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  • Bullsquid

      It still kind of baffles me how we can have a mad dash for grab bags and they are all in carts and then the next morning there are more than 10 in stock. I’m not complaining, mind you, because that is usually the only way I am able to get one (I live on the East coast and go to bed early), it’s just one of the many things I find curious. 🙂

      Because the only way to be SURE of getting a Grab Bag you might want is Grab First – Think Later. In other words, get one in your cart ASAP and then consider whether it is something you want and can afford. Otherwise you can invest a lot of time and frustration chasing cart-jumpers if you decide you want a whatever-it-is and then try to grab one.

      This is especially true for this grab bag, since you could only pick one tanuki from two batches. When I bought my tanuki this morning, I hadn’t decided whether to get a plain or a fancy, so I initially put one of each in my cart just to be safe. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of people did this, which would explain why there were so many “cart-jumpers”.


        I think I managed to snag the last plain tanuki! 🙂 I saw all the website problems last night and figured that I would be out of luck, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a couple of plain tanukis and a few fancies still in stock this morning.

        in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #932442

          Holy smokes, those cougars are gorgeous! I can only imagine how amazing an entire batch of these will look. 😀

          in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #932191

            I’m not a fan of the feathers (or other non-mammalian markings/patterns like leaves) on the grab bag cougars either. They’re fine for Ebay pieces though, obviously. I would prefer to see safari patterns, both in natural colors and fantasy. Tiger stripes, leopard rosettes, zebra stripes, giraffe spots, antelope markings -now those all sound great to me.

            in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #931970

              We should have a batch of black cougars in the store next week.

              Oh boy, I can only imagine how quickly those will disappear into carts. I’m sure they look awesome.

              in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #931926

                I got contacted yesterday by the National Bone Marrow Registry – I’m a match for someone who needs a bone marrow transplant! I’ve been signed up with them for almost a decade, but never heard from them. I’ve done the prelim screening and let them send my DNA sample to the patients doctor. Apparently, they try to make a list of all possible matches, sort the best matches, then send the samples to the patients doctor to decide which one matches the best (thus decreasing the chance of transplant rejection). They said they’d let me know either way in the next 2 months. One of my best friends died of Lukemia a few years ago (this week is the anniversary of his death which is especially touching). It would be awesome to get to help someone in this way!

                Wow, Natasha! That is such a generous and awesome thing to do. I really admire people like you who are willing to go through something like that to save another person’s life.

                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #931864

                  At the risk of becoming annoying, I will keep squeaking until a yellow-eyed snow leopard emperor dragon exists. Pretty pretty please, Melody. It would look amazing! 😀

                  Maybe there will be some in the grab bag batch?

                  Crosses fingers.

                  I’m pretty sure a grab bag of emperor dragons only exists in my dreams. But yes, I am looking forward to the grab bag cougars too. 😉

                  in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #931831

                    At the risk of becoming annoying, I will keep squeaking until a yellow-eyed snow leopard emperor dragon exists. Pretty pretty please, Melody. It would look amazing! 😀

                    in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #931415

                      I’m not sure whats going on with ebay listings lately but if I’m logged into ebay and search Windstone Editions, half the time the new listings don’t show up. If it werent for this thread and links to the items that Windstone is listing I would never see them. Even if I then save the item to my watch list, it still will not show up under a Windstone Editions search. I’ve noticed this for the last 8 listings.

                      Whatever is causing this, I hope it gets resolved soon and that it isn’t affecting to many others.

                      You have to change your search categories. I changed mine, it was under fantasy, mythical and I changed it to All Categories. Especially with the pebbles. That seemed to work for me.

                      This is exactly it! I Ran into this issue a while back, and now when i search for WS on ebay, i double check that it is set to all categories, instead of the automatic refined search of mythical, fantasy..

                      My search is set for Windstone in all categories, but I still missed seeing the most recent pebble wolf when it was posted. Everything else has shown up just fine for me. I also check here on the WS site and look at their list of eBay listings.

                      I have a saved search set to find any listing with “windstone” in the title OR description. That search has always worked for me.

                      in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #931080

                        That piebald deer standing baby ki-rin is just darling! I think it looks the best out of the family. Great, now I’m thinking of how amazing a safari-themed standing ki-rin grab bag would be. 🙂

                        in reply to: Emerald Peacock changes? #930921

                          There were even limited runs made with extra purple, called Intense Violet Emerald Peacock. You see these “IVEPs” go for sale occasionally.

                          Another factor that might make some emerald peacocks look different from each other in pictures is the fact that purple so often tends to disappear into blue in photos, depending on the lighting.

                          in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #930860

                            The Pumpkin mother ki-rin looks like an orange version of the awesome Tattoo color scheme to me. I like it! 😀

                            in reply to: Ebay – Windstone arrived in PIECES #930798

                              I’m sorry to hear about your shattered gargoyle. At least you will get your money back as some consolation.

                              I had a close call with the global shipping program. I ordered a sitting spectral dragon, and when the box arrived, I thought it had to be something else. There was no way a spectral could fit in that box, or so I thought. I fully expected to open a box full of busted gypsum pieces. Well, the shipping gods must have smiled on me that day, because the spectral dragon inside was miraculously undamaged. It must have had AT MOST 1 cm of clearance on all sides. I couldn’t believe someone would think that was an appropriate size box for a spectral dragon (not to mention the lack of padding -a single thin sheet of bubble wrap).

                              I avoid the global shipping program like the plague from now on for fragile items.

                              in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #930703

                                I’m still hoping and praying for a snow leopard emperor dragon.


                                  Are those new photos of the cougar? I don’t recall there being as much grey on their backs the first time they were stocked. Or am I imagining things?

                                Viewing 15 posts - 211 through 225 (of 571 total)