to anyway #716850

                        ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh poor him!!!! geez, i worried so much of the night when i first read that post- you both have been so through so much; you guys are not allowed to have anymore problems with his health, nope, sorry, not allowed no way. nope! 🙁 >.<
                        glad to hear he’s doing better now though, phew!! i hope that’s truly official.
                        thats totally inexcusable the way he was treated- some professional institution!! i don’t know how someone can see someone is unwell and needing help and just not care!!! if not from your own sense of humanity, try the fact that its your job to help!!! freekin duh! grrr! anyhoo, at least he is feeling better, thats what counts, but still it doesn’t make being treated poorly and left to suffer any more excusable. thats hat we were worried about when i was down with my tooth anesthetic thing- we were worried about getting that same wonky “care” and paying extra for it. blah. you guys take it easy and keep feeling better! (hugs) 🙂

                        in reply to: TFs' pyos:new tropical sea dragon pg.5 #663615

                          a zillion years later, its time for a new pyo!! this guy was a commission, to have the colors of a tropical sea, but interestingly enough, i was coincidentally planning on doing a water themed dragon next anyway, so this little guy kinda did two birds with one stone! it took care of my craving to do a water dragon and but the color/patterning choices were tailored to the commission.
                          this fella gradates from a marine blue to aqua then to a pearly white aqua on his feetsies, muzzle, belly and bottom of the wingwebs. i then antiqued over the body with a marine/aqua blue mix. his accents/trim are in a gold brushed over with pearl white to soften the sharpness of a classic gold and to better coordinate with the straw eyes.
                          it was a little bit of a trick to be sure to not have made this guy look exactly like any of the previously done water dragons, of which there are quite a few, but i think his colors and patterning are pretty safe. 🙂 hope y’all like him! 😀



                          in reply to: Happy Birthday Pegasi1978 6/18 #715285

                            OH BOY!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PEGASI!!! i hope you have an awesome one!!!!! 😀

                            in reply to: anesthesia advice #713892

                              well, thank you for all the support and info guys i really appreciate it! <3 <3 through some of the most confusing moments of this i was alone here, but you guys really gave me some company and kept me from getting too upset or hopeless. thank you!!!
                              so the scoop…it took quite a while for the on call dr to call me back,but he was like, “what the HELL is wrong with your dentist to tell you to just lay there and wait to get better? what is going on with you is clearly not normal and someone should check u out.” he recommended to either go to the er or see my regular dr first thing in the morning…we gave a buzz to the er but they the were an awful bunch of doofuseses, so rather than pay thru the nose for bad care or get given something that could make me worse, and since i was gradually feeling better not worse, we stuck it out til first thing in the morning and saw my regular dr. immediately. she felt, like the dentist, that i just had a bad reaction to everything and it was taking a long time for everythings’ ill effects to get out of my system, but that it definitely wasn’t normal. since my system was already in freekout mode with not liking anything i was given, she was concerned that anything she gave me would possibly make things worse and have a strange reaction to that as well. she gave me the same instructions, go rest and drink like crazy to flush it out of you. she also made note of all the meds in my file and to most likely avoid them all.we took some blood too to check my thyroid function just in case that had something to do with the filtering/dizziness issue. so i can say now at least that i was seen by someone and she checked out a bunch of stuff on me and could see no clear signs of anything major being wrong. it does bring some relief, but only so much as she is by no means a super dr. :S she also said if i still am dizzy, etc. after a week or more that she will refer me to a neurologist….hmmm
                              i must say i could like her alot more.. she doesn’t listen well and is very impulsive so i will definitely be looking for a new general dr… one funny thing is that she said is that there is absolutely positively no antidote injection for versed!!! what?! um, ok she got right in my face hooting and said there was no such thing! i guess she hasn’t seen this, lol:
                              i know this is just wiki, so i’ll find an official med site or the fda sheet or whatever and send it to we are still going to get in contact with other family friends/peeps we know who have good medical knowledge to see what they may have to say on this, but for now i am gradually and slowly feeling better. i’m going to go to work tomorrow and just take it real easy….i talked to my boss and they are gonna keep an eye on me and keep me in the back as best as possible so i don’t have to deal with the public much. just taking it one day at a time here…thank you all for your support and information!! really! you are truly a wise and supportive bunch!! i wish my dr was as smart and experienced as you guys!! i am so beat, so time to stagger to bed!

                              in reply to: anesthesia advice #713887

                                i wasn’t really instructed on anything to or not to drink in regards to flushing my system… but i have been drinking arizona green tea, water and one of those dragonfruit (no caffeine) fruit water electrolyte drinks( just a tiny bit of that).
                                today i am a tiny bit less loopy, but juuuuust is encouraging , but still i know i shouldn’t feel this way almost a week later. i’m going to call my general dr and hopefully get ahold of someone that can help. sigh. 🙁 i just don’t want to get charged up the kazoo at the ER in fees, especially if they just send me home and tell me to follow the dentists orders to just rest. i know, i know the money/expense should be the least of my worries when it comes to my health. not to sound like a nut but i don’t exactly want to make the dentist mad by stepping on his toes and bypassing his opinion, especially if i get sent back to him for anything in regards to this. 🙄 ( but then again most likely i’ll never see him again anyway, cuz i only have one set of wisdom teeth,LOL!) but, better that than whatever damage this could be doing to my system….plus it would be good just to know whats up.
                                i just called my general dr. and they are going to have another partner dr of hers call me back within an hour. we’ll see what this guy says.

                                in reply to: anesthesia advice #713877

                                  Necron99 wrote:

                                  doesnt sound right to me and i was under for 2 days and kept on all kinds of painkillers . I lost i think 3 days all together and after sleep on the third i was awake with no adverse reactions . But hey we are all different like everyone else says call you dentist and then if you dont get the info you want call your doc .

                                  I had a brocnch yesterday and was sleepy all day , but im a light weight . Today i am wide awake no side effects like the dizzy, sleepy , muddled head feelings of yesterday

                                  i knew if anyone had a tale tell it would be you necron with your incredible surgery! thats incredible that so shortly thereafter such a big procedure you were back with it again!! i am so soooo glad you got thru all that and it worked out for you to where you can go on and have a great hearty life! what a miracle!! 😀
                                  honestly i’m kinda sensitive even to novacaine … within 20 minutes of getting even a tiny bit i turn ice cold with crazy body shakes so much that voice shakes/stutters and i feel super sedated and impaired the rest of the day. noone was worried or curious about that either, lol. i shouldn’t be surprised that i feel this way i guess, but i really just want to feel better/sober and know that things will truly be ok. i have no pain in the teeth just a wee bit of tenderness, but i’m drunk-like and swaying like all heck. i checked my blood pressure and its fine so no problem there. i think what i’ll do is if i don’t feel markedly better in the morning i will call my regular dr and get her opinion as best i can with it then being a sunday. i read *online* that what i have is classic signs of an overdose and the standard way of treating it is just giving an injection of a reversal drug and you are fine lickety split. thats no substitute for a real dr though and speaking with my dentist he said just rest, stick it out and wait. i have had NO improvement all day again so i will try to get a second opinion in my general dr tomorrow i hope. i want to avoid a walk in clinic as i’ve had bad experiences with those around here.
                                  ill do my best to take care of myself over here, thanks for you concern all! heh, you guys are more concerned than my boyfriend; he STILL isn’t home yet to help take care of me and the apartment. and its almost 10 pm and he’s been gone since morning partying with the guys! my poor dad is so upset i’ve been left alone- he had to go home to upstate ny to tend to the house there and its killing him that he had to go home and now i’m unattended and he’s helpless to do anything from that was a long sentence! ha! anyhoo, i’ll keep yall posted- gotta go try to give the dogs dinner!

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