Welcome! Yes, they do have a tendency to multiply…. I foolishly thought I could limit my collection to just one shelf in the curio…. I’m up to three shelves and a corner of the desk….
The only VF I have is a mini keeper and he is gorgeous! I’ll try to remember to take some pictures, if you are interested in seeing some ( although I know you’re mainly interested in the big guys).
Interesting Factoid:
An Albino horse with blue eyes is referred to as an Albino with China eyes.
In Nature, true Albinos have no pigment at all, so the eyes for a true, pure Albino would be the Pink/Red version I believe. I like these best as well. 🙂
Actually, from what I’ve read and heard from many horse connoisseurs, there is no true albinism in horses. Most horses that people claim are ‘albino’ or either cremello or a dominant white.
Wow, they are all gorgeous so far! If I had to pick a favorite it would probably be werepanther’s at the moment, but they are all just beautiful! And I bet that rainbow leopard is stunning in person!