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  • in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #945434

      I really shouldn’t have went in on this grab bag (payments due on various bills, and unicorns don’t rank as high as some of Melody’s other beasties for me)…but I was suckered in by the livestream and here I am.

      This is Talleyrand, whom apparently shares his name with an influential European diplomat in Monsieur Bonaparte’s time period. I’m a little ambivalent towards this one–I don’t dislike him, but he registers somewhere in the top 30-50 range out of the batch of 124. Thus he’ll be up for potential trades. Don’t hesitate to PM or email me if you’re interested; I’m always open to looking at options.

      Most of the mosaic patches on his body are painted with colorshift paint; the blue pearl strands, however, are regular turquoise paint (the pearls are noteable by the white dots on the blue that give them a bead-like appearance).

      from the back + from above to show the colorshift

      in reply to: Wishlists! #934906

        **EDIT: 05/10/16**
        I decluttered my wishlist and included links to my wanted ads. I am still interested in GB kirins and mks, but that is better seen in my GB/LP wanted ad. Asterisked raffle pieces are particular favorites.

        Ebay/OOAK Wanted List ad link
        GB/LP/Production Wanted List ad link

        EDIT: I’m looking for two specific colorshift GB standing baby kirins, one of the gb baby pegasi (top row, left end, blue-grey zebra with teal on the wingtips), and a GB armadillo. I missed the armadillos completely and would love to have one.

        Test Paints/Ebay Specials **MOST WANTED**
        –Spotted Hyena *Male Griffin* test paint (#1 most wanted)
        –African Wild Dog *Grand Unicorn* (#1 most wanted)
        –Ocean Python *Emperor Dragon* test paint
        –Kingfisher *Male Griffin* test paint (female too if there is one)
        –Bobwhite *Male Griffin* test paint
        –Ocean Tiger *Male and Female Kirin* test paints

        Test Paints/Ebay Specials ~Secondary Interests~
        –Dreamscape old warrior dragon
        –Black Ice male dragon
        –Storm Shadow male dragon *and* Storm Shadow male griffin
        –Russet Shadow young dragon
        –Earthen Fey young dragon
        –Brown Hawk male griffin (or similar brown bird/cat griffins such as the bengal)

        Production and Limited Production
        –hyena gargoyle
        –spooky grimalkin candlelamp
        –blue morpho pieces (female griffin, young dragon, lap dragon)
        –silver old warrior
        –toasted pearl pieces
        –nutmeg pieces

        Raffle Prizes
        –“Augustus” Jan. 2009 gray leopard griffin****
        –“Splash” April 2014 blue green and gold male dragon
        –“Wampus” Aug. 2010 wampus cat emperor dragon****
        –“Crocus” March 2009 amethyst female griffin****
        –“Toasty” Nov. 2009 metallic with lavendar accents mother dragon
        –“Crazy Luna” Nov. 2011 layered rainbow sparkle and purple iridescent paint oriental moon dragon
        –“Blake” July 2011 tiger test paint fledgling with aqua wings and accents
        –“Hobbs” April 2011 tiger young/baby oriental dragon
        –the hyena gargoyle done in the spooky color theme****

        Aside from the above listings, I would potentially be interested in similar color schemes *or* the same color schemes in a different sculpt variant (say, for example, the russet shadow male dragon–if there is one–as opposed to the young dragon). I can honestly say I don’t know every piece that is out there; I’m trying to catch up and flesh out my knowledge base but it’s a slow process, so expect this post to update from time to time as I find things I like better than my current listings.

        I really want a nice pair of special mother/father griffins, as well as a matched kirin male/female pair. Those pairs are what I’m aiming for next on the list of “things I’d like to get”.

        in reply to: Peekaboo #944787

          Congrats! He’s a cutie!

          Did you have a name in mind for him?

          in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #944647

            Jaguar Flame is so pretty – and this coming from someone who doesn’t particularly like reds! I bet that color scheme would be rather striking on an emperor dragon, eh?

            Laurie, your Laddie emperor is absolutely breathtaking! I love the white detailing, as well as how the black ‘collar’ frames his crest and neck. I could stare at him all day.

            in reply to: I Like Raffles #944537

              Bravo! Well done!

              And now I’ll have that song stuck in my head the rest of the night. 😉

              in reply to: Getting married! #944536

                Wooooo! Congratulations! It sounds like it’ll be a lot of fun. 🙂

                in reply to: Emails from the store getting "lost" in Gmail #944404

                  You technically don’t have to uncheck every folder…I only recommended that because I never use any of them and instead setup my own folder categories. You could try unchecking only the “Promotions” folder and see if that fixes it. The store emails might then stay in the inbox, but there’s also the chance they’d jump into personal or social for some reason.

                  The other option I can think of would be to do as I recommended and uncheck all of those preset folders (in order to force all the emails into the primary) then make a bunch of personalized folders + setup filters for specific email addresses so that any emails from those addresses become shunted into the designated folders. That could get obnoxious fairly quickly though if you have a ton of emails per day and/or don’t want to check those individual folders for new emails (new does include email currently in the folder but marked as unread).

                  in reply to: Email list #944250

                    To fix your gmail folders…

                    1) Click on the gear dropdown menu on the right side after logging into gmail, then click on the Settings option.

                    2) Select the ‘Inbox’ tab, which should be the 3rd from the left in the list of tabs in the Settings window.

                    3) In the Inbox tab is a list of options. The second option is called ‘Categories’. Make sure the only box checked is Primary (which is the only box you can’t actually uncheck).

                    4) Scroll down to the bottom and click ‘Save changes’.

                    This guarantees every email you receive that isn’t already filtered as spam goes into your main mailbox, aside from specific email addresses you might have flagged to be labeled and sorted into personalized folders.

                    in reply to: Happy Birthday, MELODY!! #943619

                      Happy Birthday! I hope this one’s a good one for ya. 🙂

                      in reply to: Ryl's PYO silliness #943484

                        Life has been kicking me around, as per usual, so I haven’t had a ton of time to paint. But I DID finally get around to uploading the pictures of my finished dragon (which was completed near the end of January, if I recall correctly). I ended up deciding on silver-edged wings + wingbones, adding the same dark silver to the lighter silver neck frills, and adding red to the spines of the black scales as well as using a clear gem over a red one for the gem clasped by the tail.

                        I will say that after all was said and done, I realized a much, much easier way of doing the scale-spines but se la vie (I doubt the alternative method would work with a lighter color scheme, though that’ll just be something else for me to experiment with). That said, I don’t think I will ever have the patience to sit and handbrush every single spine with such tenacity again.

                        And yet here I am, stupidly trying to detail kirin scales with a similar intensity. Will I never learn? My poor palsied hands tremble so much when I stop for the evening that, were I to hold a pencil over a piece of paper, the resulting image would resemble an 8.0 Richter seismograph. I feel like the scales look a little messy but I was going for a softer edging so that they resembled petals more than a fish scale. Even though I don’t have a ton of time I do try to finish a few scales per week; it’s taking a lot longer than I’d like but it’s getting there. I get the sneaky suspicion I’m going to be spending a lot of time finessing when I finish them anyway. T_T

                        Ah well…photos!

                        Outside photos – the blue looks really bright in natural light and the black looks washed to a dark gray; I think the photo on the left is the one of the better ones in which to see the dark silver on the silver frills

                        Inside photos – it’s surprising how slick the black looks in a low-light camera setting; yes, the 2nd photo set is atop the dryer lol…that’s another one in which the neck frills details are visible; the back of the wings did have a dark-to-light gradient but it was pretty subtle so it’s not that obvious in these pictures

                        kirin wip photo – the light pink edging looks a little washed out but overall the color is the same as the actual piece

                        in reply to: Our store is up and running! 3-7-16 (Help us spot bugs) #943269

                          How soon until start seeing Grab bags come into the store now that it’s in working order(appears to be on my end at least)?

                          When we are sure the store won’t crumble!
                          Not a grab bag edition, but we’ve got a slew of Tanukis. There are ten different colors.

                          sounds interesting, what are all the colors? and if possible pictures? ….and how soon might we see them in the store?

                          There were some pictures on Melody’s Facebook awhile ago, I believe. I’m assuming they did all 7 of the color shift pigments, then there were naturals and red panda schemes. I’ve no idea what the 10th color is though unless Melody decided to do them in ivory as she has some of the other pebbles.

                          in reply to: Happy Birthday, Jinya! #943187

                            Happy birthday! 😀

                            in reply to: Anyboby for a spring PYO swap? #943186

                              I will need to know the time frames etc before I can completely commit.

                              I think with the store being a bit of jumble of thumbs at the moment, I don’t think there’s much of a rush. If anything, when dragonmedley does decide to initiate a signup/event commencement notice, I’d imagine most people would be okay with adding an extra week or two to the deadline.

                              in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #942725

                                Candytuft is a little too pastel to my tastes but she’s definitely adorable–a fitting color given that the Easter holiday is approaching. I really like the color blending on the wings, especially the silver overlay.

                                The cosmic shift coiled mother + hatchling with the black sparkle paint eggs are fantastic, too.

                                in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #942682


                                  From the side the ‘seat’ kind of looks like the unicorn gargoyle’s seat…but the figure seems too smooth–not to mention the amatuer paint job. I’ve been ‘out of the game’ for a long time though so I don’t know what all has/hasn’t been produced over the years.

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