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  • in reply to: Raffle Poem for September! #1503563

      And Lupuslunae brings home the bardic school pitch with a bit of appealing alliteration! Serious, though, it’s never too late to put pen to paper and fiddle with wordplay. One of the best things about poetry is that it’s very open to creativity and self-expression; you can write any way you like, in any style, in any format (some poets love making word clusters into specific shapes as a part of their creative design) and don’t have to worry about ‘doing it incorrectly’. It can be frustrating at times…but what crafting hobby isn’t?

      Thanks for the compliments everyone! Your kind words give me a warm fuzzy feeling; it makes me happy to see you guys liked it. 🙂

      in reply to: Black and green dragons #1502306

        I was actually hoping to see more butterfly lines become LPs. I love the blue morpho (unfortunately don’t have any pieces) and find some of the monarch pieces intriguing.

        I know they aren’t green and black but Spanish moon moths are beautiful. Or one could be inspired by some of the birdwing butterfly species (Rajah Brooke’s birdwing, the common green birdwing).

        I wouldn’t mind seeing kirin in this oozey-green and black color scheme either.

        in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1502301

          Well…nothing like being bummed out and scrolling down the page only to burst out laughing from the massively oversized emoji (way to go, forum bug!). Talk about an in-your-face wink, eh? Where’s Duvall (One Piece reference!) when you need him?!

          Platinum blue is so pretty! I’m torn over the emperor. I think he’d be perfect if it weren’t for the black lining around the mouth; it kind of makes me think he ate a goth’s lipstick. >_<

          I like seeing the normal eyes within the spectrals. Does it work for every color scheme? Not really…but there are some (for example, the hot rod riser, if I recall correctly) that I feel it more strongly accentuates it.

          Gina, was the Celebration color based on anything specific? At first glance from Ebay search page I thought of frosting…that *might* be because I was watching Cupcake Wars and am craving something cake-like though…
          (Also, please check your PMs at your convenience.)

          in reply to: September Raffle #1501746

            When I get around to it…

            in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 2) #1500956

              I wonder if there are enough of each (the AL and the silhouettes) to separate them into two batches…?

              That would be fantastic but I expect it won’t happen. The silhouettes seem to be limited to a very small percentage of any given batch. I’d imagine if they did split the poads into two patches the cart competition for the silhouettes would be ridiculous (and that’s not to mention people who buy only to resell–which would really muss with the market).

              in reply to: New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc) #1499531

                I don’t know if this has been mentioned before, possibly placed on a ‘to do’ list or even if it’s a contender. When I place an order on the new site, it hops over to Paypal, and after Paypal completes the transaction, it returns to the open invoice for my current order. It’s really confusing and makes me instinctively think that the transaction didn’t complete. I end up going to the order history just to double-check to make sure it was indeed processed.

                It’s not a functional problem, per say–the payment goes through and the invoice is registered and what not–just awfully confusing.

                in reply to: Prezaurian’s PYO Thread #1499529

                  I really like the colors and the composition of this piece. The markings on the face are eye-catching, and I loooove the way the blue just floats across the wings.

                  in reply to: Grayfire_artz Pyo's #1499527

                    That’s a crazy amount of fine detail work. Splendidly done!

                    in reply to: Advice please!! I'm so upset I could cry!! #1498071

                      Because this has been an ongoing issue for you and to all appearances the owners seem to be refusing to feed/shelter the animal, I’m fairly sure that it can legally be considered abandonment on their part. At the very least, it’s criminal neglect. That’s right: animals have rights too!

                      Here’s two links discussing animal neglect [edit: I don’t know why links automatically converted to clickable named links without showing the html…or why they formatted funny…but se la vie, I guess]:

                      The fact of the matter is that cat would have suffered more if it hadn’t been in your chicken coop for shelter. Granted it was eating bunnies for sustenance but you also took up the mantle of feeding him. I’m assuming the cat is still staying in your chicken coop and that you’re still feeding it…which, if so, gives you good leverage for claiming legal rights over him should your neighbors piss and moan about this.

                      Considering the jerks won’t respond to you and never seemed to shell out money to fix the alleged hole the cat was sneaking out of, I highly doubt the cat is microchipped. You could take him to the vet without fully explaining the situation: simply say the cat has been living in your chicken coop and you’ve been taking care of it, and it got hit by a car. I doubt the vet is going to make a huge deal of it because you’re actively seeking aid for an animal on your property; this has the added benefit of creating a paper trail SHOWING your willingness to look after the cat’s well-being should the neighbors try to claim him.

                      As for the injury…unfortunately only a vet could tell you what’s to be done. It will likely require an Xray at the least. If it’s a clean break on the foot, it might be solved with a cast. If it’s a compound or really bad fracture, it might require surgery for either pins or amputation. It’s a pretty sucky situation regardless, particularly if you’re strapped for cash.

                      Were I you, I would see about taking him to the vet or a low-cost care clinic (these places are few and far between, and can’t necessarily help in all cases, but if there’s one even remotely near you it might be worth a shot). Following that, I’d bring the cat in and officially adopt him. If you really can’t afford any vet care, the only other thing you can do is surrender him to a clinic and hope he finds his way to a good home.

                      Sidenote: I would honestly consider making an anonymous call for animal neglect about your neighbors regardless of how this turns out, particularly if there are any other obvious cases of it in their yard. If they have that many animals and can’t even afford to fix a hole, I really doubt they’re able to properly care for so many beasts.

                      in reply to: How is the second hand market doing? #1497610

                        Honestly, as much as I love grab bags I think they shot us in the foot a little bit.

                        I’ve noticed even Windstone’s ebay auctions for special test paints take a sharp nose dive in sales yet, grab bags get thrown up and go for 4 to 5 times the retail mark up. Seems like everyone is a bit more short in the pocketbook because they are focusing on grab bags so much.

                        Maybe it’s just me? I have been watching the auctions for a while and some aren’t even hitting a regular retail for a production piece. (of course not any of the ones I WANT) but I can’t be the only one who has noticed the steals on ebay these days. It’s a bit of a hard sell when you have an Old Warrior that is probably worth 1200 when you can snatch up another one on ebay for $300-$400 or less nowadays that is still a test paint.

                        To be perfectly honest I think grab bags are a shot in the foot regardless of how they might impact Ebay sales. In spite of the amazing work Melody puts into them there are always some in higher demand (for example, silhouettes) and those that are not nearly as sought after (fish-scaled/armor-esque ones and lichens seem to fall into this more often than not). In the case of the former, reselling the piece even if you love it would be a good way to come out ahead on the equation; when it comes to the latter, people end up stuck with a piece they’ve spent hard cash on and either have to take a hit to resell/trade it or just settle for knowing they got the short end of the stick.

                        As for Ebay, I think that fluctuation is a combination of things: demand for a specific rare/retired piece, competition for particular colors/patterns on test paints/grab bags, economic flux, international currency exchange + shipping rates, and expectation of new releases (grab bag or otherwise).

                        Test paints, from my perspective, are something of a sticky situation. I absolutely love seeing the work that Gina and Laurie do with the test paints…they do amazing things with colors and scale patterning! However, when I look at Pinterest, old collections/auctions, or (when the old site was running) the production gallery, there were a lot of pieces I missed out on that I find as equally appealing if not more so than the test paints of nowadays…and most of that comes down to 1) the painters’ styles, 2) what they have time to do during the work week, and 3) whether or not it’s considered as being “done” before and thus not to be repeated. I think that some of those older test paints *would* have a higher value if only because we don’t often see leopard griffin test paints, tiger old warriors, or blue-striped white tiger coiled mother dragons (cough, calendar piece, cough). And, as Natasha said, there’s also the inescapable issue of people simply having difference financial situations–namely someone bidding really high and then choosing to resell is going to have a hard time recouping those dollars.

                        When all is said and done, it’s really just supply and demand. Windstone doesn’t seem to release new production colors regularly so when they do it’s usually with an adequate supply. Due to that I feel that most people end up deciding between saving up for grab bags *or* test paints, and with new test paints popping up on a daily basis, people have little choice but to be choosy. I really loved the new growth male griffin but after buying a gb baby uni and paying off another 5% of the accrued medical bills, my choice had to be to pass on him. Se la vie.

                        in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #1493494

                          Someone really wanted that jungle flame emperor…eesh! Way to go Windstones, for profit, and Gina, for a beautiful piece!

                          I want to know where the golden goose is that laid the fire berry kinglet egg. 😉

                          I’m actually excited to see as many hatching pieces as we have in the past few months of auctions. I know they aren’t the flashy pieces that emperors and old warriors are but I feel that *because* they’re more compact the different painting schemes work that much harder to emphasize the details so differently from piece to piece. Not to mention all the unique ways the egg portions can be painted.

                          in reply to: Ryl's PYO silliness #1492467

                            Thanks guys! 🙂

                            Even though he didn’t quite end up as I pictured in my mind’s eye, I’m still really satisfied with how he turned out. I was actually working on him long before the dragon (yet the dragon was finished first) and a lot of trial and error went into this guy. It’s a nice, warm fuzzy feeling to get to this point and say “Yep, I did that. Go me.” 😀

                            in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1492464

                              @Mary Yes, my silhouette has an antlered deer on his flank.

                              That mosaic-berry one is definitely unique; I’m don’t recall seeing anything like it before (but then there’s a lot I’ve missed out on). I’m not too sure about the leaf on the zebra, but I love the shade of blue on him and it phases very nicely with the white.

                              in reply to: How are you all posting pictures? #1492005

                                Almost. It double-posted the <img src=”. Delete those first 10 characters or so.

                                in reply to: How are you all posting pictures? #1492000

                                  Copper, if you look at the box you’re typing your text into: there are various links for making html codes. B, I, Link, B-QUOTE, Del, IMG. IMG is what you want. Click on it, it opens a box. Paste your link for your picture. It will then open up a second box asking for a description (optional) and a checkbox–DONT click the box or you’ll have to manually type out the HTML for other pictures.

                                  For classified ads it’s a bit different, I believe. You have to make the ad’s body first then are prompted with an opportunity to add pictures after you’ve hit continue. But don’t quote me on this bit about the classifieds.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 356 total)