
Where am I? Where are you? Worldwide Windstone Collectors!

Home Forums Miscellany Community Where am I? Where are you? Worldwide Windstone Collectors!

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  • #506751

      Sadly, the old map that had our locations on it bit the dust. It’s been removed for some time.

      I finally set up a new one so that anyone that wants to can share their location!

      *** Please don’t share your actual street address — consider, instead, just entering your thumbtack in the nearest town or city center. You wouldn’t want any random home visits from weirdos!! D:

      *** If you know of a physical store that sells Windstones, you are welcome to put it on the map! Please note the slightly different instructions below.

      *** Please don’t put anyone other than yourself on the map, or a PHYSICAL retail shop that sells Windstones. Don’t add other businesses or people. Don’t DELETE anyone else’s marker!

      *** Please don’t edit anyone else’s markers. You can click them once to view the information. 🙂


      Option 1: Scroll around on the map and zoom in (plus and minus buttons in the lower right corner). Find your general area, town, city, etc. When you are ready to place a marker, look toward the top of your screen. You will see five icons; two arrows, a hand, a teardrop shape, and some funky lines and dots. Click the teardrop (thumbtack) shape once. Then, click once where you want it to go. A red marker should appear!! A text box will leap up and say something like “Point 34”. In this text field, type in your user name. Click “save” when you are done, or “cancel” if you made a mistake. If you accidentally make a marker, just click it once and then click the little trash can icon.
      PLEASE leave your marker as the standard RED TEARDROP type marker!

      Option 2: In the search bar at the top, enter in your town, city, or a zip code. The map will zoom to this area. When you are ready to place a marker, look toward the top of your screen. You will see five icons; two arrows, a hand, a teardrop shape, and some funky lines and dots. Click the teardrop (thumbtack) shape once. Then, click once where you want it to go. A red marker should appear!! A text box will leap up and say something like “Point 34”. In this text field, type in your user name. Click “save” when you are done, or “cancel” if you made a mistake. If you accidentally make a marker, just click it once and then click the little trash can icon.
      PLEASE leave your marker as the standard RED TEARDROP type marker!

      TO ADD A RETAIL SHOP (for Windstones) TO THE MAP:

      Type or copy-paste the address of the shop into the search bar. Look toward the top of your screen. You will see five icons; two arrows, a hand, a teardrop shape, and some funky lines and dots. Click the teardrop (thumbtack) shape once. Then, click once where you want it to go. A red marker should appear!! A text box will leap up and say something like “Point 34”. In this text field, type in the shop’s name. Click “save” when you are done, or “cancel” if you made a mistake. If you accidentally make a marker, just click it once and then click the little trash can icon.
      Now, please change the marker icon! Click the marker that you just made, once. On the left hand side you should see it listed. Hover your icon over the shop name in the listing on the left and you will see a weird little icon appear in the same line. It sort of looks like paint dripping from a can. Click this little icon. Now, change the color to yellow and the icon shape to a circle. Thanks!
      You can also edit the shop information with hours or phone number by clicking the icon once and clicking the pencil to edit. Don’t forget to save when you are done.
      Please, only add shops that you have been to if possible, so that we know they are still open and available!

      This way we can easily find shops on the map and tell the difference between shops, and users.

      If you have any trouble, let me know here in this thread.
      This might not work very well on phones and tablets!


      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        Awesome idea 🙂 Shall be good to see it fill up with Windstone collectors.

        Is there anyway to lock the already placed markers? I know its already been said that people need to not move or delete other people’s marker but the two times I’ve clicked the map again I found myself deleted once and then when I re-added myself someone had moved me in the middle of the ocean between Australia and New Zealand 🙁


        Added myself, hope I don’t get put in Greenland or something by someone lol


          Awesome idea 🙂 Shall be good to see it fill up with Windstone collectors.

          Is there anyway to lock the already placed markers? I know its already been said that people need to not move or delete other people’s marker but the two times I’ve clicked the map again I found myself deleted once and then when I re-added myself someone had moved me in the middle of the ocean between Australia and New Zealand 🙁

          I’m afraid not… it’s either open for editing or closed. 🙁

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com


            Also I should mention, every so often I will go through and delete the points that have no username on them. Make sure to add your name!

            Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
            My art: featherdust.com


              How neat! Just added myself 🙂


                Added myself 😀 It’s nice being relatively close to the Factory 😉


                  Cool! It’s always nice to get a visual of where everyone else lives!

                  Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                    added myself…interesting to see where people are….

                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                      This is So Freaking COOL!
                      Can’t wait for more names to appear so I can see who, and how many of you, are near me! 🙂

                      IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                      Black Peacock & Butternut Adult Poads
                      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                        This could be a really great visual tool for finding shops, as well. Please, if you have been to a physical store that sells Windstones, add it to the map for us. 🙂 Eventually I might try to make a separate map that can’t be edited just for shops for the main website, but it’s good to get feedback on which ones still exist (and are good people) without having to call them all… 🙂

                        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                        My art: featherdust.com


                          I added myself and the shop Donna Rose Treasures. It the only store in Edmonton I know for sure still sells Windstones.


                            Millennium in West Edmonton Mall still sells Windstone. I bought a griffin chick there a few months ago.

                            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                              Millennium in West Edmonton Mall still sells Windstone. I bought a griffin chick there a few months ago.

                              They moved recently and their new store is smaller. When I walked past it a month or so ago I didn’t see any Windstones. I don’t know if they were still setting things up, they stopped carrying them, or I simple missed them.


                                Millennium in West Edmonton Mall still sells Windstone. I bought a griffin chick there a few months ago.

                                They moved recently and their new store is smaller. When I walked past it a month or so ago I didn’t see any Windstones. I don’t know if they were still setting things up, they stopped carrying them, or I simple missed them.

                                Hmmm… should they stay or go from the map? Don’t want to mislead anyone. Let me know if you find anything else out.

                                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                                My art: featherdust.com

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