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  • Skylover

      I think it’s a legitimate old green emperor, not a repaint. The amount of blue and purple interference paint on them can vary quite a bit. I think it was WolfenMachine who had one that had very little interference paint. Most others (like the one I have) have quite a bit. There can also be varying amounts of brown on them.

      The only thing about it that seems a bit off to me is the shoulder which looks reddish, but that could be the picture. I’d love to see more pictures from more angles on this guy.

      Here’s a picture of mine. The purple doesn’t show up well because my camera doesn’t capture purple well.

       photo IMG_0906.jpg

      in reply to: Anybody started painting an adult foo dog yet?? #892914

        I was at work when they came out, so I didn’t get one. 🙁

        I’ve got special eyes and several ideas for when I do get one though.


          I am so sorry to hear about your father, but I’m glad you were able to go visit and spend some time with him.

          Thank you so much for the pictures!

          in reply to: Grab Bag Unicorn Proposal #891900

            I don’t mind either way. I see the arguments of both sides. Yes, there’s the possibility that someone with deep pockets could get your favorite, but I find that I don’t buy from a batch unless there’s several that I really like.

            in reply to: What say you? PYO swap? #891160

              I have to see what my workload from my next class will be, but I’ll participate if I can.

              in reply to: 12/26/12 Batch of Grab Bag Young Poads picture thread! #891159

                Mine came today! He was two days late, but he is worth it. He’s a beautiful and colorful leafy poad. I’m very happy with him, but if someone has a bird styled one with lots of blue (like Stephanie’s), I’d be willing to trade him. Hannah, you are welcome to use my pictures.





                in reply to: Packing Peanuts #891043

                  Heh. I didn’t realize they were biodegradable until my sister opened a Windstone I had gotten her as a gift and got really excited about them. She was like “Oh, water soluble packing peanuts!”, and then promptly ate one. My brother joined in and ate a few too. I just kind of stared at them for awhile…

                  in reply to: cards #891042

                    I got my card today! It’s really cute. Thank you so much Melody!

                    in reply to: Photobucket Problems?? #888672

                      Interesting. What browsers are you guys using? I’m using Firefox 16 and it seems to be working just fine. I like this version better than the previous one, but I have to confess that I wish they wouldn’t change it around so drastically every few months…

                      in reply to: Epic Foo Swap Foto Thread!!! #888524

                        I don’t think any pictures were posted of the snow leopard foo pup that I painted for Pam, so here are a few:





                        in reply to: Epic Foo Swap Foto Thread!!! #887852

                          I got a very awesome snow leopard foo from someone whose forum name I don’t know. I love him <3 <3 <3

                          Sorry that was me. I was so excited to get him out that I forgot to include my forum name. I’m glad that he arrived safe and sound and is loved!

                          in reply to: Epic Foo Swap Foto Thread!!! #887664

                            I got my foo puppy from Kyrin today! He is a really beautiful silver-teal and teal with rainbow sparkles. I tried my best to take good pictures of him, but unfortunately, I don’t seem able to do him any justice. My camera hates teal, so he came out dark gray and green. Thank you so much Kyrin!




                            in reply to: Scratching puppy dog in pinto?!?!?!?!?! #886344

                              Wow! It looks like you got one of the originals from back in the 80’s when Windstone had a line of animals. And to top it off, he’s in very good condition. Nice find!

                              in reply to: need tracking help #886138

                                How were these packages shipped – first class or priority? If they were first class, they can take awhile to arrive. I had one take 6 weeks and another take about 8 weeks. I know for both of them I was very worried, and neither of them were traceable once they went through customs. I called and talked to people, but there didn’t end up being anything anyone could do for me. They both did arrive eventually though.

                                in reply to: NEW! Dragon plush for sale, "dragon-foxes" and moths! #885818

                                  Very cool! They’re both very cute. You are just getting better at this. I noticed one of them was reserved. Out of curiosity, what does it take to reserve one of these guys? I’m interested in Neema, but won’t have money until this coming Friday.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 866 total)