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  • in reply to: WHINE is served #930228

      While I have enough hobbies at home that I don’t get bored much, I’ve been kinda lonely and wishing I was better at making friends. Seems like each of the few I had either moved away or just kinda faded away, not wanting to get together anymore, always being too “busy,” leading me to give up. I’m not ALONE, since I have my husband. But it’d be nice to have another friend or 2, maybe someone that shares the interests of mine that my husband doesn’t, or just someone I can laugh and have fun with. When I remember fun times I had with friends in the past (I never had a lot but at least had a couple good ones), I realize how little fun and laughing like that I experience nowadays. It’s kinda sad.

      There’s a girl I work with that I’m thinking about trying to become more than work-friends with but am not really sure how to go about it. I’ll probably ask if she wants to come over and watch Lord of the Rings with me sometime since I know we both like that (we both like a number of nerdy and geeky thinks actually). But I can’t help worrying it won’t go well or that she’ll feel obligated to be nice but won’t really want to hang out. She’s also super busy between work and going to vet tech school and trying to spend time with her husband I’m sure. But I guess one of these days I just need to get up the guts to ask. She may be leaving when she finishes vet school, as she’s talked about trying for an internship in Hawaii.

      Part of me doesn’t want to try to make friends anymore since I become disappointed when friendships don’t last. But I don’t want to always be friend-less. It kinda sucks!

      in reply to: I'm sick and tired of all these RIOTS!!!!! #929007

        I first heard about the riots when I was watching my baseball show, Baseball Tonight, and it told about how all the attendees at the Baltimore Orioles game that evening (a few days ago) weren’t allowed to leave for a while.
        The game the next day was postponed, and they played Wednesday’s game but forbade fans to attend. First MLB game played to an EMPTY stadium! Pretty crazy!
        Of course, some fools disregarded the whole point (to keep people home and safe) and could be seen peeking in through some fences.
        I found the whole empty-stadium thing pretty fascinating. They still gotta get those games in for the season’s stats and everything. I’m sure the game was still televised.

        I mean, I know baseball is the least important thing about this, but… thought it was interesting enough to mention.

        in reply to: Quest update! #929005

          You’re in my thoughts as well, Kiya- hope everything is going okay for you (as okay as can be in the situation, of course!). Don’t worry about the quests being delayed. We understand and want you to take care of yourself. 🙂

          in reply to: April 2015 raffle winner!! #929001

            Congrats! Enjoy him!

            in reply to: WHINE is served #927311

              Thanks guys… TDM, I just responded to your PM.
              I’m working on trying to work it out, need to talk to my parents again. I wrote them a pretty long e-mail Saturday evening about my feelings trying to convince them to let me take Bobby. The main thing is just getting them to understand, then I think the details can be worked out (IF I get them to agree). I’m hoping to talk to them, particularly my mom, on the phone about it soon. My mom tends to be more understanding about stuff like this.

              And, a little correction, it’s phantom-ess, not -ness. 😉

              in reply to: WHINE is served #927275

                I have a couple things to type about…
                Firstly, as a follow-up to my post on the previous page: the good news is, my doctor assured me from the results of my tests that my pain issues aren’t caused by an internal health problem. So, at least I can be a bit relieved about that.
                Although I haven’t had another scary-bad, inhibiting flare-up of pain, I still have had some pain issues when moving around doing stuff, some days more than others. This sucks since I am a pretty active person, with an active job working with & taking care of dogs and I also go to the gym a lot (less lately due to this crap). I’ve gone for a couple visits to a physical therapist my doctor recommended- my dr. and and the therapist tell me my pelvis is out of alignment with the right side tilted up and out and backwards and the therapist also said the spacing on a couple of my ribs is off (she says probably due to tight muscles from the alignment issue)as well as the spacing or tilt of some of my vertebrae. The therapist has me doing a couple of simple things at home, sitting & lifting up with my right leg while holding it down with my hand, pressing outward with that leg while holding it in with my hand, getting down on my hands & knees and turning my body to the side (some kind of rib movement thing), and laying down & hiking my right hip up towards my shoulder while having my right leg held in place by my husband (so not really hiking it up).
                These things haven’t been making a difference so far, nor the things she did in-office while I was there. I kind of feel that if my pain issues are alignment-related, I need to do something that will better address the root cause, fixing the alignment and teaching me to keep it that way.
                Tired of this crap. I feel like an old person instead of in my 20s.

                Ok, and the second topic I wanted to whine about… I live in Colorado & my parents live in California. They just sold their house in CA they’ve been in for 30-something years (and I grew up in obviously). That in itself is pretty emotional to me. They’re moving out a month before my next visit to them, so I don’t get to see it one last time and say goodbye to it. It’s a 3-acre place, I grew up having horses there and riding the tractor & dirt bike around, etc. And I love visiting home. So I’m despairing enough that I won’t get to visit “home” anymore.
                But the worst part is, my parents plan to just leave their 3 cats there with the house. I love my parents, but this is just terrible of them. The oldest one of the cats, named Bobby, is the one we got when I was in my early teens so I played a large part in raising him and I love him very much. It was hard leaving him when I moved away.
                When my parents told me some weeks ago that when they move, they may not take their cats with them (they say it’s because the cats are used to living in that yard, blah blah), I said I wanted to take Bobby. They sounded agreeable to it and my husband and I were under the impression that was the plan. Now that my parents sold the house (they haven’t moved yet; they’re planning to move in late April or early May), I brought up the subject of the cats again on the phone yesterday. My dad was like, “Oh, the new owners said they can stay there.” I couldn’t believe it. I asked again about taking Bobby, and they said his health isn’t very good and they don’t think the trip would be good for him, etc.
                My dad kind of managed to change the subject but I ended up typing a pretty long e-mail to my parents (especially to my mom) about it. I can’t believe they would leave the cats behind. Don’t they care about them? Sure, they’re used to that property, but people move with cats all the time. They’re your pets and part of your family- you’re supposed to care about them and you’re supposed to be devoted to taking care of them! You certainly don’t desert a family pet when it gets old!! I love Bobby SO much. I always look forward to seeing him on my visits and he is always happy to see me. I’ve always given him a lot of love. I really think the best way for him to spend his last days would be to come live with me, where he will get lots of love & attention and be well tended to (not to mention it would do ME/my heart good to have my kitty again). The new owners of the house have no attachment to him/no motivation to give him the care he needs in his old age. I can’t stand the thought of abandoning him there. I’m pretty sure all 3 cats will not stick around when my parents leave, especially since it sounds like the new people will be doing construction work on the property. A lot will be going on. The new owners won’t even be living in the house for a while for pete’s sake, so who would take care of them then?! The other 2 cats don’t even like new people. One of them still doesn’t even like to let me get close when I visit. They’ll probably end up becoming strays.
                I’ve got to get them to let me take Bobby. They’ll be moved out of the old house before I visit in late June, but if I could convince them to take him temporarily to the new house and then let me take him home with me in June…
                I have 2 kitties here in my house already but I believe I could ease them into accepting each other.
                I just don’t know if I can convince my parents at all. I’m despairing about it.

                in reply to: February 2015 raffle winner #926358

                  Congrats! Enjoy him!

                  in reply to: WHINE is served #925917

                    Phantomess did they check to see if the pain might be your appendix or does it feel like a bone issue or soft tissue problem?

                    I’m pretty sure the CT scan I did yesterday is supposed to reveal if it is appendix issues (or a number of other things). I haven’t heard back about the results yet. I guess it’s weird to want something to show up on it, but I really am hoping for something to show on the results so I can know what the issue is!
                    I don’t think it’s a bone issue.
                    I think it’s possible the upper body pains are gallbladder related- a few people in my family have had to have gallbladder removal. My pain doesn’t really match with descriptions I’ve heard from people who’ve experienced gallbladder issues or with stuff I’ve read- but I suppose it could be different for different people.

                    When I know more, I’ll let you guys know.

                    in reply to: WHINE is served #925878

                      Argh, I’ve been stressed and in pain lately… Since last November I’ve been having some pelvic area pains. Nothing showed up on a pelvic ultrasound that I did in December. I got referred to some physical therapy people because I was told it could be muscle related. Got sent away by them after 3 visits due to making no progress and them being unable to figure it out.
                      Starting a little over a week ago, I’ve been in pain up right below my right ribs, around my right side and on the right side of my back at the same level. It got really bad for a couple of days, so bad it was very difficult & painful to move around. The pain has subsided since then but is definitely still there.
                      I just did an abdominal and pelvic CT scan today. I really hope something will show up on it so I can get some medical guidance and some help.
                      But this has all been more stressful than it needs to be because it seems to be so frickin’ hard to get in to see a doctor. They seem to be all booked up for months ahead. It was a nurse practitioner I saw who ordered the CT scan for me. But she said if that doesn’t show anything, I need to see a doctor about my pain. Yeah, ok, easy peasy!
                      Also stressed about my health insurance… ugh I don’t even want to go into the issues with that.

                      I’m putting things in my life on hold right now for fear of medical bills. Grr.
                      I’m only 28, and right now I feel a lot older!

                      Also been coughing since the beginning of January, so I’m ready to be done with that as well. If it continues much longer, I suppose I’ll have to get that checked out too. I haven’t had a fever or anything along with it, but still.

                      in reply to: Mass shooting plans in Halifax Nova Scotia averted #925842

                        Whoa, Amstaff! Glad that was avoided!
                        People are crazy. 🙁

                        I am so thankful for police.

                        in reply to: Christmas card #923910

                          Got my card yesterday, and it’s beautiful. Thanks Melody. 🙂

                          in reply to: Christmas card #923618

                            Is it possible someone could post pics of the card? I haven’t had much time for foruming in the past weeks, so it completely slipped my mind to ask for one this year. I’d like to see it though.
                            (I’m sure I could still ask for one, but now that Christmas has passed, eh…)

                            in reply to: Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas #923471

                              Beautiful trees!
                              Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you all get to have a nice time with your families.

                              in reply to: So, Casper's at the vet again guys. #922489

                                I hope all goes well with Casper! What a relief the problem seems to be less significant than you feared!

                                in reply to: November 2014 raffle winner #922487

                                  Congrats! 🙂

                                Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 427 total)