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  • in reply to: So I had a BIG surprise today! #937179

      Yup, you’ll get the hang of it so well that the next time you get in an automatic you’ll stomp the floorboards looking for the clutch when you go to start the car or stop. I drove a little red truck that was a standard and my Mustang is also a standard. I reckon the next will be an automatic, but it sure is fun to drive a stick!

      in reply to: That horrible feeling… #936574

        It will feel much better not to worry as much about the weather and not feel like I have to jet out of work to go home because there’s a snow shower going. But I also work for a state university, and with the budget situation as it is right now I’m uncomfortable with the idea of depleting savings and taking on a payment.

        I suppose at this point it’s going to come down to my sanity and better piece of mind in winter weather or my financial comfort.

        in reply to: September Raffle? #934838

          ah yes raffle raffle raffle…

          Heh, Melody you’re such a good sport.

          in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933812

            Mine came today. She is a lovely silver tiger with a leopard tail. I think she’s stunning, but I’m also open to trades, so I’ll post her in the trades section shortly.

            in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933673

              So, I’ve looked at the class photos. Numerous times. And my eyes keep coming back to this guy. He has chosen himself to be my #1. There are only a few that I probably would trade away if I got them, but I would trade any of them for this guy. Here’s hoping! Can’t wait for these guys to start showing up!

              Ah heck! You want my very favoritest! And so does someone else further down the thread! Now how am I going to get it? I’ll probably get the only one in the batch that nobody likes 🙁

              LOL, nah, the ‘getting the one that nobody wants’ thing usually seems to happen to me. 😉

              in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933580

                bad me raided the emergency savings a little but I have to sell black cougar or tan cougar when I get my GB, I’m waiting to see what I end up with first then one has to go! only allowed two of any pebble per my own rules to keep from having an infestation…

                anyhoo, back on topic, I’m leaning more towards the fantasy or weirder ones, yes I think the spottys are pretty but weirder/fantasy are more interesting to me! though I wouldn’t mind a black leopard/jaguar type with the spots too…

                Yeah, I sort of did the same thing, but just stuck it on my credit card. I really ought not have, saving for a new truck, but y’know…

                I don’t have my heart set on any one cougar really, just hoping I get something interesting!

                in reply to: GB Cougar #933522

                  Dang it. I have to wait for some to drop out of carts. I didn’t check my email in time.

                  Edit: Got it!

                  in reply to: Flight Rising – dragon pet game #930702

                    There’s another window coming up on Saturday if there were still folks here who haven’t had a chance to sign up. I’m Rusti on the site, list me as your referral or hit me up once you’ve joined.


                      You will almost always have more options open to you later with a Bachelors than you will with only an Associates – generally speaking. I don’t know much about the field of radiography, but if you can afford to do it, I would suggest the Bachelors degree.

                      in reply to: A Question #929843

                        LOL, I don’t currently have a dog, and it’s not a voluntary situation. That might also be part of my problem.

                        in reply to: Flight Rising – dragon pet game #929823

                          Don’t feel too bad about not having a level 25 yet. It took me a while to get around the grinding the coliseum enough to make my first team. I think I’ve got five or six 25s now and have the intent to level the rest of my permanent residents too, just haven’t all the way yet.

                          in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928729

                            I got mine today too.

                            I’ll take better pictures later, I just didn’t have time to do a photoshoot and won’t for a while. He’s very pretty, I think, but if someone loves him more, I may put him up for trade and see if there are any offers.

                            in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928358

                              I got one just to see what I get. I don’t have my heart set on any one of them, so could be a toss up whether I’ll want to keep it or off load it. I love the fantasy themed stuff.

                              in reply to: Flight Rising – dragon pet game #927673

                                Got your request. Enjoy the game!

                                Edit; Yes, you can definitely look at other people’s lairs and their dragons. There’s a ‘dragon lair’ link just under the header bar and next to the navigation column. it’s a text path that looks like:
                                Rusti: Clan Profile » Dragon Lair » Nesting Grounds and clicking on the ‘dragon lair’ link takes you to a user’s lair.

                                in reply to: Question about Possible Art Copying #926993


                                  Here’s a place to start to get in touch with the original artist.

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