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  • in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #903546

    Just wanted to let everyone know that my Donation sale ends tomorrow (10/2) 🙂
    Maybe you want to have a quick look:

    in reply to: Colour Shift Fennec or Baby Uni? #903328


    Basically it goes like this:
    Someone wants to realize a project, let´s say a comic, but does not have enough money for it. People can pledge a predefined amount of money to help fund this project and if enough money is raised everyone who gave money gets something in return. In most cases there are several amounts you can pledge, for example if you give $5 you get the printed comic, if you give $25 you get it signed, for $50 you get an extra artprint and so on. It´s up to the creator of the project to define what the people get for how much money.

    Melody, if you decide to do something like that to get a batch of Fennecs out there I would definitely participate 🙂

    in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #903205

    Yesterday was a very black day for the strays of romania.
    The Highest Court of Justice has deemed the mass dog cull law of September 10th to be constitutional.

    Against all attempts of Animal rights groups all over the world, thousands of signed petitions, demonstrations and everything it is now law that stray dogs will be brought to the shelters, where they get killed after 14 days if there is no one who wants to adopt them. (if they did not die before that of hunger and abuse. Why feed someone who will die anyway?)
    And how should that happen if the people in this country developed such a hate against these animals? If Animal rights groups who try to find people to adopt them in other countries don´t get access to these public shelters, often even get threatened? HOW?

    Even no-kill shelters like the one that BrunoPet sponsors are in danger of getting forced to kill the dogs, because it is not privately owned. At the moment they “only” were ordered by the mayor to take in every dog the dogcatcher bring them, regardless if there is any space in the shelter left or not. But who knows how long this will be the case when the dogs in other cities are simply killed. I´m pretty sure they don´t want to be one of the few towns that “spares” their dogs.

    I really don´t understand how they could get this through. I was sure that after all the protests since the law was brought to the court 2 weeks ago to be tested for it´s rightfulness, they would decide against it.
    Romania is part of the EU and Eurpoean Animal right clearly states that killing an animal is only permitted if there is absolutely no other way. Well, there were and still are enough other ways, but apparently that does not count now. I wonder what all these EU laws are for if they are ignored when they are needed most?

    It´s so sad.

    in reply to: How fast did the colts sell out? #903198

    I got a tadpoad as well 🙂 They are just too cute with their hair.
    Thank you so much, for the notification e-mail, Susie! I would never have been able to get one without it.

    I had a colt in my cart and was very torn if I should buy one or not. In the end I let it go because I´m not so much into the normal horse colours.
    Should there ever be a fantasy batch, I would definatley buy one 🙂

    in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #903085

    I have been to Romania and been attacked by a dog there. I also saw a guy getting attacked by a stray on the street while I was going by in a taxi.

    I´ve heard that from a lot of people. I can absolutely understand why people want the dogs gone, I can´t imagine how it must be to constantly be in danger of being attack by a dog.
    The problem is that animal rights organizations have tried in vain for so many years now to explain to the people and politicans that the only way (besides just killing them all) to bring the extremely high numbers down is to constantly neuter as many of them as possible.
    Romania gets a lot of money from germanys government (and from other countries in the EU as well as far as I know) each year for just that. Most of this money never gets used fo that but just disappears. So most of the time when an animal right orginazation neuters dogs they have to pay for it themselves…

    In Germany, they catch stray cats, sterilize them, then let them go. It really cut down on the stray cat population there. Maybe they could try that…

    That´s right. But most people here have a different attitude towards animals and pets than a lot of people in Romania. They have a long way to go still but I really hope they will now begin to hear what Animal protection groups all over the world have told them for so long.

    I like the adopt a dog idea and hope that it’s legit and helps the situation.

    That really is a good thing. Sadly most of the dogs in the few no-kill shelters will never be able to live as a normal pet because of the way they lived before. But it´s nice that at least a few have the possiblity to become loved family members 🙂

    in reply to: Ebay Seller Nightmare #903037

    Oh man, it´s so sad that there are always people trying to cheat others.
    I keep my fingers crossed for you that you can get at least some of your money back.

    in reply to: Stray dogs of romania #902994

    Thank you very much for sharing! I think it´s amazing when people do so much for these animals. I whish I had more time to do more.

    I was really astonished what they managed to do at BrunoPet. When the two german girls arrived at the shelter a few years ago the place was in a really bad shape. They gradually built new Kennels for the dogs with new huts, a station for the many very young puppys they always get and a lot more.
    They have a blog about the good and bad that´s going on at the shelter and which dogs are new ( And even though they have currently nearly 400 dogs ( they know them all by name and can tell you about their character. They constantly try to work with the dogs to teach them that there are humans that want to be their friend, that touch does not mean pain and so much more, so that they have a better chance to find a family for them in the future.
    I´m always waiting for the new blog entry, hoping to get news on the many dogs that I feel I somehow already know 🙂

    in reply to: Quest 12 – Fuzzy Picture Book – ENTRIES CLOSED #903005

    Oh, I love this Quest. I just hope I will have time for it.

    in reply to: Hippocampus X3-last pg #902996

    Oh wow, extremely pretty!!

    in reply to: Quest 12 coming soon!!!! #902900

    Oh, great news! I´m excited to see what it is.

    in reply to: WHINE is served #900606

    Most people these days are so frignthened of losing their jobs that they take all the guff their bosses dish out, but you didn’t. You stood up for yourself and value yourself enough to stand firm. More Power to You!!

    Thank you rock-reader and Falcolf!
    I must say may position is very safe at the moment, because we are extremely understaffed: 3 colleagues are on maternity leave for at least 2 more years and 3 more quit to do their own thing. And my boss just now realized we have too much work for too few people (and everyone is really on edge because of it) and had massive problems in finding new workers. We were totally happy when we got one new girl but she already quit within the first month because they gave her a lot more work than was agreed upon in her contract.
    He can´t afford to loose any more people, so I would have to do something really offending to get fired in this situation. And sadly that´s more or less the only reason why I dared speaking up to him >_< I will talk to him again today and hope I can clear up some things. Whish me luck! Falcolf, I´m keeping my fingers crossed for you. Hopefully you will get a great job soon!

    in reply to: WHINE is served #900562

    fatalbeauty, I´m keeping my fingers crossed for you! I´m sure everything will go well!

    I need to vent a bit, too, sorry >_< I´ve been working at a small (17 graphic designer) advertising agency for 9 years now. Last friday my boss came to me (more like ambushing me in the elevator) to ask if I would be willing to take on the job of finding new trainees (we always have 2 for either 3 or 6 months) because my colleague who did this job before doesn´t want to do it anymore. I said „sure, but then I want a salary increase“ because finding suitable trainess (that can do more than making coffe or copy things) is tough and timeconsuming with job interviews, showing them how we do things and generally being there for everything they need. And that on top of all my other work. He was not very amused because I had gotten a pay raise in january (a very small one, the first raise in over 4 years and only after taking on all duties of a colleague who is on maternity leave for 2 years!!) said he wanted to think about it. Yesterday he already told my colleague that I would do the job when he had yet to really talk to me about my conditions... When I asked today he said he would graciously give me a one-time bonus for taking this job on for 1 year. Well, his offer is not even half of what I wanted to have, which I told him. His argument was „I should be proud to be offerd this job“ (huh?? for more work and no real compensation?) but then he also said „We don´t know if you will do this right so let´s first see how this goes and if we are satisfied we can talk again in a few months“(which means he does not plan to pay more later). Wow, thank you for your confidence in my abilities! The girl who did this until now also did not get any extra payment ( yes, well, that´s her problem for not demanding anything!) and he would feel bad if he now paid me more for it... Even though I was so shocked by all of this I agreed. But I´ve been so angry at myself this whole evening and feeling so offended by his behaviour that I´m thinking about calling the whole thing off tomorrow. It´s just so sad that he really is not willing to pay us at least halfway decently although the agency is doing very well and he always says how happy he is to have us all. Not sure if I feel much better now, but I had to get this out.

    in reply to: moonbeam´s PYO #892456

    Tadaaaa… Here is the first foo I painted just for me 🙂
    (My first foo ever was for the Foo swap)
    I confess I´m not very creativ with the name here, but I always thought of him as the blue foo while painting and it just stuck >_<

    in reply to: Moving Overseas #899341

    We will be moving around Mannheim, I believe. My husband was never in the military but he is a DOD employee, so we shouldn’t be there longer than 3 years.
    Moonbeam, we should definitely meet up if this all goes through! I’m sure I’ll have a ton of questions! Trying out Rosetta Stone so I can pick up some German before we go!

    Wow, Mannheim sure is not too far away from me! Maybe 3 hours by car? I really hope you will be coming 🙂
    A friend of mine tried learning japanese with Rosetta Stone and said it was quite good, so I hope it makes german equally easy to learn! If you ever want to practice anything, you know where to find me 🙂

    in reply to: Moving Overseas #899287

    I also think it´s best to take the ones you like most with you and pack the rest so well, that whoever ships them to you only has to write the adress on it. Then you know it will arrive safely 🙂

    And YAY! Maybe finally another collector in my country 🙂
    Do you already know where you will be living if it happens? I´m in Munich. But maybe we could meet someday when all works out and you are settled in.
    And if you need any help or advise, just let me know, ok?

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