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  • Aphelia

      Oh bless your heart.So very happy for you that it turned out well.You have a good brother.Buy him something very special for Christmas.😊

      I will certainly try 🙂 He’s a tricky person to shop for, tends to say “I don’t really need anything, but thanks for asking,” if I ask want he might want -birthdays, Christmas, or otherwise. He’s a bit of a minimalist in that way. The funniest thing was a time I bought him a themed pack of thermal socks one year. Got a lot more of a smile than I was expecting, as apparently he’d worn through his old socks and had forgotten to buy some more before that year’s holiday snowstorm hit.
      He’s been a good brother and role-model over the years, so I’ll definitely keep trying to get him something special each year.


        So, this happened the last time I moved to a new house: I’d neatly boxed all of my treasures and other things from my room, and went to go box up the kitchen. On this occasion my family had hired some local movers to help out, as we were somewhat behind on the matter. Everything was going smoothly, and nearly everything had been packed into the moving trailer/truck. I had set aside my more precious items in smaller boxes, intending to bring those to the new residence personally. So, after completing my task in the kitchen, I went back to retrieve my darling dragons. Much to my confusion and concern, every single box in the room had already been moved to the big trailer out front, or so one of the movers replied when I asked about it a few seconds later. Now, these movers had given me no reason for concern up until that point, as they had done really good, quick work moving all of the heavier things and furniture thus far. I hadn’t expected they would get to everything in such a short time. The lead mover reassured me, and we walked out front so he could show me where the box had probably been moved to. These fellows were very efficient workers, and had already filled the trailer and closed it, in fact, they were about to pull away and head on off to the next location. Everything looked secure. Everything looked safe. I breathed a small sigh of relief, and thought to myself that my prized darlings were in good hands, that nothing would go wrong.
        As the truck revved to life and began to ease forward, the trailer dropped with a thunderous noise, the grinding of metal on asphalt. The trailer had come unlatched from the moving truck. I watched in horror as the trailer’s front end dropped those measly four feet to the ground, every object withing shifting with an audible screech, slide, or thud. My breath caught in my throat, and I could only stare in silence for a few moments, wondering what had just happened. The movers scrambled into action, leveling out the trailer again with a few jacks, then cautiously raising the door to check on everything. They worked quickly here too, but it did take about fifteen minutes before they felt confident in the trailer’s security. While the driver was apologizing and discussing the matter with my father, I was lead back to look through what of my boxes were labelled “fragile” that they had taken back off the truck. I gingerly opened each box as though it would explode else-wise, and painstakingly checked my belongings for damage. Sure enough, a fair number of my small glass bottles had cracked or shattered in one box, and some mugs and tea cups were moderately chipped in another, despite all my wrapping and spacing precautions when I packed them. This was frustrating, as well as the damages to some furniture pieces, but after going through the boxes something else worried me far more: I hadn’t found my dragons yet. This was especially alarming, since I had labelled those boxes not only as “fragile,” but also with “dragons, please treat kindly,” and such a box was nowhere to be seen. Seeing my pallor and restrained tears, the movers brought me onto the trailer to look for the specific box. I searched every nook and cranny, between boxes and bookcases, dressers and dinnerware. I climbed high and low throughout the seemingly endless trailer, and still found no sign of that one most important box. Defeated and yet ever more desperate, I went back into the house and searched frantically there. Again, I searched high and low, every place I could think of. No luck, the dragons weren’t in the house either. By this point, I was a shaky, sniveling mess, and I was exhausted. I sat on the floor in my old room, now empty, and pondered the fate of my little friends.
        It was at this point that my older brother came into the room, as he’d heard I was upset and thought to console me somehow. I explained the dilemma and he stared blankly at me for a moment, then shrugged and smiled sheepishly, loosing a small chuckle before my responding death-glare cut it off short.
        “I know they’re just ‘things,’ but this isn’t funny to me!” I mumbled at him, still more defeated than angry.
        He crouched down next to me and replied, “I know it’s not funny, and I know those little guys mean a lot to you. That’s why I made sure to put them in my car, it’d be safer that way. I meant to tell you, but you were busy, and they needed me to help lift a couch right after.”
        I sat there for a minute -a whole minute- just blinking slowly, dumbfounded.
        “Are you gonna be alright?” My brother asked, looking concerned by my strange reaction.
        I nodded my head, tears welling up in my eyes anew, “Yeah, I’ll be fine… I know it’s a bit silly, but can I see them please?”
        We walked to my brother’s car, and sure enough, there was the neatly taped little box, placed on a seat and held snugly by a seat belt. I undid the seat belt and gently broke the tape seal, holding my breath all the while, as though somehow the dragons would be injured simply by proximity to the trailer incident. I carefully inspected each one. I sighed with relief, then repackaged my little draconian pals back in their box.
        “They all okay, even the tiny ones?” My brother queried.
        “Yep,” I muttered, throwing my arms around him in a vice-grip of a hug, “Thank you!!”

        -I will always be grateful that someone cared enough to save my dragons; it’s funny how valuable something can turn out to be, when we are at risk of losing that thing.
        Sorry that this turned into more of a whole story than a normal post, but I was feeling kind of dramatic about it once I started typing. Anyways, it was a bit of a fright, but a happy ending after all. Thanks for reading.

        in reply to: Windstone Raffle NOVEMBER 2019 #1590393

          Goodness that’s a pretty boio! He’s so orange and majestic, absolutely lovely!! <3
          Best of luck to everyone!

          in reply to: Do you love it for the sculpt or the colour? #1584315

            My collection is a bit small so far, but I do have a few rules when considering a new addition:
            1) Does the color scheme bring you joy to look at?
            2) Would the sculpture itself have a distinct, intriguing form in dim lighting?
            3) Do the colors and/or sculpt go well with other members of the collection, and the general themes of the group?
            4) Would I deeply regret not adding this piece to my collection?
            Basically, I try to only go for the ones that evoke an immediate emotional response- something akin to the feeling when you see a kitten or a puppy, and ya just REALLY want to pet and hold it. A cuteness factor, if you will.

            in reply to: PYO's Dragon Quest #1584222

              I really like the coloration on Cyllica, its a pleasant combination of metallics and pastels. <3

              in reply to: How long have…… #1562847

                I’ve only been on the forum for a little over a year now, but I started collecting in 2015. Think I found out about the forum through the raffle of last March, “Fire Quartz” if I remember correctly. I wish I had joined sooner, as this community is quite a pleasant one.

                in reply to: What's your Favorite Spectral? #1559464

                  So many lovely spectrals! That early autumn one is absolutely gorgeous!! Seeing all these pretties has brightened my day. 🙂

                  in reply to: How To Train Your Dragon 3 #1557233

                    From the looks of the trailers, I don’t know if I’ll be “happy” crying, or just normal crying by the end.. either way, there will be tears shed. Nonetheless, so excited for this movie! :3

                    in reply to: Aphelia's PYOs #1547566

                      I was sorting my paints and putting them away again, when I noticed something I’d missed.
                      There were some tiny bow ties lying in the bottom of the box I’d been using… I’d forgotten to glue his on!

                      Problem solved! Now the big fella can be dapper as he dreams.
                      I still have to make his trinket from sculpy, but I’ll post a pic of that when it’s done too.
                      Also.. here’s a better angle of his left side, since the last one kind of had a shadow hiding most of the wing.

                      He doesn’t technically match with my collection, but I’m still so happy with how this one turned out.
                      When designing him, I wanted his look to scream “whimsy,” with just a dash of creepy. I plan to do similarly odd designs in the future.

                      in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! (part 2) #1547339

                        Two squeaks:
                        1. Baby spectral dragons, though if the eye-size issue still stands.. maybe a curled or lap spectral?
                        2. Male hearth dragons

                        in reply to: Aphelia's PYOs #1547338

                          Aw, thank you so much, guys! 🙂
                          I was worried all the eyes and stuff would be a bit much, so I’m glad y’all like it.

                          in reply to: Aphelia's PYOs #1546848

                            Time for the next one! I did sketch out a concept for this guy, but figuring out how to go about it in paint was… problematic, at least for a while. After a lot of hours trying different methods, and sometimes just staring at the sculpture in stagnation, I think this is what I meant for it to be.
                            I call this dragon “Lucid Dreamer.”

                            And one of the whole dragon-family together:

                            in reply to: Aphelia's PYOs #1543792

                              Glad you think so, thanks! 🙂  That one took a bit more time than the others, but was definitely a lot of fun. I’m hoping to do some more detailed pieces in the future, perhaps a few with similarly “shattered” themes. For the next one, though, I already have a design in mind.

                              in reply to: Aphelia's PYOs #1543749

                                And… the fourth dragon is complete. Thankfully the colors on this one are bit more easily distinguished, so camera quality hasn’t muddled too much this time.

                                Her name is “Shattered Flame.”

                                In this case, I based her design from a sketch idea of mine, rather than a particular object.

                                I ended up swapping around some of the colors, and adding a few extra details, but the base concept is still the same. I was going to use the picture of the whole group, but this one looks particular cute next to Caustic, I think.

                                I especially had a lot of fun with these two, so I guess it makes sense that I’d like them the most. Perhaps it’s also because they’re the two with the most gradients in their color schemes… I love doing color transitions 🙂

                                in reply to: 2018 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1542830

                                  I quite like this color scheme, it’s very regal. The color transitions look great, and I especially like that black accent mark by the eye. He seems like a prince of some sort, adorned in gems and golden finery. Also, the colors fit in rather well with the approach of autumn.

                                  In short… the “secret azure” color scheme is lovely! <3

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