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  • in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #929524


      in reply to: Hannah's PYOs #929523


        in reply to: Spring PYO swap sign-up – LAST CALL, #929370

          Finally got a base coat on mine today. Can’t wait to get back to it.

          in reply to: Show Your Collections Ver:10 #929191

            I know they arnt grab bags or anything special but Im happy to post my family.
            I started out recently with only the flap cats found at a value village. Then recently we found a store selling windstones going out of buisness so we got the spectral, amethyst young dragon and fledgling, and the pink/gold fledge. The logostone also came from there as well. My dad brought me down the wizard from the yukon right after that. Today I got the peacock family from someone on craigslist at a great price as well.
             photo 20150505_123741_zpswuozsdq2.jpg

            Now I need to get a good case to protect them all 🙂

            Are the amethyst “fledgling” and the pink/gold “fledge” the same size as the black gold fledgeling (behind the hatching dragon)? If they are smaller then they are actually baby dragons. Looks like the pink/gold is a violet flame baby to me.

            in reply to: 4-2015 GB Standing Koi Ki-Rin Show Off thread #929188

              Only thing is, upon close examination, I noticed that her horn is a little loose. Is there any way I can make it more secure so that it doesn’t fall out?

              White craft glue

              in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #929009

                lasohaney, yours looks like the second from the right on the back row of the class photo that only has three lines in it.

                in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928915

                   photo 20150430_175912-1_zpsijeo0odv.jpg
                   photo 20150430_175719-1_zpswoofrhyv.jpg

                  Sorry for the crummy pictures. All I have is my cell phone. Colors are fairly accurate. I don’t know that he’s found his forever home. If he’s your number one favorite let me know. I’m open to the possibility of trading.

                  in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928894

                    Oh the agony! Mine will be delivered shortly. I’m not at home, but my husband will be getting the package. Do I let him open it and send me pictures or do I wait until I get home so I can open it.

                    in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #928893

                      @Trina_Hill My understanding is the COA comes only with Ebay and “Special Items” pieces.

                      awe… fudge. :,(

                      Just to clarify – these days the COA comes with ebay and Special items. Some older Limited Production pieces also do have COAs.

                      To clarify further – only the ebay and special pieces painted by Melody have COAs with drawings on them. She signs those COAs. COAs for pieces by other painters have a photo of the piece and are signed by John Alberti, but no drawings.

                      FYI, Raffle pieces don’t come with COAs.

                      in reply to: Spring PYO swap sign-up – LAST CALL, #928771

                        I know I listed Wisteria as an idea/inspiration for mine, but please don’t use the current Wisteria raffle piece as an idea. Ick! Maybe if the colors were laid out differently.

                        in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928515

                          Oddly, I didn’t get a notification. I’m sorry I missed these, though.

                          It was a restock, not a new listing so unless you clicked the notify when back in stock button you wouldn’t have gotten a message.

                          Mine is coming UPS. Expected arrival: April 30.

                          in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928376

                            I can’t wait to see what comes. I’d be happy with so many of them.

                            in reply to: Spring PYO swap sign-up – LAST CALL, #928368

                              BWA ha ha! I just had a brilliant idea for mine.

                              And my swap piece to be painted will have a Fantasy Kirin keeping it company on its way to me.

                              in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928366

                                🙁 My phone doesn’t give me alerts on emails anymore so I didn’t know they were up. I keep getting the “All stock is in carts, please check back later.” message.

                                Whewh! I kept trying and finally managed to get one in my cart. Those of you haven’t had any luck keep trying. The “Notify When Back In Stock” message isn’t displaying yet!

                                in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928353

                                  🙁 My phone doesn’t give me alerts on emails anymore so I didn’t know they were up. I keep getting the “All stock is in carts, please check back later.” message.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 7,539 total)