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  • in reply to: Christmas card #923638

      Just got mine. Thanks Melody!

      in reply to: What's the best glue for porcelain? #907315

        I’m not sure where to get it. We’ve had ours for a long time. Maybe try a hardware store. I found the product page of the stuff I have. LePage China Weld Adhesive

        in reply to: What's the best glue for porcelain? #907259

          China glue works well on porous materials. My dad has a coffee mug that is porcelain or ceramic that I’ve repaired the handle with china glue. Other glues don’t seem to hold up too well to regular washing in the dishwasher that the mug receives. The glue works alot like super glue and will hold almost instantly. It seems to work the best on porous materials. I tried it on resin once and it wouldn’t hold.

          Which glue you use might depend on how fast you need the glue to do the initial hold. White glue(I’d use a craft one like Aleene’s rather than a school one) has a longer working time but can be slow to tack. Glues like china or super glue are fast tacking but you have very little working time especially once the two surfaces touch.

          in reply to: Choices #907070

            I suffer from depression too. It started as a teenager for me. I don’t really get any severe mood swings or anything and I’m happy sometimes(like watching a good movie) but for the most part I just feel neutral. Not happy but not sad either. I don’t really know what normal is supposed to feel like. Getting myself to do everyday things can be a struggle. I just can’t be bothered to do things other than immerse myself in the fictional world(usually in the form of TV). One thing that has helped me recently for having more energy to face the day with is Vitamin b12. While motivation can still be a struggle I have found that B12 has probably helped me more than any antidepressants that I’ve tried have. It amazing what having energy to do things(and actually doing them) can do for your mood. Now all I need is a giant stack of round to it’s…….

            in reply to: The great swap show-off thread! #906030

              Valdata, I’m the one who painted for you. Glad you like him.
              (BTW, My forum name should be on his box)

              Kim, The piece you painted for me arrived yesterday. He’s beautiful! I haven’t taken pictures yet but feel free to post yours.

              in reply to: Dragon Cave Egg Exchange 2 #906029

                Nabbed the egg, thanks! I missed this one too.

                in reply to: Fall ACEO Swap 2013 ~ Just rounding them all up! #906005

                  Yours will probably make it before mine since I’m shipping from Canada.
                  (Mine are in the mail. Haven’t been on the computer all weekend.)

                  in reply to: Where am I? Where are you? Worldwide Windstone Collectors! #905808

                    I checked in with Millennium this week and they will no longer be carrying Windstones. They have one last Gold male and then that’s it.

                    in reply to: Howabout a…Pet Holiday Swap? #905749

                      I think it’s a cool idea even though I wouldn’t join in. My cats are getting old and don’t play much anymore

                      I think it’s a good idea. The only thing is that pet toys and snacks can be cheap but not necessarily small so even doing a small box full of stuff would cost several dollars or more to ship (I am thinking because I am in Canada I can’t ship anything to the U.S. for less than about $$8-10) and I am just not sure if it would be worth it if shipping was more money than what the treats could be worth. And if people did bigger toys or things shipping would be even more so although I think my cats would like it, it’s probably just easier for me to go pick them up a bag of cat balls or mice toys for $3-$5 at the store.

                      Unfortunately you can’t really ship much within in Canada for less that $8-10 either(unless you can send it letter mail). Shipping to the US there’s a small packet rate that makes shipping small parcels to the US cost not much different than shipping it within Canada.

                      in reply to: Fall ACEO Swap 2013 ~ Just rounding them all up! #905748

                        I emailed the address to everyone, do you need it again?

                        I never got the email. Would you be able to send it again?

                        in reply to: It's swap time! #905493

                          Mine’s Sent

                          in reply to: Do you use the same glue for the gems as the eyes? #905189

                            I use Aleene’s clear gel tacky glue to glue both eyes and gems(unless I can’t find my bottle, then I just use the regular white stuff). Aleene’s makes a line of white glues that I find works better than regular white glue. I like the clear gel formulation because it doesn’t leave a foggy film if you accidentally get glue on the surface of the item you’re gluing.

                            in reply to: Dragon Cave Egg Exchange 2 #904851

                              I have spares as well if anyone needs any. I grabbed extra in case they gendered wrong.

                              in reply to: Where am I? Where are you? Worldwide Windstone Collectors! #904809

                                Millennium in West Edmonton Mall still sells Windstone. I bought a griffin chick there a few months ago.

                                They moved recently and their new store is smaller. When I walked past it a month or so ago I didn’t see any Windstones. I don’t know if they were still setting things up, they stopped carrying them, or I simple missed them.

                                in reply to: Where am I? Where are you? Worldwide Windstone Collectors! #904797

                                  I added myself and the shop Donna Rose Treasures. It the only store in Edmonton I know for sure still sells Windstones.

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