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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Young Unicorn Parade Livestream Part 2 Aug 30th #902043

      Thank you for the pictures, Sikek!

      I’m just drooling over the seventh down, on the left, with the cream front, copper rump, and soft feathers… Or the ninth down on the left… *sigh*

      Alas, it’s out of my shelf-pretty budget. I will admire them though!

      in reply to: The on-going horn shortage… #901472

        When conditons are right we will have horns again. We need adequate TIME (Melody and John’s) and that annoying thing called FUNDS. Windstone doesn’t necessarily do things fast, we try to do them well, and if we listed everything on Melody and John’s “To Do List” it would be mind boggling. Please be patient, the Horn Delimma is on that list. Melody would not have sculpted a unicorn if she didn’t plan to have horns for it. Hang in there!

        Time, can’t be helped (by us) I guess. But for funds, perhaps kickstarter could help? I’d be happy to forward funds for the purchase of say… the new baby unicorn, and am sure others would be too.

        in reply to: If you were a Windstone, which one would you be? #899808

          I’d be the Mouse Wizard in Emerald.

          Clever little critter with an erm… unorthodox sense of proportion, charging headlong into the mysteries of the universe.

          Dear heavens, that’s my sculpt, all right…

          in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899650

            *winces* As much as I adore the Aardwolf, husky and wild dogs, at $360, I’m out. It may be a fair price, (and I would really rather see Windstone get market price, than have them underprice things and see major secondary market jumps) but I can’t justify spending so much on a mystery shelf pretty, even ones so lovely as these.

            Congrats to everyone who gets one, I will enjoy seeing your pictures. 🙂

            in reply to: Ouch… my soul >_ #899197

              Perhaps a lurker or non-forum collector bought him to restore him? (wasn’t me.) With umpteen more guests than logged-in people, maybe someone non-chatty saw this thread and decided to rescue the guy. I hope so, anyway.

              in reply to: Grab bag young unicorns #899171

                I’d slightly prefer them being sold together, as it increases the odds of more people getting one.

                It will increase the odds of someone getting one they aren’t interested in, which is unfortunate, but that seems like a fair tradeoff for a reduced-stress release more people can participate in.

                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #898843

                  Oh cool! I happen to be working on just such a griffin! A Pyo “Snerl” type, on a rock.
                  Do you folks have a preference about paws? Do you prefer eagle front paws or cat paws? Makes no difference to me on a paint-your-own, you guys get to fuss with all those little scaly toes.

                  (Please pardon, I’m probably giving the most glacial reply in Windstone forum history…) If it’s a generic griffin, eagle talons sound nice and authentic. But if it’s actually Snerl in PYO form (which would be extaordinarily awesome) kitty paws would be perfect.

                  (okay, now I have a vision of PYO Snerl with a Snerl-ly smile, a scarf and mug of hot cocoa, which probably wouldn’t fly, but I had to mention it.)


                    That is both awesome and adorable! Congradulations! And the tongue on the old green is mind bogglingly cute.

                    in reply to: Well I had the Worst Weekend 🙁 #898783

                      That is terrifying! I’m glad the little guy’s recovering.

                      I don’t trust vaccines, but think they can be immensely valuable in some circumstances. In my personal opinion, to counterbalance their risk, they’re best used for devastating diseases, instead of inconvenient diseases that typically lead to a full recovery.

                      To use human examples, (as I’m not particularly familiar with dog vaccines) I’m all for polio and tetanus vaccines, (the former because of it’s horrible place in history, the latter because I play with rusty metal all too often) But for say… flu, getting injected with who-knows-what on the slim chance that the vaccine makers accurately guessed which strain will go around that year, to avoid the risk of getting knocked out for two weeks by that particular strain, (without being protected from all the others) isn’t worth it for me.

                      Regarding the risk to those with compromised immune systems… If I don’t get the flu vaccine, and I come down with the strain it protects against as a result, I’m not too worried about them. Common sense hygiene is a respectable preventative for the short incubation period, and once symptoms manifest, I’ll be drooling on my couch away from pregnant women and cancer patients anyway. (if someone chooses to get the flu shot, more power to them, but it’s not for me.)

                      The thing that bugs me about the whole vaccine debate, (talking about specialized sources, not this forum) is the anti-vaccine arguments range from cold-hard technical information, down to outright woo-woo, and the pro-vaccine arguments range from sensible reminders of the boon to humanity that some (older) vaccines are, down to repeating ‘nothing to see here’ and indulging in ad-hominem. Given the incredible range of quality and accuracy (and lack thereof) of the information on both sides, it’s difficult for someone without medical training, to be able to make a fully informed decision.

                      When I have kids and have more to worry about than keeping myself current on tetanus, and my pets current on distemper shots, I’ll be doing an immense amount of research, and probably irking my doctor to no end, by asking for this shot, but not that one.

                      in reply to: Grab Bag Pricing #896875

                        Branzyboo said it all.

                        I forget where I saw my first Windstone, but do remember that I was young, and my jaw dropped. A few years later, I won a scuffed up Mother Peacock on Ebay, my first Windstone.

                        If you guys would like us to brainstorm, give feedback, or anything else, please just let us know.

                        in reply to: Grab Bag Young Unicorns – pricing? #896873

                          I vote for psychedelic wild stuff so retina-searing, you need a welding helmet to just look at it. 😉

                          The $250+ estimate seems immensely fair given the time, material and sheer quality involved. (and if there’s profit to be made, I’d really like to see Windstone Editions be the first to have it.)

                          But it also lands it square in the ‘weekend road trip, quality materials for a big project, major wardrobe upgrade, or lovely little power tool’ caliber of luxury items. And it takes a really magnificent piece of cast gypsum to be a contender in that category. Would a GB young be worth it? Heck yeah, but despite the quality and the fairness of the high price, and the good fortune of being capable of somehow weaseling it into my budget, I’m torn on whether or not I should make that splurge.

                          Been thinking, could a production painter do the base coat and eye sockets? Even if it didn’t alter the price, it might free Melody’s time up a little bit, and she’d still be doing all the official visible paint, so it would still be her piece.

                          Also, for possible GB babies, could a production painter do a whole batch of something like say… brightly colored appies, or brightly colored Quaggas in various hues? (I’m hoping it wouldn’t hurt the price of the signed pieces much, as they’d remain signed, and could be considered an inspiration for later runs) It might free up Melody’s time, people would know the pattern, if not the color, and they might go for a more modest price.

                          in reply to: Why is it again, that Windstone Doesn't Sell Boxes? #896828

                            Lots of good thoughts. I have several large dragons without boxes, and would think $30 for an Emp or OW box (marked somehow to indicate it’s an after-market box) to be a very nice deal (for me, anyway) Lurking around, I’ve observed Emp boxes loaned, sent around the country, and and shipped back to the original person who loaned it. Those bits of pressed cardboard are surprisingly serious business.

                            If Windstone had the time, deemed it economical and chose to do so, (all major ‘ifs’ for reasons many explained) aftermarket boxes for large critters would be nice.

                            If not, well, proper mummification with bubble wrap so thick that both color and sculpt can barely be guessed at, is a pretty reliable substitute for inserts.

                            in reply to: PYO swap pictures #895368

                              Thanks for posting those, Drag0nfeathers! Good pics, and he’s even nicer in person.

                              I’m sorry that my camera situation is rather poor, I wasn’t even able to get photos of my kirin before sending him off.

                              I’ve been enjoying seeing all these pieces, and all the interpretations of requests, and techniques used! Lovely work!

                              in reply to: PYO swap pictures #895092

                                Thanks Kiya, I’m so glad you like him! He was fun to do.

                                Unfortunately I didn’t get pictures of him, my camera situation is a bit tricky.

                                I recieved my swap piece this evening, a lovely Nebula wolf from Dragonfeathers! He’s painted in rich, dark shades of burgundy and purple, with blue interference, white stars and subtle streaks of red. He’s gorgeous, thank you!

                                Dragonfeathers, er, due to the aforementioned camera issues, do you have pics?

                                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #892787

                                  Gila Monster Pebble Wolves! (like the one behind the Winged Meerkat in the Facebook picture!)

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