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  • in reply to: Melody asks you about Poads(tm) #548967

    Darnit, somebody needs to make up a “Get Rich Quick” scheme that REALLY works. πŸ™

    I do love the metallic purple (It’s actually more bluish/purple on my screen-which makes it even more awesome to me) poad (tm!!!) with green eyes. I still stand by my previous statement that green eyes rock. X)

    That, and I like shinee things.

    Y’know what’s funny?

    Back when I was doing Webmaster’s classes, setting up faux business sites and all that, I was sitting there wishing I could volunteering my services for Windstone. XD

    I wouldn’t know how to set up credit card fields, unless it’s your normal field and nothing too special, though, just PayPal, myself. And then there’s the fact that um…I’M NOT VERY GOOD. XD EDIT: Oh, yeah, and there’s the fact you need a database. I forgot about that part, because nobody every taught me how to set up one.

    Webmastering buisness sites is hard work, folks. XD

    Right now I’m just waiting for brown/tan griffin chicks. Why? THEY REMIND ME OF DUCKLINGS. And who doesn’t love fuzzy ducklings? ^.^

    in reply to: Do you name your windstones? #545180

    CherylKaufman wrote:

    SilverArrow wrote:

    I wonder if Melody names her sculps?

    I can imagine she does:

    Melody’s Sculpting PYO griffin name: (*%(#*%#(@&%@#$()&%@!()* ARGH

    Melody’s mother griffin sculpt name: (*$#@*$*&(#*$@#*(#@#$@#@^ WHY OH WHY!

    As someone who always ends up naming her own 3D projects something along these lines, I think this is probably pretty accurate! XD

    EDIT: My PYOs almost got named that, too, but they’re named after the characters I painted them after, Dakota and Lindsay. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Do you name your windstones? #545172

    Like half the black male griffins in existence, mine is named Skandranon. Generic, I know but heck, the wolf colour makes me happy because the browns and grays remind me of Zhaneel. *squee!*

    My O. Peacock Sun dragon has been lovingly named Frank by a good friend of mine who loves oriental dragons. Being the Mystery Science Theatre 3000 fan I am, I often hum “The Greatest Frank of All” when I see him.

    Cause Frank is the best Frank, that ever happened to me! ;-9

    in reply to: New Animals? #543481

    I’m late, but oh man, JACKALOPES! A jackalope would be awesome, although I’d have to admit I’d like one mainly for the laughs. I’d name her Rosebud. *Bloom County geek*

    A spectral-eyed raven wearing shinees would be awesome, too. Much love for ravens. <3

    The male flion needs a family. I’m suprised after you trademarked “flion” you didn’t do more with them. D: Flion cubs would be so cute. I don’t like it when lion cubs grow up to be the big brutes they are, but when they’re little they make me melt. X)

    in reply to: Wolf Colored Griffins #543135

    OMG! We have the new griffin production colour, and it’s MADE OF AWESOME.

    Green eyed griffins are the best. *grabby hands* Please be out by June? My birfday? *big sad camerabot eyes*

    I wish I had a credit card so I can at least have Windstone griffin chicks on my wall. Fluffy griffin chicks..EEE

    in reply to: How to clean a windstone? #539302

    I wish I had the Fabreeze option; while it was just a dumb scare that the stuff is bad for cats and dogs, it still is VERY harmful for birds, and I am a very happy birdowner, thankyoueverymuch. Most stuff that puts chemicals in the air is bad for bird’s delicate lungs.

    Sorry for the rant, I’m just a very unhappy Windstone lover because if I ever want to buy another Windstone offa eBay I’d have to make doubly sure that it’s from a smoke-free home since I don’t really have many good options to de-smoke-ify it. D:

    EDIT: I need to read things more carefully. Or not post at midnight. It seems there ARE better options. I’m a dummy. nevermind.

    in reply to: Garden Statues #539470

    I don’t care how heavy the garden statues are, I’d be scared of people walking off with my expensive Windstone statue if I left it outside. D: They’re too pretty to leave outside where people can see their…prettiness.

    (I’ve gotten some pretty heavy stuff stolen by MOVERS…gads! That and our Playstation 2. NO OKAMI FOR ME. Just an XBox. Vantid must pity me.)

    in reply to: Emerald Peacock? #539846

    MAN, you guys really have it in for the Orientals. D:

    Do they just not sell well? Or what? Those poor guys get no love.

    *still lusting over an emerald regular oriental…YES emerald not Jade I’m weird that way…and I like bright green. :D*

    in reply to: blue-jay wolf #534162

    Aw MAN! I wish I had the money to bid on this guy! I’ve been wanting a PYO wolfie for a while but I can’t even afford to buy one just for myself to paint. 😑 Poorpoorpoor.

    I love this guy! As the others said, the wings are just perfect! They look just like a blue jay’s wings! And the face is so schweet. ^.^

    I love your PYOs, Arlla, don’t ever get discouraged if they don’t sell, eBay is just kinda stupid. XD

    in reply to: I AM HERE!!! Finally! #535490

    Hey there!

    Glad to see you here- I just got back from eBay and saw your gryph and was just floored- he’s so creative! But then again I’m a sucker for dusk colours and sceneries. πŸ˜€

    The pink dragon was cute as a button, too, I might add. X)

    Welcome to the insanity! X)

    in reply to: You guys fighting over the dark stripy tan griff? #532150


    I ask because the first time I saw that auction, I could see the bidder’s names (and recongized a lot of them). Now they have the bidder’s names private! XD I thought “It must be the Windstone forumers going nuts again!”

    I may just be overestimating you guys, though. πŸ˜‰ I just know you guys like your dark stripy griffs. X)

    in reply to: Interesting Griffin #531260

    Nam- there are sellers in America selling that guy? (Obviously besides from the guy emerald bought from…) I’ve always wanted one, but never found an American seller and have been to cheap to pay for overseas shipping. 😑

    Yeah. I want that one. XD Lucky you!

    in reply to: Angels Fall Without You There…(Digipaint) #530810

    Comin’ down the world turned over
    Angels fall without you there…

    My cougargryph Dakota’s dream.

    Break from all the flat-colour commissions I’m doing, inspired by the lines from The Goo Goo Doll’s “Black Balloon”, although the rest of the song doesn’t fit considering the real meaning is something else entirely.

    While the song doesn’t fit these two character’s stories that well,the picture…is really just the mental image I get, nothing more. I imagine they were skydancing much in the way bald eagle’s mating rituals go, with talons clasped. Then daylight comes…and she’s gone.

    Hope you guys like. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Anyone have any phobias? #524951

    Saydee> I’m not too wild on driving, either (I’m on a RENEWED permit, I’m taking that long to learn), but Columbia isn’t as easy to get around by foot as wherever you live in St. Louis may be. 😑 I live far away from the nearest bus stop (1.5 mile walk- I’ve done it dozens of times, but never enjoyed it) and to be honest, I just feel like I’d have more freedom to say…go out and buy Windstones without my parents saying “isn’t that too much money?” XD

    I wish I lived somplace where I could get away without driving much, but meh. 😐

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