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  • in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 2) #1538835

      The Fennec Fox Grab Bags are in the store!



        Thank you so much everyone for your support!

        Did you see that Melody has a Kickstarter blog page under the “Reptangle” tab on our website?  Here’s a link:  https://windstoneeditions.com/the-veligent-kickstarter/



        in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1538494

          Thank you so much everyone for your support!

          Did you see that Melody has a Kickstarter blog page under the “Reptangle” tab on our website?  Here’s a link:  https://windstoneeditions.com/the-veligent-kickstarter/


          in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1538093

            Your Poad(tm) Reward Selection: pictures, swaps, and trades!

            At this point in time (before the Kickstarter survey has been sent to you at the end of the month) we are not keeping track of what you pledged or added-on to your pledge other than that we are putting the Poads that you have selected a box with your name on it.

            If you have missed all of the Live Streams (there will be one more on Friday) we will try to help as much as possible with a personalized selection – email me with some clues as to what colors you like and I’ll send you some photos and we’ll see what we can do. It is also TOTALLY O.K. to let us pick your poad (like in our usual Grab Bags).

            The Special Baby Poads are not done yet – they are not available for selection yet.

            (…And will the person who was looking for a certain “Special Adult Poad” that had already been shown email me again? I cannot remember who it was – I have located the already shown and unclaimed adult poads and can now look for it!)

            We are happy to email you a picture of the poads that are in your box so that you can verify that they are the ones that you selected and that the quantity is right. Time may not permit photos that show all of the detail on all of your poads or photos comparing one poad to another.

            Trades & Swaps: If you ask us to remove a poad from your box and return it to the unclaimed clutter or place it in another person’s box that you are trading with, we can do that (if we understand the directions well and can figure out which poad it is! We do not know them by the number they were labeled with on the wheel during the Live Stream). If a trade is taking place, the other person needs to tell us which poad to remove from their box and place into your box. Keeping these instructions really simple will help us!

            My email is susie@windstoneeditions.com. This afternoon looks like I have some time for sending more pictures of Boxes’O’Poads so email me if you’d like to see what you’ve chosen!

            in reply to: 2nd Poad(tm) Show today, 4/12/18 at 3 pm PDT! #1537655

              Don’t worry, we will see that we fulfill all of the reward requests!  Since we couldn’t know ahead how many of something would be desired, and still don’t know how many of anything have been added on to a pledge, Melody is prepared to paint more of anything necessary to fill all of the reward requests.  More Special Poads(tm) will be painted to fill requests!

              in reply to: 2nd Poad(tm) Show today, 4/12/18 at 3 pm PDT! #1537604

                If you have trouble viewing the live stream you may also leave comments on the Kickstarter page.  I’ll be watching it during the stream.  Melody says lots of comments on there are good for us!   “Love Fuzzy”!

                in reply to: Hello Everyone! #1537327

                  Welcome!  Be sure to sign up for the announcements (a banner may appear at the top of your screen, or use the link in the lower right of most of our pages) to find out when we have news about stuff!

                  in reply to: Live Stream of Poads(tm) this afternoon! #1537196

                    I’m having the WORST time linking the Kickstarter page!  LOL!  But I’ll leave that link to the video because its amazing.

                    Hopefully this will bring you to the page where our count down to the live stream is:  https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/reptangle/the-veligent-a-fantasy-graphic-novel-with-heart-an?ref=popular&ref=discovery

                    in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1537054

                      Oooo!  Ela_Hara, I like the way you dream!


                      in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1536955

                        Its up and running!  Please pass the information along to everyone you know!   https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/reptangle/the-veligent-a-fantasy-graphic-novel-with-heart-an/description


                        in reply to: "The Veligent" Kickstarter #1536942

                          Well, its going to be a bit later – Melody got an error message when she tried to launch it – will be up soon as she sorts that out!

                          in reply to: "The Veligent" Kickstarter #1536941

                            Kickstarter is going up at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time (soon!) http://bit.ly/TheVeligentKickstarter

                            in reply to: If you MISSED the Loaf Dragon Grab Bag – contact me! #1536865

                              This is the last call for anyone who missed out on the Pebble Loaf Dragon Grab Bag (regular ones, not “oddballs”)!  Please email me if you missed out on them all together and want one now.  The few that remain leftover we will put on ebay, as time goes by.   susie@windstoneeditions.com

                              in reply to: Ebay Harrassment #1536762

                                Please email your experience to the keeper of the Feedback List, and as a reminder to everyone else, USE that feedback list before doing business with another person.  Here’s a link to the feedback lists (which are not a part of Windstone Editions):  https://windstoneeditions.com/topic/feedback-lists-2/



                                  We shall have to ask Clay!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 241 through 255 (of 1,745 total)