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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Young Sitting Oriental Dragon Showoff Thread #1556822

      These are really gorgeous. I was never into the brightly colored pieces before, but I think the nostalgia bug is biting me and I’ve grown quite fond of these beautiful examples! Wish I could afford one, but I cannot, so I will enjoy the photos you all so kindly share!

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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      in reply to: Windstone Identification Thread #1544550

        This post has a pretty good comparison of peacock, a slightly different peacock, and current emerald-peacock colorations on a fledgling. The first version of emerald-peacock had much more intense violet/purple than this, yet.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        in reply to: Windstone Identification Thread #1544549

          KS Fairchild, is it possible the seller used photos of a Peacock dragon but accidentally sent you an emerald peacock dragon? I have one of the first emerald peacock dragons and she has a ton of purple, unlike the newest ones. If that’s what you have, it’s actually somewhat rare/uncommon since they tweaked the color scheme to have far less purple very shortly after releasing them.

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          in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1544349

            Astral Griffins

            Oh, you have them all!! How cool! (I may have already known this but my memory is leaky….)

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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            in reply to: What's your grail piece(s)? #1542374

              There were four labradorite male griffins (three went for sale on eBay, one belongs to Melody), and 3 each of the female, and each chick. Since there was more than one of each, they didn’t go TOO bonkers on eBay and while very limited, there’s a chance one will surface for sale one day. There was only one labradorite lap dragon though, and I think it holds the record for highest bid eBay auction for Windstone? Unless they’ve broken it in recent years, I admit I haven’t been paying close attention lately!

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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              in reply to: Members Windstone Photo Calendar #1541824

                Redbubble makes really nice quality calendars on heavy stock. So far they are my favorite, though the months are not populated with holiday dates on the calendar itself. If this isn’t an issue with you, I recommend giving them a try to see if you like it. I make a few as gifts for my family every year.
                I have generally been much happier with Redbubble’s print quality and user interface/payout system than either Cafepress or Zazzle, but as always, your mileage may vary depending on your needs!

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                in reply to: New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc) #1540292

                  I actually prefer the new layout with the Explore drop down! It’s easier to navigate. If people are getting confused though, perhaps a “community” drop down with the forum, classifieds, pyo galleries would work, and drop the other stuff under “explore” (Reptangle™, FAQ, About, the blog? etc).

                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                  in reply to: Live Stream of Poads(tm) this afternoon! #1537436

                    Very kindly, I love how far out of her way Melody and the Windstone crew go. They are absolutely one of the top companies I’ve ever known for this and I think it’s why we have such a great community!
                    My point was mostly for newcomers. One of the major reasons the Windstone crew wanted to run a Kickstarter was to introduce new fans to Melody’s work, as Kickstarters often get seen well outside of the fan base of any one creator. I was there in person when we initially started kicking the idea around and we talked about it for hours (and quite a bit in the years since then!). I’m concerned mostly that some of the “grab bag– but not really” stuff can be a little off-putting to new folks that don’t really know our community or its history with grab bags, trading, and how hard Windstone works to make sure people are happy with what they get. Without that history, and that understanding, and all the lead up we’ve all had via the forum and Melody’s social media… it can be a little confusing and off putting. Especially learning about it in retrospect! That’s all! In the end, I appreciate all that Windstone does. I’m very happy for any successes they have. I will always promote and support them.

                    Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                    in reply to: Live Stream of Poads(tm) this afternoon! #1537396

                      I agree that not leaving the Poads a pure grab-bag was probably not a great idea… Almost everything I read on the Kickstarter, as a backer, indicates that they are a random grab bag (the small mention via the video is easy to overlook, especially for those that are hearing impaired); especially if one of the Kickstarter’s goals is to introduce new people to Melody’s work that may not have seen it before. The true newbies to her work that are being introduced via the Kickstarter are apt to feel confused about this “grab bag that isn’t” and the selection process that seems a bit mismanaged. People can get very fussy over Kickstarters (I’ve been part of many at this point both running them and being a backer) so I hope everything works out without a headache! I think the stream was neat to see the Poads, and a great idea; the claiming was what surprised me.
                      But what’s done is done, and hopefully all goes well! I really truly hope that it is a success and is more fun than trouble.

                      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                      in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1536966

                        Now you just have to deal with 10000000 questions and the agony* of fulfillment! GOOD LUCK!

                        (*with a shipping department and staff this won’t be bad at all once you get all the orders and add-ons straight)

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                        in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1536964

                          Yep!! Already funded! Congrats Melody and crew!

                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                          in reply to: The Veligent Kickstarer is Up! #1536959

                            You guys will fund, no sweat. I wouldn’t be surprised if you made it by dinner time!

                            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                            in reply to: Ebay Harrassment #1536761

                              This sort of is a grey area in our rules, flirting at the edge! The Windstone staff (I’m a volunteer now) has in the past of course preferred these things be settled in private… but I can see how this might be impossible to do. I’m not sure if posting this here will change the heart of someone that is clearly intent on bothering you, but I wanted to leave the thread up as others here have chimed in with helpful ways to use eBay to report what’s going on, since it sounds like this is all happening on eBay.

                              Please note however that if for some reason this thread turns into a quarrel or names are named, I may need to close it! Thanks for understanding, and please be kind to one another <3

                              I encourage anyone that wishes to get specifics about this situation, since it is occurring off-site, to PM or email one another. Thank you!

                              I know this doesn't seem to be the case here (?) but just as a reminder, if someone is using the forum as a way to harass you or anyone else, let us know as that's not tolerated. 🙂

                              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                                My very basic understanding with the disclaimer that I am NOT an expert and in fact only just barely glean this info from my IT husbando: scam and spam is such a huge online business worldwide that scam/spammers and the scripts (much of it is totally automated!) are getting smarter and better about getting around safeguards. It’s easy to wonder “what’s the point?!” but the point is to set up an ever larger network of computers to send out this garbage, like a giant net cast into the ocean, that they know will trap at least some of the fish (ultimately to make money, but the way this happens can seem very round about).

                                This is a kind reminder to always be suspicious of any messages, emails, websites, ads- not just on the forum but with anything electronic- especially ones with links or attachments. Never click on stuff that you aren’t 100% confident in!

                                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                                  Thank you, I got the newest one just now.

                                  IP blocking has become more tricky over the years as it can accidentally effect innocent people if the IP is spoofed or otherwise change IP blocks. Also many of these scammers/spammers like this are automated and IP spoofing is a common tactic to get around IP bans. That said, I’m sure Clay will do what he can to help prevent this once he’s able to get time to look into it. He has a far greater understanding and expertise than I do! I barely know enough about this stuff to get me in trouble if I muck about, so I do my best not to mess with anything that I don’t fully understand.

                                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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