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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Unicorn Livestream: January 22 #892221

      Woohoo! This means they are almost ready! I’d love to watch, but can’t spare the bandwidth for video. 🙁

      in reply to: Grab Bag Unicorn Proposal #892134

        I’ve let this thread sit and mull in my mind for awhile. I have to admit, my first response was along the lines of ‘omg, nooooo!’ – because I figured that of course my top five choices would be unattainable, since I certainly don’t have the funds to bid mega-bucks for baby unicorns on ebay.


        With time and further considering of all sides involved, and I read each and every comment too. I have come to the conclusions…

        1/ I am ok with the idea of auctioning off first (five) picks from the group set.

        2/ I am also ok with pulling five unis and auctioning them off seperately.

        (That said, I would prefer the first option, I’d actually be amused to see how much someone would be willing to pay for that priveledge, and I think it would raise more funds than the second option). Windstone needs the funds, and they should do what they NEED to do.

        3/ I am NOT ok with an overall price increase on the grab bags. As it is, I think $120 is too high, considering the gamble of getting one of the plainer pieces that aren’t popular. Many people get pieces they aren’t really fond of as it is. (Of five, this has only happened to me once, and it was a popular piece. I just don’t like orange. :P) At least if you get a popular piece, you can trade it. If you get the plain one… that becomes harder. And shipping costs have to be considered, too, repeat-trading gets really expensive!

        4/ And.. haha. I feel like I’m being singled out… yah, that’s my grab bag baby on ebay for $350. But it is there for a reason: We could use the money, fer shure. But I like the little fellow. So I agreed to list him, but at a high price. If I get that price, I won’t feel so bad having to sell him. So there, now you all know the ‘why’ behind the crazy $350 GBB. 😛 I know he probably won’t sell, but if he does, it’ll help pay the bills. I can’t bring myself to put up any of the other three, I like them way too much. (They were all grabs, no trading on them.)

        in reply to: share your eBay griffins #892131

          I only have an itty bitty pic of mine. This is my pride and joy, and a piece I enjoy every day. ^.^ “Color Sunburst Griffin”, and a test paint. Chillin’ with his GB uni pal.

          in reply to: Dragon Cave Egg Exchange #890453

            Wow, So many people are managing to catch hollies this year! I’ve been playing so long, and I’ve never managed to catch one. I can’t even seem to trade for one, and I have a second gen gold IOU to offer. 😛

            Anybody here have a Holly they want to spare? DragCave username (everywhere) is Thunderwing.

            in reply to: cards #890041

              Omigosh, is it too late? How have I not seen this thread before today? If it isn’t too late, I would love to receive a melody card. I think you have my address, I have entered raffles. My email contains the name ‘kiera’ (and some numbers and an at hotmail thingy).


                Thanks for the tip Amy, the picture is working now!


                  Bumping up, still looking to sell this fellow.

                  in reply to: SAVE HOTDOG #871199

                    I have no idea what we’re talking about, but I love hotdogs too! *wink*

                    in reply to: Norwegian lemmings? #867508

                      I’ve got a pet lemming! She’s a steppe lemming, so technically she’s a vole. And she doesn’t run off edges… she backs off them. *facepalm*

                      Still. Adorable. This is a pic of her parents. (I used to have several breeding pairs, but this one is my very last one. Last one in Ontario, at least until I can import some more.)



                      in reply to: One more sculpt? #867506

                        If you do hammies, you must do dwarves (a fat dwarf hamster eating a seed is an almost perfect sphere!). Or Roborovski dwarves. If you need pics, I can send lots, of all different angles.

                        in reply to: Young Grab Bag Poad 11/11 Thread #864976

                          Hooray! My Poadie finally arrived today. It feels like I’ve been waiting foreeeever! And I also need to send a thank you out to Susie, I’m another one who was able to get one of the ‘leftover’ poads thanks to her forum post. ^.^

                          This is my little guy. I’m pretty darn content with him. I liked most of the ones in the pictures, so I really didn’t have a preferred pattern or anything in mind. I was just hoping for ‘one with an eye stripe’. Or the albino one, since I don’t like that one at all, but I knew that everybody else loved it, and that would have made trading easy. 😛

                          I WILL consider trades, I’ll be a bit picky since I am fairly happy with him, but I will also consider what else is out there.

                          The ‘white’ in the pictures is actually much more silvery in person, but it doesn’t photograph with a flash very well.

                          Safe on the shelf (that space has been reserved for the last six months for a baby poad).

                          in reply to: Christmas list #863942

                            I can answer a couple questions – I believe that the kinder toy chocolate eggs are not allowed into the USA, not so much because it is a toy contained in chocolate, but because it is a TINY toy contained in food, and is considered a choking hazard. Technically, you could choke on one of those plastic eggs if you tried hard enough. 😛

                            And you may NOT mail food to the USA, unless it is home made. If it is home made, you have to list all of the ingredients on the customs form. If it is store bought or pre-packaged, then you have to get a ‘prior notice’ thingy from the FDA. This was put into effect after 911, to prevent ‘bioterrorism’.

                            Follow linky. http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=104×882807

                            That said, I mail stuff to the USA frequently, and I haven’t had a problem mailing things like candy bars. Though I did avoid doing so until 2007, I figured that enforcement of that law would get more relaxed, and it did. Generally speaking, unless you are a business, it isn’t worth the hassle and cost of getting permission. Just do it, and claim ignorance if an issue comes up.

                            As for alcohol, the answer is just plain ‘no’. It is considered a ‘hazardous good’ and can’t be mailed locally or abroad. If you try, it will get confiscated. (True Story) American friend of mine tried to mail me a bottle of amaretto and some chocolate wafers as a surprise. Ten days later, I thanked him for the wafers. He asked if I liked the amaretto. I said… ‘what amaretto’? He went to the post office, and found out that the staff there had opened the package and removed the bottle so that the package could still be mailed. He did get the bottle back, and was…. well, I would have paidmoney to have been there to witness his reaction to the staff. 😛 B

                            in reply to: GB Unicorn's any time soon #863889

                              I would buy some more grab bag baby unis. ^.^ Though I would also buy at least one of a grab bag anything – GB flap cats would be neat to see! (So long as it isn’t an expensive sculpt… baby unis are perfect for this exact reason).

                              in reply to: Young Grab Bag Poad 11/11 Thread #863063

                                Oooo! I love seeing everyone’s pictures! And now I have a poad of my own to look forward to. I missed out on them in the shop, but was able to email susie and get on a list for any ‘leftovers’. And there is now one with my name on it. He won’t be mailed until Monday… and being international, it’ll be at least a week to wait. But I will finally have a baby poad. (About time, too, his spot on the shelf has been empty for a long time!).

                                in reply to: Grab bag poads in the store! #862497

                                  Me too, I didn’t get one. 🙁 We must all squeek for Melody to make more!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 89 total)