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  • in reply to: Windstone Appraisals (What is my Windstone worth?) #1510447

      Ah, I missed seeing that. Guess I’ll be holding on to mine, then. Two selling at once isn’t great, and honestly that’s way lower than I’d accept for it anyway.

      in reply to: Windstone Appraisals (What is my Windstone worth?) #1510291

        I guess. I have a feeling that the minimum I’d part with it for would already be too high, though. The other fledgies I’ve sold recently went pretty low.

        in reply to: Windstone Appraisals (What is my Windstone worth?) #1510271

          I am in pretty poor financial shape right now (Will probably be listing some things in the classifieds once I scrape up the energy to take photos and such) and I’m considering selling a few of my rarer fledglings including maybe my Old Green one. But I’m only willing to part with it if it’s worth enough, and basically I’m wondering if anybody has ever sold or bought one? I’ve never spotted one for sale, but I don’t keep a close lookout for them so I might have easily missed it happening.

          Anybody know?

          in reply to: Yah! PYO Oriental !!! #1499402

            Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yesyesyesyesyesyes!

            I really can’t afford it right now, and I don’t have time to paint it, but who cares, getting it anyway!

            in reply to: Reply To: I finished this ages ago, #949703

              I finished this ages ago, (right before giving birth!) but for some funny reason haven’t had time to upload it… 😀

              It’s for sale, along with a bunch of other PYOs. (Check the classifieds.)

              I’m in a bit of a financial pinch right now, so I’m hoping somebody will pick one or two of them up. I probably should list a few other things too, (I’m actually considering paring down my fledgie collection, the new Tanzanite is pretty but it has me realizing that maybe I don’t want to keep *needing* to buy new colors to keep the collection complete, and if it’s not complete I might as well sell some of my least favorites) but taking photos takes so much time and I never have any!

              Anyhow, they’e not the best pics in the world, but it is very pretty, if you like a more subdued, natural kind of color scheme. 🙂

              in reply to: Do you name your windstones? #949180

                I haven’t named any of my fledgie army, but my Secret Keeper is named Brunhilde. She is so huge and solid that a Valkyrie name seemed appropriate.

                in reply to: Happy Birthday, SPark! #949166

                  Awww, thank you all! I had a really lovely birthday, my mother in law watched the baby so I could have some me time, and I took myself out for sushi for lunch and to a local liqueur company for a tasting, and then my husband insisted on taking me out for dinner too.

                  in reply to: Anyboby for a spring PYO swap? #942934

                    Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Though I’m less likely to do a big keeper this time and more likely to do a kittygriff, but if nobody minds that, I’m all for it!

                    in reply to: I Got Some Good (and bad) News! #942920

                      It has been a really long time! And wow, that’s a lot of stuff going on! Best of luck with it all.

                      in reply to: PYO Oriental Dragon Progress Pic #942411

                        Eeeeeeeeeee! I’m ridiculously excited! I have no time whatsoever to paint one, and I’m going to paint one anyway. 😀

                        in reply to: SPark's 2014-2015 PYOs #942292

                          Just going through people’s PYO threads. Saw this kittygriff and HAD to tell you that it’s really really nice! I think it’s my favorite PYO kittygriff I’ve seen. Well done!

                          Aww, thank you!

                          I’m actually half way through a wolf in almost the same color scheme. (No time to paint lately, though, so who knows when it’ll get done.)

                          in reply to: Demeanor of Posts and Other Bad Intentions #941920

                            Perhaps there was this golden age of the forum where everyone wore a halo, but I guess it was well before my time.

                            As somebody who joined here very early on, this drama has always been here. It just seems to come and go in waves. There have always been call-out threads and people sending nasty PMs and discussions turning into fights. It’s called human nature, and I’m not really sure it can be eradicated. One can make rules endlessly, but what constitutes somebody being rude or mean or whatever is so subjective, and it takes a lot of time and attention from the people running the forum to catch every rude comment… I’m not sure it can be done here, to be honest.

                            On the other hand, the VAST majority of folks here have always been nice and polite. So long as outright name-calling and personal attacks aren’t allowed, I don’t think the forums are going to collapse under the drama.

                            P.S. I hate to add to the drama, but personally I WOULD appreciate it if people who flake out and back out of trades and sales would not themselves then go and rant about how awful it is when somebody flakes out and backs out of trades and sales… Just saying.

                            in reply to: Classifieds Rules Update #941218

                              I’ve always chosen to accept personal payments when a customer chooses to send money that way, though I also always send a note advising them that in the future they shouldn’t do so, for their own protection. So far I haven’t had any problems.

                              Paypal is unlikely to notice unless the majority of your payments are arriving this way or unless somebody complains after not receiving their items. So as a seller, if you’re being ethical the risks are small. As a buyer, though, it’s a terrible idea and nobody should ever do it!

                              in reply to: SPark's New PYO thread – Blue Roan Hippocampus! #940735

                                Thanks guys! 😀 I went and bought another hipp because they are so awesome, and I have a winged wolf in progress too, but honestly I have no idea when I’ll be able to work on either. (My baby is due in just over a month, and right now all I want to do is eat and sleep.)

                                I keep meaning to make a new set of classified posts too, but that also apparently takes too much energy.

                                in reply to: Fuzzies are available again! #939634

                                  Yay for fuzzies!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 2,513 total)