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  • in reply to: Show Your Collection Version 12 #1521376

    Thanks for the compliments, guys! My collection is so very small, but I still wanted it to be somewhat impressive-looking. I love bright colors; they’re love, they’re life. Also, yes. That is a couple of lbs of bulk peacock ore that I found on eBay. Worked well as an inexpensive filler. 😀

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Grab Bag Poads on Melodys Instagram Feb.13th, 2017 #1521349

    Ooooooh, those are beeeautiful! I’ve been waiting for some poads too… and those are all so pretty! I love them all. Any one you end up with would be wonderful if they were a grab bag.

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: What else do you collect? -Besides Windstones #1521348

    I collect crystals and mineral specimens and other brightly colored pretty rocks. I display them all with my Windstone figures in their own little curio cabinet that my mother left me.

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Show Your Collection Version 12 #1521266

    My collection is growing slowly but surely. 😀 Look at the pretties. Look at them.

    I don’t have any big dragons yet, but I do still have an empty third shelf to start on. 😉

    I’ve decided that my poads love shiny treasures, so they gather around them.







    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Long time fan #1519246


    I’m new too. Similar story to yours as well: Saw my first Windstone dragon as a kid in a store and was like, “Ya, kay, I’ll take ten plz.”

    And the shop keep was like, “Ya, kay, that’ll be eleventy-billion dollars…” and then little me was oh-so-sad.

    Needless to say I was dragonless until just recently and I am well into adulthood now.

    Welcome! What’s your favorite critter/coloration? I love the dragons ofc.. and the poads. omg the poads. <3

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Show Your Collection Version 12 #1519134

    My two newest additions to my little family:

    The rainbow curlie I found on eBay
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    And my first special, special piece… the coiled Pfau! Ta-Da! ^.^

    He’s way prettier in person. Wonderful paint job and colors. I LOVE rainbows and peacocks so when I saw him, I had to go for it.

    I couldn’t be happier. I was so lucky to have nabbed him. Beautiful!

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Wishlists! #1518967


    On a mission to add a couple of adult Poads to my collection. Or any other kind of Poad tbqh…

    Thank you for reading. ^.^

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Show Your Collection Version 12 #1518938

    Guys, GUYS! Look. Look here… I set them all up! 8D


    My display cabinet is three levels and this is the top shelf. Now that I have a base, I can add to it little by little. Isn’t it pretty??? ^.^

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Show Your Collection Version 12 #1518918

    Hihihihihihihi… I’d like to present my very, very humble collection. All my new little babies just arrived today so I actually have something to show now. ^.^ Please excuse the dust, I plan on setting up this cabinet with black felt and LED lights soon, so it WILL look better soon. I promise.

    Tried to get all of ’em in one shot.

    My new poads(LOVE) and rainbow baby dragon. And the rainbow hatchling I found on eBay.

    All of ’em again.

    And again. Can you tell I love them already?

    I love the Hoppy poads. Especially the babies. The colors are amazing.

    The Tanzanite dragon, curled black peacock dragon, white hatching dragon, and violet flame hatching were my Christmas gifts. They started it all. ^.^

    POADS! <3


    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Christmas ornaments #1518890

    lol, Ya, this one. Manpanion received it from his Aunt one year and hung it on the tree with a bloody paperclip. Freaking men, “Yup! This looks great!”

    Now, I use a paperclip to hang it every year: christmas ornament

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Member Calender?? #1518886

    What is a quest?

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Favorite Pants/Clothes #1518836

    Also, if you like cute tops/sweaters and are tall with long arms you’ll want to check out PattyBoutik. Her stuff is soooooooo cute. They’re readily available on Amazon.

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Favorite Pants/Clothes #1518829

    I wear bell bottoms; both with embroidery and without. All the time. They’re the best. Even my yoga pants are flared out at the ankles.

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Hihihihihihihihihihihi!! #1518636

    I hear ya. CA here and we just got hit with that atmospheric river. Nothing but flooding, mudslides and power outages as far as the eye can see. And it’s not over, either. Can’t win; either a five-year drought or floods. *sigh*

    And yeah, my grams lives in Oregon right by the Rogue River and I visit her often. I know all about those wicked snowstorms. Stay safe! ^.^

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

    in reply to: Hihihihihihihihihihihi!! #1518607

    hihihihihihihi there 😀

    Manpanion got me a Tanzanite Young Dragon, an Albino Hatchling with the blue shell, a Violet Flame Hatchling, and a Black Violet Peacock Coiled Dragon. O_____o Went from 0 to 4 in 1.5 seconds. Yaaaay me!

    I ended up ordering a Baby Rainbow Dragon because that’s my favorite color combo and I’ve found that they’re mostly retired now. *sniffle* That’s alright, though… I couldn’t be happier with my little growing collection.

    I also ordered a Hoppy grab bag Tadpoad, and a Hoppy grab bag Young Poad, and a Grey Bengal Tadpoad with the amber eyes.

    I’m such a noob that I didn’t even know that Windstone made things other than dragons and the cats with wings. As soon as I saw the Poad section I was in love. Those things are SO CUTE! I want ALL of them. Can’t wait to see the new batch. I’d love to add an adult Poad to the mix as well.

    I remember seeing my first Windstone Dragon in a store in Oregon with my grammy when I was six or seven.. so…. thirty-ish years ago maybe? I think it was one of the larger green dragons and I was in awe of his eyes and coloring. Ever since then, I’d see them around here and there, but they were always too expensive for me. Now that I have some disposable income, I can FINALLY start collecting them for real and I AM SOOO EXCITED ABOUT IT!! *happy dance*

    Looking for Adult Poads, Young Poads, Baby Poads, and Tadpoads.

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