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  • Pegasi1978

      …. and another dragon color… sniff sniff 😢. Maybe after the Bantam chaos quiets down a new hoofer color will be released.
      Although I must say I do really like the stone finish 😁

      I’m with you. I love the new stone color. It has to be my favorite dragon color in a long time. I have a bantam coming in that color and ordered the mini keeper.

      All the Hooofers have always lagged behind dragons and gryphons in color choices. I’d even be interested to see how they might look in this stone finish. Could be interesting.

      in reply to: Spam PMs – June 18 #1609645

        I was like who the.. is this.. lol

        Frozendragon! Long time no see on the forum.

        in reply to: Comprehensive Sculpt List? #1609314

          The old Windstone Encyclopedia on the Astral Castle website listed almost all the sculptures including the non-fantasy animals from the very beginning.

          in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! (part 2) #1609094

            Sounds like an interesting idea Natasha.
            I will squeek for the ponycorns in white and black to match the originals.

            Yes please! Old black and white ponycorns (and colts too).

            And eventually another round of horse colored ponycorns so I can try to get one to match/complement the raffle piece Stormy.

            in reply to: Mad,mad,mad weather #1608861

              Well last night it was our park’s turn for the bad weather. Tornado sirens went off just before 11pm. We sheltered with campers in the bathhouse. After the all clear, my husband was thinking that it was just some trees down here and there, including one or two that fell on an RV camper (no one inside so no injuries). Power was out until sometime between 12 and 2 (my glasses weren’t on and my phone was barely charged).

              In the light of day it looks worse (not as bad as Wind Creek or Joe Wheeler). The roads are all clear, but the hiking trails are all blocked. We are on the edge of a lake and the park has a boardwalk out to a small island with trails. My husband suspects a tornado touched down there, moved across the water, crossed the “mainland” trails, then headed further into town.

              Here’s some pictures of a few of the blocked trails.





              in reply to: Mad,mad,mad weather #1608843

                The state park that my husband used to be at before his promotion was hit by straight line winds this morning. Several campers were damaged. Power and phones are down. There was golf ball sized hail up in the city the park is outside of. That’s two state parks that have taken a major beating in four months.

                Since he got the promotion we weren’t there…if it had been a year ago we would have been there.

                in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1608717

                  Thirty one was one I was considering but it is too close to the black gold color for me to completely fall in love with. Don’t get me wrong, black gold is nice, I just like other colors better.

                  in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1608607

                    I know that Melody has let us know that she will be painting additional dragons for us, but that they won’t be available on the Kickstarter website because they won’t be finished before it ends. She said they are going to put them on this site. So, if she has told us she is painting another dragon for us, do we increase our pledge on the Kickstarter site or when will we just pay when we order them from this site when they are available?

                    If you are referring to the choose your own tier, the pictures will be posted here, bit they won’t be sold here. You would need to pledge for one on kickstarter (or increase your pledge if you want more than one) to request one(s) similar to the numbered dragons. Then you send Melody a message through kickstarter letting her know what number(s) you want your dragon(s) to look like.

                    in reply to: And of course CAT pictures too! #1608247

                      All the kittens have several names right now. The long-haired black is most often Mouse or Midnight, occasionally Velcro. She’s the quiet, watchful one. She found the litterbox and water bowl first, but is the last to eat solid food. She’s the thinnest of the three.

                      The tuxedo with the white nose is Nougat (like the inside of a candy bar) and occasionally Princess. She was the runt (we thought). She and Mouse are almost the same size, but Mouse seems to be lighter. Nougat is playful, climbing up my legs while I’m working, and following momma Squeaker from the window next to my desk, onto the tv stand next to it, to the other window.

                      The tuxedo with the black nose is Fu Man, because he looks like he has a “Fu Manchu” under his chin. He was the last kitten born and is a rascal. He’s the rowdy kitten.

                      Mouse and Fu Man will be going to their new home tomorrow. A friend knew of someone looking to adopt kittens and they fell in love with pictures of them. I’ll be sad to see them go, but I hope they will be happy in their new home.

                      in reply to: And of course CAT pictures too! #1608232

                        The kittens have a favorite place to nap lately. My work chair. It doesn’t matter if its occupied or not. LOL!



                        in reply to: Covid 19 Support/Whine thread #1607138

                          I’ll give it to the governor of Alabama, while she is still refusing to give shelter in place orders, she has at least closed the beaches and non-essential businesses…though there are somethings that could/should have been on the list that aren’t.

                          She is also refusing to close the state parks (the surrounding states have already done so). My husband is of two minds with it. He very much understands the need for the social isolation, but right now is on the way to having the best ever year at both his parks because of the record number of campers. One park has been at 95-99% capacity for almost two months (normal would be about 80%), the other is at 50% (normal like 25%). If it keeps up they both will stay in the black for most of the year (fiscal year started Oct. 1).

                          Most of his campers and day user have been reasonable about things, mostly sticking to their RVs, staying apart when hiking/fishing, respecting the playground/beach area closure. His coworker had one checking in the other day though…what a dolt…calling everything a hoax and getting in close and coughing all over him and the office. Poor guy is spooked to work the office now afraid of more idiots like that. There’s plenty of outside things to do, so my husband said he’d take the office when they have overlapping times. He’s not afraid to tell someone off for acting like an idiot in the middle of the pandemic. He does worry though because some of the people who are coming in are from areas that are hotspots. In fact, they had a brief scare (turned out the guest only had allergies) about a week and a half ago where he got in touch with the supervisors above him for guidance on what to do about them. It was passed up the chain as an example for why to maybe consider closing.

                          Our county just had it’s first two positive tests this weekend. We both think it was here all along and they were just hiding their heads in the sand not testing so it wouldn’t be here. The state is up to 720 positive tests now and if I saw the news articles from yesterday right have jumped to 10 deaths.

                          in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1606931

                            My brother just called to let me know he had spoken to some of our family we haven’t talked to in a little while. He was checking on them due to COVID-19. He told me that our Uncle was diagnosed with bone cancer back in June. He’d had one stem cell treatment already. He was scheduled for another one today, but his doctor at Emory said “Don’t come. Get in touch with your local doctor for an alternative treatment for now.”

                            We lost our Aunt, his sister, a few years ago. Now this news. It breaks my heart losing my father’s siblings. I know my Uncle isn’t gone yet, but my brother said he sounded very tired on the phone.

                            in reply to: Covid 19 Support/Whine thread #1606508

                              I’ve been working remotely for my company since May last year when the kids got out of school and we finally moved to be with my husband at his new job, so it’s no big change for me. The rest of my company went remote this week. Oof, I haven’t had this many time cards to fix in a long time.

                              The state park is still open right now. Since every one is camping in RVs (and a few in tents) they aren’t much trouble. We did lose the Canadian “snowbirds”, but we understand why they had to leave. I don’t envy the drive from south central Alabama back to Canada and hope they made it in time. Even if the park does get shut down, my husband would still have to work security.

                              The boys are out of school and daycare right now until April 6, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being longer. Gavin, a freshman, has online work he can do. Vance, a first grader, came home with a small packet of things. James, the almost four year old, is the only one who doesn’t have stuff like that…but he has his own task over the break….potty training! (He’ll potty if we send him, but won’t tell us if he has to go).

                              We have several board games (need to get a few more that James can play though) and a wide selection of movies, video games, and books available. Plus kittens!

                              in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! (part 2) #1606188

                                Michael, if you have the name of the piece and it is from about 2006 to 2011 then I might have the price of it…drag0nfeathers too since I shared the file with her when she started getting the pieces from ddvm’s collection to list.

                                I was a stay-at-home mom for most of that time so I did my best to get the prices of auctions as they closed out on Ebay. I won’t say I got all of them, but I got quite a few.

                                After I got divorced and had to start working updating it wasn’t as high on my priority list. I still collected some data, but it never got added to the online database or the excel file. I kept the excel file updated as a backup in case the online database went down. Redundancy at its finest!

                                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! (part 2) #1606173

                                  Yeah the way the online database was set up was using the excel file to create a page for each piece and the Ravnheart’s SO (*I think*) set it so there was a space to upload the pictures so they would appear on each page and as I added new information it updated the high, low, and average price of the pieces. The pictures were never in the excel file. I think they posted some when they set it up, then I added the rest. Boy did I have a time tracking down pictures of pieces. I used to have a text file with the pieces I needed pictures for and I loved making it shrink!

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