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  • in reply to: 2020 Hippogriff Colt Showoff Thread #1625786

      I see what you did there πŸ˜€

      Thank you! I got super lucky!!

      in reply to: 2020 Hippogriff Colt Showoff Thread #1625748

        And the half stripy luck continues! I can’t trade this little one, she’s a keeper!!

        in reply to: 2020 Hippogriff Colt Showoff Thread #1625685

          Mine should be here tomorrow, and depending on how it goes, I may be very interested in trading for your Okapi. Without trying I have so many half stripy grabbags from over the years XD

          in reply to: Travelling Tadpoad Swap Sign up #1522267

            I haven’t either, was actually coming to ask the same thing πŸ™‚

            in reply to: St. Patrick's Day PIF Raffle #1521675

              I would love to enter πŸ™‚

              in reply to: Travelling Tadpoad Swap Sign up #1521381

                I would love to join as well. I would prefer not shipping internationally, but if you’re in a pinch, I can πŸ™‚

                in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1497089

                  Posting this beauty for Bookers Play πŸ™‚

                   photo 20160901_160449_zpsdrhnrnl4.jpg

                   photo 20160901_160516_zpslxvmmv61.jpg

                  in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1496974

                    Bookers Play, sent you an email πŸ™‚

                    in reply to: Grab Bag Baby Unis Aug 2016! #1492977

                      Got this little one today. She’s really pretty, just not my cup of tea. I don’t tend to be drawn to the leafy designs. She’ll be up for trade πŸ™‚

                       photo C05E0525-C2B9-4E33-B816-5474345FCD5A_zpsb3pyy9pv.jpg
                       photo BD3315F9-177C-4D48-BE46-55822E72A2DF_zps8sppkh7p.jpg

                      in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #945412

                        Great name, and probably one of my favorites, nice grab!
                        Still waiting for mine…apparently he wanted to prolong his Hawaiian vacation!

                        I’m going to laugh when you get one named Puka or something with the flowers in a lei pattern!

                        in reply to: Young Unicorn Show Off Thread May 2016 #945372

                          Meet Axel. The detailing on this piece is astounding, especially on the hair and on each feather! It’s not one I would have picked from the class pic, but in person, just gorgeous. Having said that, I will consider trades if he’s one of your grail pieces. I really do like him, but I like a lot of them, so if you’re interested just send me a pm πŸ™‚

                           photo D7EAF15C-905F-4A23-AA03-F9F2E2C6F68F_zpsevarviv6.jpg
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                           photo 9D6A96D3-8B3A-4B0C-8FBF-F248E8114956_zpsmiutxoqa.jpg

                          And yes, that really is a gold spot on his front chest, it’s not from a reflection πŸ™‚

                          in reply to: Jobs Windstone Collectors Have? Career Advice? #944084

                            I started collecting when I was fairly young. I would say that 90% of my dragons were gifts from my family. I have a few special ebay pieces from a long time ago, when it seemed like you could get them at a cheaper price than you can now.

                            I have my degree in elementary education and I taught for seven years. Throughout that entire time (actually, from the time I was a junior in high school) I worked part time at a library. While I was teaching full time and working part time I found I had some discretionary funds which helped build up my collection of other sculpts. However, this past year I finally went full time at the library (and am loving it!!) but I’ve had to slow down on what I’m buying. I’ve passed by quite a few of the recent grab bags, which I would have absolutely bought this time last year.

                            My advice for building a collection:

                            Skip the pieces you don’t absolutely love. That way, when one comes up that you’re head over heels for, you can afford to pay a little bit more. The rest is about grab bags, because I’ve found that’s where I lack the most self-control. Sometimes it’s better to pay after market prices on a certain piece instead of having 4 or 5 that you think are nice, but you’re not completely in love with. Also, take the time to think about whether you really need a piece or not. Decide before they come out if you really even want one. If I wait until they come up for sale before I think about it, I tend to get caught up in the excitement and end up buying. If I know ahead of time I don’t really need more of a particular sculpt ahead of time, it’s much easier to walk away.

                            I think the trick is that you can build a collection on any salary. It just won’t happen as quickly. Besides I think it’s better to have a few pieces you adore than lots of pieces that you only like. The best part is that collecting isn’t a competition πŸ˜› and with a great forum like this you can have fun drooling over other people’s collections.

                            in reply to: Poad Clutters #941741

                              Here is my Poad clutter. Someday I need a baby or two to complete the family!
                               photo 20160212_094659_resized_zps2wuopxkq.jpg

                              So many here I love. That adult on the left is stunning. And I absolutely adore (and totally want to steal…:P) that little blue tad in the middle.

                              in reply to: Show Your Collection Version: 11 #940362

                                The pictures drag0n posted are a drop in the bucket; she has an amazing collection. She did an online video of it a few years ago, and it was a jaw dropper. Her collection was over 400 pieces then, and it must be considerably more by now.

                                Drag0n, thank you for posting the Ball Python. She gets more beautiful every time I see her πŸ™‚

                                Yes, that is the one piece I truly regret not bidding more on at the time. Such a gorgeous piece! Post as many pics of that one as you want, so that we may all live vicariously though them, and drool just a bit πŸ™‚

                                in reply to: Show Off Your Conga Lines! #939511

                                  Wow! So nice of Melody to name one after You! πŸ˜‰
                                  Congrats on such a nice collection and so neat that Magpie and Calico look like Sibs! πŸ™‚

                                  While I know it was pure coincidence (or perhaps pure serendipity :P), I’ll take it! And from that batch, if I could have chosen, that’s pretty much the exact paint scheme I would have chosen too. I wanted spots with the striped hair πŸ˜› Maybe Melody and team read our minds…

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 107 total)