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  • in reply to: Future book with COA drawings … maybe #1637742

    Whoa. Just FYI, would pay foreign art book plus foreign shipping price for something like this.

    in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1637517

    WHINE WTH happened with USPS shipping? I know shipping prices have gone up but with my outer box dimensions it was going to be like $60+ for a double boxed male dragon only going one state away! before insurance! Ughhhhhhh

    in reply to: Feedback lists (buying/selling/trading feedback) #1637437

    I’ve been off distracted by magical girls, but wow. Thank you drag0n for dealing with so much garbage and keeping the lists alive. It’s an asset to the community. Your service, and the past work of dragonmedley, is much appreciated.

    in reply to: so what’s up? #1637385

    Thanks for getting back to me. Well I’m glad is is mostly because of Windstone’s popularity in our current trying times. I was like WTH are we discontinuing dragons? How is that a thing!?!

    Take care all. I’ll try to be around more, been dying for one of those new-to-me oriental sitting dragons. Hard to balance all my collections these days! Trying to thin the herd to have space for new things is like pulling teeth.

    in reply to: Christmas cards #1589670


    in reply to: A Large Collection Will Be For Sale Over The Coming Months #1577844

    drag0n, you’re a very kind person to help this family with such a huge task during such a difficult time. People like you make this fan base shine.

    I’m sure you are getting swarmed with PMs so I’ll make my interest known here. I’m down for any koi themed kirins. I will dip into the Japan fund for those! I will make magical girls and final fantasy boys share shelves to make space for those!

    Best of luck!

    in reply to: Veligent Kickstarter Books! #1548876

    Did anyone who ordered multiple books get them in different shipments? I’m missing one copy of the Veligent and was planning it for a gift, so freaking out a bit. I don’t want to give up my copy =P

    I got mine yesterday, and it included paperwork saying how many I was supposed to get. Does the number on your paperwork match what you expected, or what you received?

    My paperwork does show I ordered another copy, but there is nothing to say what has been shipped already. The poads, which were received some time ago, were circled, but no key explaining anything.

    in reply to: Veligent Kickstarter Books! #1548777

    Did anyone who ordered multiple books get them in different shipments? I’m missing one copy of the Veligent and was planning it for a gift, so freaking out a bit. I don’t want to give up my copy =P

    in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1546804

    WOOT! Thanks much =)

    in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1546336

    Do you think we will have the books before Christmas? I got an extra copy to give for Jolabokaflod…and if that’s a new word for anyone, you’re welcome, Christmas will now be ten times more fun for you!

    in reply to: September raffle winner! #1543345

    WOOT! WTG!!!

    in reply to: Has this happened to anyone else? #1540063

    I have had the craziest unasked for Amazon order.  About two years, I had ordered some books and Christmas presents; there was a mix of items like music, movies, and odd and ends.  So many different departments.  I got all my items and ANOTHER box that was HUGE.  Addressed to me, arrived same time as my other packages.  I opened it up and it was four boxes of collection bags for a breast milk pump… I am not nor have I ever been lactating.  When I contacted Amazon, they said someone must have ordered them for me… I told them “hell no” and eventually with a half a dozen emails mostly in English, they told me to say I was returning another item and use that return label to return the breast milk bags.  They said they would understand it was not the actual item being returned.  I did this, then got a refund for the item we were pretending I would return.  I contacted Amazon again and they wanted some strange authorization to recharge me since they refunded the initial cost of a legit item I did get; it didn’t look normal so I promptly ignored the request.   Now I’m scared to email them about anything, cause who knows what they will send me!!!

    in reply to: GB Pebble Loaf Dragons 3/20/18 Show Off Thread! #1539693


    Whoa, I never noticed!  very easy =)

    in reply to: Show your collection – Part 13 #1539506

    Amazing!  Thanks for sharing, drag0n! There were so many lovely test paints I’d forgotten about, now I’m in love with them again!

    in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1539383

    Biggest geek whine ever but here goes!  OMG found a reliable online kuji and soon I will have no extra money!!! It was okay because I only had a gambling problem in Japan but now I can do it virtually and am in so much trouble!  Yuri on Ice, My Hero Academia, Animal Crossing!!!! I need a Yuri On Ice x Sanrio cake stand! ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

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