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  • in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #941316

      Time to go eat a homemade cookie and pout in a dark corner…

      Lol, that comment, combined with the “Mintaloosa” conversation, reminds me that I have some chocolate with mint chip cookie dough that needs to be used.

      Way to give me another reason to pout, Mercury! 😉

      I’ve never had mint chip cookies before but they sound like they’d be rather yummy.

      in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #941293

        Oh, and every time I look at the Mintaloosa baby my brain says “omg it’s Mr. T!” due to the rich chocolatey mane. It looks just like an afro that’s been shaved on the sides…

        in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #941292

          Am I the only person who thinks “Mintaloosa” is not a good color for the baby unicorn? Judging by the photos, it’s OK on the mother but unattractive on the baby.

          You’re not the only one. I too think it doesn’t look as flattering on the baby, if only because the way the sculpt of the baby curves the light, the mint green turns to a pale yellow sheen where the light shines on it (whereas on the mother the planes are larger so the yellow softens to a pearl white sheen).

          Also, boo. The cosmic shift lap is way beyond my price range now. 🙁

          Time to go eat a homemade cookie and pout in a dark corner…

          On the bright side, I can afford a kirin grab bag now? I guess. *walks off muttering*

          in reply to: Baby Pegasus Grab Bag SHOW OFF! #941143

            I snagged one but it was such a debate with the cosmic shift lap dragon on Ebay (and that’s definitely a grail piece for me…my favorite colors all mushed together and silver sparkles, woo!). But I bit the bullet, so here’s hoping it doesn’t bite me in the hindquarters.

            I like the three dark ones in the middle of the pyramid so far–the black with pearl marbling, the zebra, and the one my brain dubbed Grecian dapple (since it has what appears to be gold leaves/vining and blue spots).

            I can’t wait to see what else is out there.

            in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #941048

              Wooooooooo! I crossed my fingers for a cosmic shift lap and Gina did not disappoint! Now I need to scrounge up the coins out of the couch. >_<

              (It's hard to save money with an upcoming root canal this Friday, but ugh! Must make it work!)

              …And its felt pad is labeled "oil spot" lol…

              Just as messed up as I am! XD

              in reply to: I like Windstones and …. #940890

                Aside from Windstones I have…

                …books; hardcover and softcover, old and new–boxes and boxes of them!
                …some Enchantica pieces from the early 90s when I was first collecting Windstones
                …a LOT of glass paperweights I’ve been collecting since I was ten years old or so
                …anime cels–I haven’t bought any in years but what I have is mostly Slayers and DBZ
                …more books
                …other glassware/figures that speak to me (I’ve some Japanese dragonware as well as Nippon ceramics, some antique perfume bottles, one or two Precious Moments figures, a Fuu dog purchased in Chicago’s Chinatown, etc.)
                …a handful of PVC plastic/resin anime figures
                …I don’t know if VHS/DVDs count but I have a bunch that are just taking up room (though they aren’t things I ‘actively’ collect, per say)

                I think that’s mostly it.

                in reply to: Aaa ! Hello #940889

                  Yes, the Windstone 12 step program is usually something like this:
                  1 – I’ll just get a few dragons
                  2 – they’ve restocked some of the griffins, I’d better get one before they sell out again
                  3 – Oh look, that flap cat is just like my kitty
                  4 – those baby unicorns are cute (and they don’t take much shelf space)
                  5 – I don’t understand why people like Poads, but I’ll get a tadpoad for my collection
                  6 – pebbles are little, I have room for a couple more
                  7 – have you seen that test paint on ebay!
                  8 – what’s a grab bag?
                  9 – oh, I loved the grab bag livestream … have you heard when they’ll be in the store?
                  10 – they’re in the store!!
                  11 – have they lifted the one per customer limit yet?
                  12 – I wonder what Melody is working on now …

                  That pretty much sums it up perfectly.

                  I did not get the allure of the poad genre AT ALL until I snagged a few tadpoads…then they multiplied. A lot. Then the young safari/hoppys came out and it was game over.

                  And you need a step in there for PYOs (not everyone’s thing but I think most people eventually want to give it a try).

                  Well done, etruscan!

                  And welcome to the forums, Woodland. 🙂

                  in reply to: It's that time of the month again… #940746

                    Writing poems is not quite my thing
                    But if I think real hard, it’s easy to wing;

                    For all of my bluster I just had to say
                    Seeing those prizes made my day!

                    The dragon is pretty, there’s no doubt
                    with that shimmery blue from tail to snout

                    That griffin however is close to my heart…
                    When my eyes espied him he gave me a start

                    With a color and pattern so perfect to see
                    I’d beggar myself, were it up to me.

                    Dark stripes on grey feathers with cute white toes…
                    Can anyone here comprehend my woes?

                    Were I to win him, I think I might die;
                    At the very least I’d break down and cry!

                    Melody my dear you’ve gone too far
                    And crafted a beauty beyond all par

                    Maybe for once my luck won’t be bad
                    ‘Cuz if I don’t win him I know I’ll be sad!


                    And there’s my creative melodrama for the day lol. Back to work before I get in trouble for being online when I shouldn’t…I couldn’t help myself though after seeing that gorgeous griffin. My heart pines! >_<

                    in reply to: Pics from the Windstone Factory and Corvallis (Link fixed) #940673

                      Thank you for sharing these!

                      It’s fun to see some of these pieces in the shop that have popped up on Ebay since the time you took the photos and now, like the tiger rat snake emperor and the cosmic shift sitting spectral/male/fledgling.

                      I absolutely love seeing the WIP pieces. There looks to be a tiger rat snake coiled dragon in one photo (but with the barest minimum of base coating), the lion kirin, the smoky lavendar pieces…simply gorgeous!

                      Your nature photos were fantastic–I really liked the perspective with some of those ‘shroom shots. 😉

                      in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #940648

                        Well…at least we know what Melody was (probably) working on when she was trying to figure out what the GB was gonna be? (There were many hypotheses to fly about if I recall, some of which included hippocampi, before it was revealed to be young safari/hoppy poads.)

                        They are stunning to be sure! I was a little excited at the prospect; looking back at the list of to-date grab bags, there had yet to be a pegasus one so I was hoping to get in on a ‘first’. Alas! Too bad the wings are a bit of a buttmunch for Melody to paint. 🙁

                        in reply to: Ye Olde Bardic College NOW ENROLLING #940424

                          I suppose I could take September. I’ve a few ideas to twist about.

                          in reply to: 2016 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #940285

                            I do agree that both the male and sitting spectral look spectacular! I’m still holding a candle for a lap/old warrior in cosmic shift though, since I want one of those sculpts.

                            And as much as I love the cosmic shift scheme on the sitting spectral…ugh…sitting spectrals. They remind me of bookends. For whatever reason, the sculpt just seems so flat; there’s no expression or movement to them. I think my perception as such is partly due to the dichroic eyes but mostly due to the form language (the wings are awkward–one dimensional, steepled together, and small when compared to the body size–and the body is pretty compact/solid). That doesn’t stop it from looking gorgeous though. And the silver accents are fantastic!

                            Laurie’s reptilian-themed pieces never disappoint. I do think it would be fun to see some of these schemes on sculpts other than the emperor; however, I feel that the emperor is actually the one most suited for displaying those patterns. Emperors are the only dragons with full-body visibility–open wings, scaly underbelly, nearly perfect vertical bilateral symmetry, the works–with exception to perhaps secret keepers. I’d imagine the forms of the emperor (the upright symmetry) make it much easier to replicate a pattern on both halves of a body rather than needing to account for curves and bulges of something like an old warrior that’s obviously laying reclined.

                            in reply to: Show Your Collection Version: 11 #940286

                              Well, I can’t show my *whole* collection, but here’s a chunk of it – the stars finally aligned and I had my camera, some uncluttered surfaces, and a little free time all at once! 🙂

                              Not shown: Old Warriors (except White), Griffins, KiRins (though there’s one hiding very sneakily in one pic!), Blue Morpho Lap Dragon (she’s up high by herself; guess I forgot to snap a pic of that shelf!), Old Green Male & Old Brown Female, and the fleet of PYOs in all stages of finished-ness. Also not shown: Pebble Cougars who are currently in the mail!

                              If you’re interested in seeing the Lap Dragons all together, check out the “Show Off Your Conga Line” thread! 🙂

                              That’s a great collection! I love the jewelry accents on the white dragons and the repaint male is pretty. I really like the peacock vase behind him too. 😉

                              in reply to: Fort Worth, TX #940284

                                Jeez, that’s not far at all. 30 minutes to that Walmart if the traffic is really bad.

                                That’s pretty crazy! 😀

                                in reply to: Fort Worth, TX #940282

                                  Wow! That’s not too far from me!

                                  I live in (a very rural field at the outside edge of) Big Rock, which is also west of Aurora on Rt 30.

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