
Flight Rising – dragon pet game

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      I also play there, name Serendipitous πŸ™‚

      It really is such a fun time sink XD Have to watch out not to get started with something when I know I have something coming up. You’ll lose a few hours before you know it!


        Another registration window is open today ! For anyone interested πŸ˜‰

        Im so addicted to this game, its all I seem to have time to play now, lol !


          Amstaff I completely agree, it’s addictive in the best way, haha.

          http://www.flightrising.com is the site; it’s free so give it a try! I’m username clanguardian there, don’t hesitate to add me as a friend or drop me a line if I can help with any questions or getting you started.

          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


            Feel free to friend me as well! I’m Stormbreeze on there, same as here. πŸ™‚

            [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


              I believe I have you all in my friends list?

              Its my first time helping out with a Dom push, and its been fun ! I used to feel guilty exalting the dragons, but when bought from others who are selling them for that very purpose, its not so bad, lol ! I have yet to get a lvl 25 dragon though, but I have one at 19, and 2 at 20…. who are my prized possessions… for keeping/breeding, not exalting.

              And then there is familiar collecting…. I want them all ! LOL !!

              I dream about this game now, I play it soooo much… LOL !


                I’m on there too! Super fun. I’m swoltanski30 if you want add me. πŸ™‚


                  Don’t feel too bad about not having a level 25 yet. It took me a while to get around the grinding the coliseum enough to make my first team. I think I’ve got five or six 25s now and have the intent to level the rest of my permanent residents too, just haven’t all the way yet.


                    There’s another window coming up on Saturday if there were still folks here who haven’t had a chance to sign up. I’m Rusti on the site, list me as your referral or hit me up once you’ve joined.


                      Free registration is open for today! I’m clanguardian on the site, if you’d like to add me as a friend too πŸ™‚

                      Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                        WARNING: its a very addictive game…. more than a game really.. its a community ! All your spare time will go to this if you join… πŸ˜› Registration is open today only !!


                          Hi all! Another free registration window has opened up on the Flight Rising (www.flightrising.com) site – jump on in! I’m clanguardian there, if anyone has any questions or wants a friend in the game, feel free to look me up or add me on πŸ™‚

                          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                            Im sooooo sooo addicted to this game… its all I do now, I even dream about it at times, lol ! I LOVE it !


                              I just joined! Username: Latoria



                                I just joined! Username: Latoria


                                Welcome, and thanks for adding me as a friend πŸ˜€

                                Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                                  @Rusti @Samantha @Zelda @Ariel @Heather @Amstaff @Serendipity @Stephanie
                                  Added! I dabble, but do aim to do a better job of caring for my poor precious dragon children (and get around to the breedings I had planned like 10 million yrs ago. and maybe some RP). Couldn’t find @Blu_Gold_Dragon or @LuvsDragons though!

                                  I started out in Arcane Flight because that’s what the personality test matched me with and I agreed with it. Plus, it helped me choose from several flights I loved equally and the decision was really killing me, lol. Then as some kind of loyalty reward I think? I got a chance to change my flight and changed to Ice just for the eye color (White. Clashes with nothing). I feel like a traitor to be honest, LOL. I wonder if I can change again in the future? I honestly love every flight so much.

                                  [Hey I know that dragon! That’s Flammie !!]

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