
Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 197 total)
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  • in reply to: Ebay feedback. #876565

      Thanks. I try to make my feedback fun and enjoyable. I have actually had people tell me that they bid on my cheaper stuff just to get some wacky feedback. lol

      All of you are welcome to use any of these you wish.

      Oops, I almost forgot about these..

      Elen sila lumenn omentilmo.
      lupDujHomwIj lubuy’moH gharghmey!
      A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.
      Aa’ lasser en lle coia orn n’ omenta gurtha.
      The seas be ours and by the powers, where we will we’ll roam.
      No other factory in the world mixes its chocolate by waterfall.
      Aa’ menealle nauva calen ar’ malta.
      “First things first, but not necessarily in that order.”
      Lissenen ar’ maska’lalaith tenna’ lye omentuva.
      Amin harmuva onalle e’ cormamin.
      Second star to the right, straight on til morning.


        Bumping it up. I add new books every week and sometimes daily.

        in reply to: A brood of Buggers #876024

          Thank you for the wonderful comments. And, I have heard the pleas for copies. I am just hesitant to say there will be any until the mold is made and actual copies are in hand. I do not want to make promises until I know that they can be fulfilled. Once I get an idea of what the casts will be like (both quality and price wise) I will certainly make them available. I am also eager to see what the fabulous artists here can do with him. Lord knows my painting skills are lacking.

          Bugger is now 95% finished. The upper wing is all I lack and that is about half done. I took a week off from working on him because the scales were beginning to show up in my dreams. lol

          in reply to: Temeraire, Crucible of Gold! WooHoo. #875978

            The reviews are all positive.

            in reply to: The Winner of Quest 4 #875865

              Congrats Siberakh1!

              in reply to: "Three Kings" WIP to Finished Painting #875764

                I think it looks great. Are these portraits or can you change the markings a bit? I’m just wondering because it looks like the nose on the main dog is pointing in a slightly different direction than the head. But, it may just be that lovely blaze at the top of the head making it look off. I think if you tweeked the top of the blaze to the left a bit (it bends slightly right and skews the line off to the right when it should go left) it might make the nose look more in line.

                Sorry if I am out of line. (un-intentional pun). You did ask for honest feedback. Still, I think your work is fantastic.

                in reply to: Quest #4 #875638

                  So when we send our guesses in, should we say where the spaces are such as… “Two space is space company” or would just putting them in work? “Two is company”

                  in reply to: Gift certificate for myself? #874727

                    Well that didn’t work. I just tried to purchase my second $20 gift certificate to help build my account. But, since I already have $20 in my Windstone account, it wanted to use that to pay for my second certificate. So I would have to get a $40 certificate to use the $20 I already have so that I can add the $20 I want to add. Shesh!

                    in reply to: Quest #4 #874340

                      I guess I have to give up on “lava”. I have gone through every search offered and can’t find it. Hopefully, I can figure out the missing clue once I get more. Sometimes it takes the page a while to load the photos so maybe I missed one that was an X but loaded after I looked. It’s hard to figure out which pictures are going to load because the threads are so old that may images don’t exist and so normally show an X.

                      in reply to: A brood of Buggers #873956

                        OOps. I guess I forgot to post the wing photos. His “under” wing is now scaled and I am about half way through the upper one. Then he gets an all over detail and clean up. After that the mold will be poured and I will be up to my eyeballs in little Buggers. lol




                        in reply to: GB young Poad™ livestream #873690

                          I love the livestreams.

                          in reply to: The Saga of Hotdog. #872802

                            Brilliant! Clouded-Leopard should print this out and save it with her little Hotdog. How many Windstones have their own poem I ask? Very nice work etruscan.

                            in reply to: Someone to read my story? #872734

                              Thank you all for voluntering. Just facing the fact that I had a block and my wanting to work through it helped. I have managed to get past it. I do still want you to read it but I will wait now until my current momentum has slowed.

                              And yes, it is fantasy. And it is centered on dragons. Unlike most fantasy there are no humans at all. The working title is Dram, Drake, Drun.

                              in reply to: Gift certificate for myself? #872363

                                Ok I went ahead and did the gift certificate route. It was quick and painless with no problems. My GB funds are already building. Now, if we can just get Melody to do another fantasy baby Uni group.

                                in reply to: Gift certificate for myself? #872245

                                  Those are all great points. I already have my paypal tied to my bank account. I sell tons of books and then transfer the money back into my bank account. I still haven’t made up my initial investment in the books so, until I do that, all ebay/paypal funds go back into the bank to pay off the household acount I borrowed it from. Anybody want to buy some books? lol

                                  But, if I had a way to skim off $20 here and there into a Windstone account then when the next GB comes out, hopefully, I will be ready.

                                  I was just wondering if there was an easier way to build up my Windstone account than to get go the gift certificate route.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 197 total)