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  • in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510268

      Here’s the Lion Kirin:

      It’s hard to know where crooks will pawn stuff off at, it depends on how much they know about the items they have, but anyone that lives in the CA/OR area keep an eye out at shops that might carry this sort of thing as well.

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      in reply to: Masking Fluid Techniques #509993

        Sorry.. just saw this thread (in the future you guys are allowed to post questions like this in the “PYO” forum, I’ll see them faster that way and other painters can benefit too. 🙂 )…

        SilverArrow wrote:

        Do you need to (or can you) use masking fluid on the gold horns of the PYO kirins and unicorns (coming soon – I hope)?

        I’ve had very good results using the masking fluid on the horns of my kirins. I just put it on very thick in multiple layers- that way when it comes time to peel it off, it is more likely to stick to itself and pull off as a mass rather than be a pain to get off.

        Quill and anyone else curious:

        The same thing goes for applying it to eyes! Thick is good. Try to only get it on the surface of the eye! When you let it run into the edges of the eye it actually gets in all those little nooks and is much harder to remove from the eye because it catches on the backs of the eyes. It’s never fun to try and pull little flaps of white from all around the edges of the eyes… makes it look messy.
        If your masking fluid is -really- runny, try chilling it (do NOT freeze) for a bit in your fridge, then applying. It should thicken it a bit. IF not then get a glob on your brush, let it just barely dry, then apply it to the eyes.

        Always use an old or junk brush, and clean it well with water and some normal hand or dish soap ASAP afterward.

        (I’ll add this info to the FAQ shortly)

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        in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510096

          LyoMoonheart wrote:

          I’m rather wondering how big he’s going to be if he’s going to be $750 US(?) Wondering if that’s worth it…

          How big who is? How’d you get that price? o.o

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          in reply to: RUSSET DRAGONS ARE UP!!! Aaaand they're gone….. #509852

            SPark wrote:

            Well, it’s not like they’ve made thsi new mold to make only 30 of them! They will be in stores, eventually. Lots cheaper than $60 too, I’m sure.

            Limited production means they will not be retailed… but that might only be for the russet/red flame color. We can hope. 🙂

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            in reply to: and were off #509953

              LOL… I was peeking at the ‘buyers’ list. Holy crap, drag0nfeathers!! XD

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              in reply to: Everybody say "hi" to Gruffin! #509777

                Gruffin is here?! Hi Gruffin! 😀

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                in reply to: Russet Curl Dragons #509575

                  People go nuts to give them as gifts to spoiled kids for Christmas I guess. 😉

                  $9000 is more than I made all year last year. Yikes.

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                  in reply to: Name of new color #508830

                    Topaz comes most frequently in a yellow/amber color, which is the first thing that pops into mind for me. Which seems pretty inaccurate! 😛

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                    in reply to: ZOMG #509381

                      We all post pictures! That’s part of what the forum is about. 😉

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                      in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509123

                        SPark wrote:

                        *laughs* How come you didn’t bid then? I was expecting somebody to. Even if you don’t collect Windstones, you can tell those are worth more than $10!

                        Well, I was gonna snipe ’em (I know, I’m bad) but I saw your name pop up when I went back to the auction, and I hate going against other forum members unless it’s something I -REALLY- want. XD Plus, honestly, I don’t have the $20 (auction + $10 shipping) to spend on myself right now. I was just happy to see a collector get them. 🙂

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                        in reply to: ZOMG #509368

                          Ow, the irony just hit me hard enough to leave a bruise. 😉

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                          in reply to: Gypsym Stone and Glue? #509325

                            I use white glue for all my Windstone Needs! XD

                            Seriously though, I do, it seems to work the best.

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                            in reply to: New Griffie: black billed magpie (Better Pictures!) #509333

                              He’s wicked cool! I wanted to do more PYOs with bold black/white patterns like this but I’ll have to wait for my own.

                              Was the kingfisher you liked a Pied Kingfisher? I love pied kingfishers.

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                              in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509116

                                SPark, haha yeah, I saw that one and saw you win it! I didn’t want to say anything till you did though. 😉 They looked like the seller didn’t really know what they had… since they didn’t put ‘windstone’ OR ‘pena’ in the title or description! They were listed as “Brown dragon pair, must see’ or something like that I think.

                                You’ll have to let us know how they look in person!

                                I window shop a lot cause I’m poor. XD

                                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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                                in reply to: Masking liquid… frustration! #509006

                                  Hi! This is covered in the PYO FAQ sticky at the top of this forum, but I’ll copy-paste. Oh, also, the watercolor masking fluid is what you will want to use, just try to put it on thick. Thin layers = hard to remove! I don’t think they make a kind just for acrylic. It’s all latex anyway.

                                  Okay, copypaste:

                                  – What is ‘masking fluid’? Where can I find it / do I really need it / etc?

                                  Masking fluid is usually a latex-based fluid that you can brush onto artwork (it is often used in watercolor painting techniques) to prevent paint from adhering to that area. It can then later be removed. It’s great to protect the glass eyes (or whatever part) of a PYO from stray paint. It sounds simple! I wish!
                                  I know a few of you have had problems with removing the masking fluid from the eyes after painting. That’s no good. I’m not sure what brands have been problematic (please feel free to share sentiments). The brand I use (discussed below) works like a charm, but I digress.

                                  So. Do you really need it at all? Yes and no.

                                  Acrylic paint is polymer based (that is, it’s like plastic when it dries) and therefore is pretty easy to scrape or remove from the eye if you accidentally get some on there. I use the side of a toothpick for this so I don’t scratch up the eye. If you squirm at that idea, you can use little bits of masking tape, torn into small sections… and kinda mosaic them over the eye so that it is covered. The only problem that can happen is if the masking tape gets too wet it can ‘slide’ around on the eye and could move out of place.

                                  So, if you are careful, it’s not even really needed.

                                  The problem is if you choose to clear-coat your PYO. Most clear coats that you will find come in a spray paint style can and are sprayed onto the statue. This does not bode well for unprotected eyes- even though clear coats dry… well, clear… they can create a matte or weird film over the glass eye that does not look right.

                                  So what works?

                                  The masking tape method… or a masking fluid.
                                  I use a brand of masking fluid that is made specifically for protecting glass or acrylic eyes. It’s actually a taxidermy supply and I’ve only ever been able to find it online. It’s called “Gary Bowen’s EYE PROTECT” and does a beautiful job.

                                  Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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