Bengal Poads

Bengal poads, of course! I airbrushed about thirty of these chocolate-grey ones so far. . Like a herd of zebras, each one is unique. They have individualized tribal markings on their backs as well as leopard rosette spots on their bodies and rumps. Some of them remind me of the markings cuttlefish have. What else … Read more

Sparrow Paws

(This blog entry was written by Windstone artist Helen Mishkin, or “Arlla” on the forum) Very often, to often in my opinion, the beauty of a thing is judged by it’s rarity. If something is so common that you see it every day, it becomes unextraordinary. Similarly, things that are considered pests – which also … Read more

Cuttle poads

Quickie blog: Here are some pics of the ornate “cuttle poads” I painted last week. This is a pattern that developed while I was trying to make something cuttlefish-like. They seemed to need those those shield-like markings on their backs in addition to stripes. The shields were derived from the spine markings the Bengal poads … Read more

Test paint colors

Here are a couple test paint colors we did this week. The Oriental Dragon is painted with a distressed, copper patina finish. We textured up the surface to make him look like he was pulled up from a sunken ship. The colors are the same as the Leaf cat sconce, with added gold details on … Read more

This is the raffle prize for September!

This is “Fuchsia”. He is a scratching dragon that is painted in a color very close to the “Violet Flame” color, except he lacks the blue color that the violet flames were antiqued with. Like most of the raffle prizes I have found, Fuschia is a “rescue” piece. He has some small defects on his … Read more

Quaggas everywhere!

This is the Male Unicorn, painted by Helen Mishkin You know how when you notice something you don’t usually think about, you start to notice it everywhere? When our kids, Chessie and Griffin and were younger, we would always attend the little carnival that was held once a year at the local elementary school . … Read more

Raffle Prize for October 09

The raffle prize for October is pictured on my facebook photo gallery this time ,because this blog page won’t let me upload and image tonight for some reason. Here is the link to the image on my facebook page (though I don’t know if everyone can see it, or if you have to be on … Read more

November raffle prize!

This is a mother dragon that I test painted… in a color I don’t have a name for. I think I’ll call it something like “Toasted Pearl”, but I don’t love that name. If you have a better name, let me know! She is marked like a Siamese cat, but she has a pearl colored … Read more

Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper

At last, the Autumn Leaf Secret Keeper is finished. Took me a few years to get around to completing her! This dragon sculpture is cast out of gypsum and hand painted by me, Melody Pena. She is seventeen inches tall and weighs over thirty pounds. My poor back. This color is lovely. It is also … Read more

Mini Catalogs

I was asked about our “mini catalogs” in a thread by “Kitsunelady” on our Windstone forum: These are tiny catalogs we printed with pictures of all the Windstones that we had for sale at the time that the catalog was published. They were free for the retail stores to give away to their customers, … Read more

December raffle prize

The prize for the December raffle; another champagne-ish colored dragon for New Years! He is an Emperor dragon airbrushed with pearl, and copper, and he has some lavender too. This is a free raffle for members of the Windstone forum: If you would like a chance to win “Champ”, send me an email with … Read more

Sugar PLum Poads

I painted a batch of Sugar Plum Poads! This was fun, since there seems to be no consensus on what the heck a “sugar plum” IS, exactly, I was free to interpret it my own way. These poads are airbrushed with layer upon layer of metallic paint. I used contrasting colors to subdue and darken … Read more

New Snerl

Took us a year to get this new mark stamped on the pads, but they have been starting to appear on pieces. Check any new pieces you’ve gotten and see if you can tell if Snerl is smiling or not. Unfortunately his face gets blurry on the smaller pads so you can’t tell how happy … Read more

Savannah griffins

Griffins are hybrid creatures so it makes sense to paint them like hybrids. I have been on a hybrid cat theme here, lately. These are “Savannah” griffins. Their markings are inspired by Savannah cats. which are a hybrid breed of fancy cat made by crossing Servals, domestic cats and sometimes other species of cats too. … Read more

Raffle prize for Febuary 2010

Here is “Reveler”! He is the Windstone forum raffle prize for February 2010. I named him “Reveler” when I realized I had painted him in purple gold and green; the colors of Mardi Gras! Very appropriate. If you are a Windstone forum member and you would like to win Reveler, email me your forum name … Read more