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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Cougars are in the store Now! #1574081

      *Sigh* Why did it have to be this week? My husband and I both get paid next week. Maybe there will still be some come next Thursday.

      in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 3) #1570827

        I’m torn by these. They remind me so much of my youth and Lisa Franke stationary, but based on the last time there was a cougar grab bag I likely will sit on the sideline again. I appreciate the hard work and creativity that goes into the grab bags. I understand it is a way to try and get “affordable” special pieces into collectors hands, but it feels like that grab bags have been the focus lately and that regular production pieces are going extinct. That makes me sad, and is part of why I’ve been barely visiting the forum lately.

        in reply to: Replacing a broken horn #1567689

          I’m glad for this thread…though I hate the reason why. Lyrebird’s horn broke in the move.

          in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1561698

            It’s okay. He’s just playfully picking at me because here we are trying to move and I’m adding something else in that needs to be moved when honestly I should be thinning things out.

            in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1561669

              Worked on packing my Windstones today in preparation for the move. Some how I have two boxes that have gone MIA. At least they are small pieces – a unicorn colt and and a standing ki-rin. The rest of them fill three dish barrels and and another fairly large box. Almost every thing has an original box, the ones who don’t are typically in an outer box from windstone.

              My husband is picking at me because for almost as long as he has known me it seems like every time I am in the middle of a move I end up getting a Windstone. This time I got one of the black cougars that came back into stock. I missed them last time they were available and he told me I could.

              in reply to: WHINE is Served II #1561354

                With hubby getting the promotion it of course means we have to move, which means packing. Of course the state parks isn’t paying anything for the relocation, so it falls on us. Thank goodness for tax returns. In an effort to save money we are doing it ourselves rather than hiring movers.

                Well in order to pack you need space and time. Space has been a bit of an issue for us because we have five people living in a three bedroom house. Add the fact that we are/were voracious readers and that adds up to lots of books that don’t take up as much space when they are on shelves as the do when they are in boxes. Same thing when it comes to music, movies and video games.

                He’s already run two loads of things to the new house and we still don’t have much room to pack. We’ve been meaning to purge some items anyway, but life has been getting in the way and now I’m afraid some of the items for purging have been packed.

                The other thing you need in order to pack – time – I don’t have. I work an hour away by car every day and we have been on mandatory overtime since the second week of January…and not just 5-10 hours overtime. I’ve been managing 15 to 20 hours each week. I’ll drive to work, do 8 hours, pick up the youngest from daycare before it closes, drive home, eat dinner, then log in remotely for a few more hours during the week as well as on Saturday. I’m exhausted.

                My husband had been told by his current park he could take comp time and personal leave to pack, yet they keep asking him to come in when he isn’t on the schedule. They need to learn to do things without him because come April 1 he’s gone. Like they had an issue with one of their systems the other day and who was the one on the phone troubleshooting it – him rather than any of the others who are still going to be here using the system. Also, his parks are small enough that he won’t have to use this system so it was even more idiotic that he was the one doing so.

                Right now I have only packed one dish barrel with windstones. Based on how that box looked after being in storage I worry some about the others. The storage building we have here has a board that is almost completely gone on the bottom one one side and the door doesn’t close completely so it is not watertight or critter proof. I had two boxes inside the box where I had the throw out the corn starch packing peanuts because they got damp over the years and shrunk and hardened. Not to mention all the debris I’m having to clean off the boxes.

                We looked into getting a pod for the move, but all the costs associated were ridiculous, so are packing what we can and making runs until we get the uhaul and move the big ticket items, hoping that the little runs provide enough room in the uhaul for everything else.

                in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1560454

                  Husband got a promotion! He’s been a parks worker with the Alabama state park system since 2003. As of April 1 he will be the park administrator of two of Alabama’s 22 state parks. He’ll be over Frank Jackson State Park and Blue Springs State Park.

                  in reply to: Mad,mad,mad weather #1559408

                    That’s true. The tornado that caused the most damage (there were at least 4 in the area, not to mention the others in Georgia and elsewhere) was a mile wide, on the ground for 24 miles, and had winds around 170 miles per hour. If it had been a hurricane it would have been a category 5.

                    in reply to: Mad,mad,mad weather #1559342

                      Devastating tornado kills 23, injures 60+ in my home county. I’m fine and so is everyone I know, but it’s hard right now. Three of the dead are children.

                      in reply to: 2018 eBay Auction Picture Thread #1544588

                        I love the Male Griffin in mystic jade! So handsome.

                        in reply to: Mad,mad,mad weather #1543670

                          Pegasi1976 did live on the panhandle area,anyone heard from her?

                          Thanks for thinking of me. I used to live in Navarre, near Penasacola, but moved after I got divorced 8 years ago. I’m in central Alabama now, on Lake Martin, with my second husband.

                          My ex-husband is still in the panhandle in Gulf Breeze. His second wife said they came through okay.

                          in reply to: SPAM in personal messages #1543507

                            Me too. I read it and deleted mine though.

                            in reply to: New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc) #1541745

                              <p style=”text-align: left;”>That was the one. Thank you.</p>

                              in reply to: New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc) #1541732

                                in reply to: New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc) #1541731

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