Got a copy of Howl’s Moving Castle for sale . Never watched . Go to my non Windstone Flea Market thread .
Have to add some anime I have watched and enjoyed .
Star Blazers . I was so addicted to this show when it was on .
Captain Harlock . Another faverite of mine .
Kimba The White Lion . A childhood faverite and Osamu Tzuka created the character . Now here is a review that might drive some Disney fans nuts . But Disney ripped off this series with The Lion King . Kimba lost his father in the same way , had an evil uncle who really looked like Scar in TLK .
Oh there are differances too , but drives me nuts when company’s do that . And it’s my opinion too .
And I love Disney too . Mostly the old stuff like Mickey Mouse , The Old Mill , Skeleton Danse and the old live action movies like Swiss Family Robinson and Mary Poppins .
Osamu Tzuka also created Astro Boy . I never got into that series as a kid .