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  • in reply to: I feel so angry and betrayed…. #886018

      Every big company is quick to ask for money when YOU owe it to THEM but when THEY owe YOU…they take their sweet time. :- *hugs* At least you DID get it worked out! That’s something on the bright side 🙂 at least you know you have it coming. I know how it is to be expecting a big fat check and it get delayed. You kinda put lots of eggs into one basket, expecting it on *THAT DAY*.

      in reply to: Unusual Trend that is bothering me #885928

        Anything I could add has already been said BUT…whenever I re-sell a piece, yes, I will ask more than I paid, because USUALLY when I’m selling, its because I need money quickly-either for another more coveted Windstone or for a bill. Its nothing personal if I dont get more than I paid. I will re-list with a lower price and see if it sells then. If I lose money on the sale, I chalk it up to a “rental fee”…buy a Windstone for $300, re-sell it for $250, consider the extra $50 a fee to own it as long as you did. AND, the $250 you get from the sale, well that’s $250 you didn’t have yesterday. :)If you’re buying solely to re-sell, then …well thats a different story.

        Ive bought a particular piece for around $700 and re-sold it years later for $1,000. I’ve paid $260 and re sold for $200. You win some you lose some, it all comes out in the wash 🙂

        in reply to: Lavender Pearl and Gold Coiled Dragons #885605

          Please please plleeeeeaaaseee make more lavender pearl coiled males! 😀

          Yeah! They look awesome in that color!

          in reply to: Bug Stories-share yours #885604

            Okay, I should modify my original statement….”LOTS of us are terrfied…the rest are fascinated” 😉 I dont mind rolly-polly bugs, butterflies, dragonflies, lady bugs, and moths-but roaches and june bugs (they look like roaches) and any local beetles I find to be super creepy. There is a strange bug Ive never seen before that pops up in my bedroom sometimes…I’ll have to get a picture and send it to you, Melody. Strangely shaped, and all black.

            in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #885590

              Bit late to the party but oh.my…..agawd. That Sun dragon has got to be the most gorgeous Sun dragon *ever* in my opinion. O.O

              in reply to: Travel Suggestions! #885568

                You cam fly into Indianapolis or Chicago. If you fly into Chicago, you can kill 2 states w/ 1 trip. Indiana and Illinois. Lol….

                My jet-setting cousin suggested I visit Chicago, so I just might do that! 😀

                Montreal….oooooo! I had not considered visiting Canada. If I dont make it out there while I’m in Maine, I’ll try and fly directly to Canada sometime and visit. 🙂 I’d love to see more countries in my life time, but *that* typically gets expensive faaast.

                in reply to: Show your collection V.7-2012 #885223

                  WOW WOW! Drag0n, I know I’ve said it before, but you always have the *best* stuff! I love that ice blue (?) oriental-and both of the griffins, especially…and of course the Barn Swalow Sun *swoon* I’d buy an entire family of Barn Swallow Dragons if I could. For now, I consider myself lucky I own one 🙂

                  I haven’t gotten much new lately, but I do have a lovely new flap cat I need to show off 😀 I found Fruitcake!!

                  in reply to: Will Rock/Little Rock Dragons ever come back? #885221

                    I understand the dissapointment too, but I too have to say-it seems like most people kept them inside anyway. Have you ever lifted a Rock Dragon (not the “little” one) OMG! Those things weigh a ton!

                    But uh…Melody!….LP color…something similar to this guy with lots of blue!! Less stripes (because I know that would be too hard) or no stripes…but the yellowy color and the blue work well together I think 😀 please please?

                    or a greenish color…I LOVED this guy! This color, simplified would be spectacular.

                    in reply to: WTF?! What an Unbelievable day!! #885115

                      Glad everything got sorted out! The skate shop probably saw a preauth debit, so they sent a preauth, credit to cancel it out-it should fall off when the dust settles, I am guessing.

                      Skeeter, I know you and everyone else here has a tender heart, but when it comes to selling on ebay-ebay is a business. Ebay exepects sellers to conduct their sales as if they were employees of ebay (the way you are suppossed to measure up to their standards as a seller or they put holds on your account) and how they encourage you to offer returns (which I never do because in my eyes, ebay is a giant garage sale-if you don’t know that you might want what you are thinking of bidding on, dont buy it. I also dont sell clothing-for which a return would be reasonable if the size was off) etc.

                      SO!…ebay is business. Part of you has to take the emotion out of it and hold to your policies. You did the right thing by canceling the transaction. Just because one lady didnt want to pay, doesnt mean there isnt someone out there who DOES want the doll that would be glad to pay 🙂

                      in reply to: Travel Suggestions! #885113

                        oh my goodness! Great suggestions already! I am *definatly* going to Oregon and Washington state. They sound like Heaven to me. Lots of rain, big old growth trees, clean rivers (only muddy and polluted bayous here -_-) mountains, berries and hippies-all so I hear.
                        No definate plans on which part of any state-Im keeping it open for suggestion and fate 🙂 Here is kind of what I am thinking…

                        May-Georgia (I want to eat some real Georgia peaches-no I haven’t researched when they are in season yet, but Im assuming summer)
                        June-South Carolina
                        July-Maine (yes, Im going for the lobster lol) and maybe some nearby states if possible
                        August-possibly Maryland. I’ve heard you can get a BUCKET ‘O lobster tails in the summer for like $10 {saw it on Rachel Ray $40 a day-I want to find that place!} but Ive also heard Maryland has a beautiful Fall season. We dont get Fall/Autumn in Houston…most of the trees are pine trees and other ever greens :- and maybe hit up Virgina if theres time.
                        Indiana in October/November (of next year)
                        Oregon in October/November
                        December-New York (I want to see NYC at Christmas time, all lit up 🙂 and the big giant Christmas tree)

                        Nothing is set in stone of course, but those are what I’d *like* to do.

                        I’ll be flying to save on time (and really, with all the stops for food and gas, long distances are probably cheaper to fly).

                        Puffpastry-Yes! Ive heard of those books! 😀 When I was in North Carollina in 2010, I found a copy of “The Weird Carolinas” at a Barnes and Noble. I looked through it for suggestions. I found (and bought) a copy of “Weird Texas” which is how I found out about the funeral museum. Its right down the road from me and I never knew about it! I asked my mom and she said, “Oh, yeah I know where that is” O.O Moms know everything lol That is a really great series of books!

                        Underground tour? Like….literally under ground? O.O

                        in reply to: My first tattoo! #883849

                          SO awesome! Congrats on your first tattoo! If you dont mind me askinig (and feel free to PM me if you dont want to answer publically) how much per hour did your artist charge? Im not sure what’s “normal” for a full color tattoo-the artist I am hoping to get my first one from charges $90 an hour for color-so my small one will be about 2 hours (I hope not more than that…Ill have a hard time sitting still!)

                          Yeah! Did he do it all in one sitting? I mean…5 straight hours of you sitting still? Or did he let you get up and walk around every hour or so to stretch.

                          in reply to: Old Brown Emperor on eBay #883847

                            Sometimes I feel better when things go super high…its like “HA! I’ll find one for a price I can afford, not double what I’d want to spend even if I had it”. I’d love to have a brown Emperor, and wouldn’t *mind* spending $800+ on one, but I dont have that now-and wont for a long time :- But, they aren’t OOAK pieces, so another will show up and I’ll get one one day, when it is meant to find me. Setsunawolf always says, ‘If it was meant to come live with me, it will’ in reference to Windstones. So, if she loses something on ebay, that she wanted very badly, she believes that if she was meant to own it, that piece will find its way into her collection eventually. I love this idea and think its a great way to look at things…and it helps me from being *so* sad when I *do* lose something. The Brown AL OW, Sinbad the flap cat, Fruitcake the Flapcat, and the Barn Swallow rising spectral are all examples of things I lost, was very very sad over, and they eventually found their way into my home 🙂 Sure there’s others that never made it here (or havent yet! mwhahah!) but it just means they weren’t meant to be mine 🙂

                            in reply to: possible special griffin coloring? #883846

                              IDK about all the grey spots but the bold orange and black with blue..YES!!

                              in reply to: The NEW eBay Cart Thread – update Jul 26, pg 4 #883845

                                Thank you for the update Pam!! They are all beautiful! I’m not digging the orange and blue orientals and poad. The only one you guys *might* have to fight me for is this pretty guy:


                                They’re all lovely, especially those griffins :love: but only the blue griffin has the “WOW :-O” factor for me. All these stripes and spots!! Melody is amazing…but we all knew that 😉


                                  WOW! What a lucky find! That is so awesome! Man, I have alerts sent to my phone when new things are listed on ebay that have “Windstone” or “Pena” in the title and yet I still miss all the good stuff lol I couldn’t have afforded him right now either, so Im glad he went to a forum member….*looks around innocently* who will post pictures when he arrives so we can all drool 😉

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