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  • #506293

      Great idea! Let’s set up some quick rules just to keep it clean!
      1. Please only post one list. You may “edit” your post later on if you want to amend it, or remove something that you received. 🙂
      2. Please only reply with your own list– no chatter. If you find something that someone is looking for, let them know via private message please.

      That should make the list easier to browse!

      **EDIT: On the note of what Jennifer added, this shouldn’t be an issue due to the “no chatter” rule, but it’s when someone clicks the “Quote” button on a post, that prevents the user from editing their post. So please don’t use the quote button on this thread**

      Back before Classifieds there used to be a wishlist thread.. I was pretty darn new at the time of it, and never payed any attention to it… but I imagine it was different from the “Wanted” part of classifieds, in that my wishlist is the pieces I’d love to get my hands on eventually, but maybe not actively looking for them *right* this instant… (though if one comes available, I might try a lil harder to get a hold of it, lol)

      Anyway, we have “List your collection” and “Show you collection” I thought it’d be fun to have a wishlist, so that we can enjoy going back and checking them off as we go (Seeing our collection grow, though, if ya’ll are like me, the wishlist will keep growing as well! LOL), and you never know, maybe members will help us out with our wishlists 🙂


        Autumn Cat Wizard.


          Orange eyed emerald hatcher.

          The last one I need to complete my hatcher collection! 😀


            I’ve been talking to Branzyboo about having her do a PYO keeper for me, so that’s next on my list!
            Others I’d like to acquire are:
            -Coiled mother dragon (preferably in brown, but perhaps emerald peacock or other)
            -That camouflage hatching emp I saw a photo of in the factory! I’m hoping it’ll show up on ebay sometime and that I can be ready to pounce on it when it does!
            -A rising spectral, but I don’t think I want him in a production color. I like the sculpt but I’m not fond of it in many of the production colors.

            And more, but… that’s enough to think about for now. I’m not able to add to my collection at a very fast rate.

            I like getting sculpts and colors I don’t have yet. 🙂 (And that I like, obviously! Lol)



              Old Green Fledgling!!!!
              Rainbow Secret Keeper
              Rainbow Lap Dragon
              Rainbow Curlie
              Rainbow OW
              New Rainbow Hatcher
              Sand Curlie
              More Dragons Sculpts in the Sand color
              Any of the upcoming Dragon sculpts in Rainbow (or a Siamese/sand coloring)
              A Tiger or bengal Fledgling
              A Little Rock Dragon (any production would do at this point!)
              A Tiger GBB Unicorn
              One of the “Leafy” GBB Unicorns
              Any Tiger Griffin by Arlla

              Keeper of the Fledgings


                My list is ever changing. But here are some of the ones I currently would love to own. If anyone is curious, I do trades for commissioned stuff 😉

                Pegasus family (any color, don’t have any pegasus atm )
                Mama and Papa Kirins (really would like blue eyed whites to match my baby, but even the brown production color would be nice)
                More rainbow dragons >.<
                Mama coiled dragon
                Autumn leaf dragon (really would love one of the old warriors, but highly doubt I could afford one :bigsmile: )
                Moon Dragon
                Grand Unicorn
                Cat Wizard
                Rock dragons (little and big)
                Something painted by Jennifer
                Some of the older animals like the razorback, barn owl ect ect.
                Ocelot griffin babies (I keep trying to save up for them but GB's are just so tempting!)

                I know there is more but that is all I can think of for the moment!


                  My wish list!

                  1. Mother unicorn in any Appaloosa or pintoloosa!
                  2. Liger or zebra /quagga Pegasus foal.
                  3. Any young or baby unicorn in Appaloosa, zebraloosa color patterns! With blue eyes!


                  My wishlist!

                  Crabapple male dragon
                  Nettles the male grif (may 2012 raffle prize)
                  Ocean Tiger #1 gothic Unicorn
                  Little rock dragon rainbow pumpkin test paint
                  Lexicon the grab bag young unicorn


                    Oh, I’m glad there’s a new thread for this 🙂

                    My wishlist:
                    Pebble fox–copper patina or other non fantasy color or finish (any metal, netsuke, or similar would be love)
                    Still dreaming about getting a young in a conservative fantasy color
                    New unicorn colt in slate dun (please come out this year!)

                    For the horn problem with unicorns to get fixed D:


                      Labradorite Male Griffin by Jennifer Miller
                      Labradorite crouching chick by Jennifer Miller
                      Siberian Husky Gothic Uni By Melody

                      Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                      Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                      Sun Dragon Koi #3


                        The main Windstones on my wish list are:

                        (-) Brown Emperor
                        (-) CP Hatching Emperor
                        (-) CP Hatcher V-2
                        (-) White Coiled Mother
                        (-) Amethyst Hatching Emperor (if one is ever made)
                        (-) Any color of Secret Keeper (I just received the BVP and boy have I
                        fallen in love with her but at their price one is probably all I will get


                          Here’s my wishlist! I love drooling over these guys, a girl can dream! I’m pretty picky so my list is fairly short!

                          Silver grulla Unicorn foal

                          Baby Ki-rin in the original brown/tan coloring.

                          Pebble foxes of any kind/color!

                          Pebble wolves of any color!

                          GB unicorn colt in roan!
                           photo roancolt_zps5095fbfc.jpg

                          *Formerly meowmix101
                          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


                          MIne is easy! =P

                          Male Griffon! [not picky on color =P though hawk colors/big cat is awesome]
                          A Emperor dragon…..

                          and that’s it XD


                            Orange eyed emerald hatcher.

                            The last one I need to complete my hatcher collection! 😀

                            I Hope you find your last hatcher 🙂


                              My wish is coming true, I have always wanted The Old Warrior Dragon, and I just ordered him for Christmas. It is very hard to find Windstones here in Ontario Canada, so a wish would be if they would open a store here 🙂 I would like to start on the Buckskin collection too, my favorite colour horse <3

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