Forum Replies Created
How much were these guys originally?
December 1, 2006 at 8:23 am in reply to: What color Griffin family should be released first?? #512828That was a HARD choice! But it’s definitely between tan/brown and black for me. I love both those colors! I don’t have a male at all yet, but I want one. (Anybody got one to sell me?)
All about Anthrocon! I still haven’t heard back from them about my table, so there’s a slim chance I might not be able to make it. (If I have no table, then the only benefit to me for going is advertising by wearing my suits about, and while that’s very cool to do, I might not be able to justify plane tickets and hotel costs if I’m not actually making money.) But I’m crossing my fingers and hoping.
See, I just don’t like the young dragon. Never have. He and the mother just look awkward to me, not graceful at all.
You all need to move to Oregon! Though not on the coast, cost of living there is as bad as CA, I think. But most of the rest of Oregon is cheap to live in, and the weather is great.
We should make a pilgrimage some year. I wonder how far the factory is from San Jose? Probably still too far.
San Jose is where FurtherConfusion, one of the two biggest furry cons in the country is. I go every year now! And since it’s at least in the right state, it’s the closest I get to the factory, usually. If there was just another Windstone fan who’s from San Jose, we could make a road trip of it, or something…
Someday I really am going to have to travel to the factory. Though there’s some hope that eventually it will move to Oregon! That would be great. Of course by then I’ll probably have moved somewhere else.
I’ll be at Anthrocon this coming year too, I think. It’s on the east coast-ish. Pennsylvania, I believe. You could probably make it to that, Drag0n.
I can’t see any point in debating this further.
I could make all kinds of arguments, you would just ignore or counter them, and we’d still disagree. You love it, I don’t like it, never shall the twain meet, etc.
I still will never like the show. End of story. It badmouths everyone and adds nothing positive or good to the world.
And it’s not accurate about ANYTHING nor does it promote fighting crime. (I mentioned this to some friends of mine who do lab work, and they all scoffed at the idea of CSI being dedicated to accuracy. Apparnetly there’s not a single thing in the show that’s truly accurate to how real SCI teams and real examination labs work.) The show’s sole purpose is to get people to watch it so the makers will make money. They’re not in it for altruism, nor are they in it for education, they’re in it for cash. They may be nice people, no doubt. I’m in costuming for cash, and I’d like to think I’m still a nice person!
I’m not trying to crusade against it. Watch it if you like. But don’t think it’s accurate about anything, and don’t believe what it says about anybody, because it’s not.
(That’s what got me going here, was Sunhawk claiming that it was trying to be accurate. Nothing personal against her at all, but that’s a buncha balogna.)
Hey, I didn’t want to pester them about Windstones very much. I kinda wanted to be seen as “not horribly annoying.” I asked about a couple of things when they came up in conversation, like the poads and the possibility of other fledgeling colors, but griffins never got brought up!
It’s a TV show. It’s not about really fighting crime. Real CSI labs don’t do HALF of what these guys do in the show. They’re not about realism, they don’t care! They’re just about making a good show.
And I’m sure they managed to find a few real furries to talk to, but they obviously ignored everything but the sensational ones.
I don’t really care if they WERE trying to be accurate, because the end result is my having people think nasty, awful, perverted thoughts about ME and the job I love and adore and want to do for the rest of my life, because of CSI, and MTV, and other media. I will never like it. There’s no way to spin it or talk about it, or explain it that will make me happy with that show. They have made me have one of my best friends in the entire world think that I’m a sick pervert who gets off on cartoon animal costumes*. I spent a good hour trying to explain I’m not, and she still doesn’t quite believe me.
That rather understandably upsets me.
*I don’t actually care if somebody does get off on animal costumes, it’s a free country, but I DON’T, and I think that the details of one’s sex life should stay in one’s bedroom, not be shared with the entire world.
One went on ebay last week for like $160 or something silly like that! I think people were going “Oh no, it’s retired, I can’t get it anymore!” and freaking out, even though plenty of places still have them.
Yeah, I’m still well under 50, and that’s counting PYOs and busted ones I’m fixing up!
Yeah. Although a contest is a good idea, and I’m sure most of us would just have fun with it, there’s always somebody that’s hurt to lose, or is a sore loser.
The idea is neat, but I can’t see an official contest ever happening.
HOWEVER! What’s to say we can’t have unofficial ones? All you need is a prize, and you can come up with one yourself, I bet. Or one of the artists here could offer a drawing, or something.
Neat! I like the lighter gold better. (And of course the only gold thing I have is a fledgeling, who is definitely the darker gold.)
Yeah. I want a spectral, but the price is keeping me back. I just can’t /quite/ manage it. Someday though!