So, Casper's at the vet again guys.

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      Im glad to hear Casper’s okay. He’s such a cute cat. All that fur! He looks very snuggly…


        Thank you guys!

        I’ve heard of people mixing in chicken or other meat broth into kibble to make it into a mush. Being vegetarian myself I don’t have that on hand, but it sounds like a good idea, provided one makes sure that it’s pure meat broth with nothing added. (Garlic and onions being toxic to kitties after all…) I love the Fancy Feast idea; that stuff ain’t the greatest nutritionally, but it definitely does the trick for adding some flavour and getting them interested! The wet food that I usually supplement my boys with for their dinner is either Best Feline Friend, Weruva or Almo personally. They don’t like pates. I’m going to start trying to feed them their food in meals also, ‘cus I think it’ll be more hygienic for Casper than food being laid out all day and it’ll be better for Copernicus, who has one or two pounds too many. (Although it’s a bit hard to tell with all that fur.)

        And Casper is very snuggly Lasohaney, when you can catch him and he settles down haha! He’s a little on the skittish side, but he was a feral baby so I think it’s totally understandable that he’s a scaredy cat. <3 Mostly I can catch him – he trusts me, but sometimes he only wants to physically interact with humans in his 'safe zones,' which are his cat tree, the couch and my bed haha. When I first rescued him out of my backyard he wouldn't even let me LOOK at him let alone touch him and now he can't get enough of being petted – he will find me and beg me to pet him with meows until I comply most days haha. He also very occasionally sits on my lap and he practically worships his big brother Copernicus, which is absolutely adorable. Copernicus isn't always game for cuddles with Casper, but when they do curl up together in a furry ball, there's nothing cuter. (Well, at least from my very bias perspective haha! 😀 )

        I'm hoping I might get to take him home tomorrow. It sounds like he's going to be on some pills for a while, but it was SUCH a huge relief to hear that the vet conversation had turned from 'possible euthanasia' to 'send him home soon with some medicine.' When all this is through and I'm back employed, I'm really going to have to find some way to pay back at least some of this good karma that has come my way. Twice now this year Casper's life has been saved and I am ever thankful. I'm going to be doing my best to also figure out how to make sure (as much as I can) that Casper doesn't ever have another urinary tract infection or issue in his life again. 🙂 I might give him some colloidal silver, since I've already started giving that to his brother for his gross looking skin infection.

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          Just curious – is a male cat with a shortened urethra more likely to get urinary tract infections compared to a “normal” male cat?


            I hope all goes well with Casper! What a relief the problem seems to be less significant than you feared!


              Just curious – is a male cat with a shortened urethra more likely to get urinary tract infections compared to a “normal” male cat?

              Unfortunately, yes! It’s the same reason why female animals (including humans) are more prone to them as well.

              Here’s a photo of Casper from today – he was released yesterday and we quarantined him in the bathroom overnight but now he’s running free in the house again. He seems much better than he was before he went to the vet – he’s much more active! I’m keeping a close eye on him because he may not be out of the woods yet according to his doctor, but for now he seems greatly improved. I’m giving him 100% wet food until he feels better and he’ll be on twice daily antibiotics for a week. I’ve also started giving him colloidal silver. He has to go back to the vet on Friday for a urine test to make sure the infection is gone, which he’s going to hate but hopefully it goes really well!

              He’s very happy to be back to spying upon the unsuspecting neighbourhood haha.

              Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



                Hah – that photo looks like he is thinking “What are you bothering me for now …” 😀 Good news that he is feeling better.


                What a brave little kitty! Good fortune to both of you 🙂

                [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                  Yay! I hope he’s back 100% soon!


                    Hope Casper’s doing better Falcolf!
                    He’s such a Sweetie! 🙂

                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                      Oh no, I would hope if you spent so much on him before and it didn’t work that the vet would be willing to do more for you to make up for it although I get the feeling sometimes that all they care about is making more money. Our 4 month old kitten is sick with upper respiratory and we haven’t been able to afford to take him to the vet so we are giving him a lot of natural supplements to help him like l-lysine, vitamin C, cat vitamins, Noni juice and we are steaming him a lot and it seems to be helping. We asked the vet if we could just pay them for an antibiotic and of course they said no and that we would have to pay the full vet fees for an exam but if it continues another day or two we might have to take him in. I hope they can do something for your kitty and he can get better!

                      Are there any low cost vet places near you? AI know there are several around where I live and a lot of the area vets volunteer at them. You might check around and see if you can find one many of them operate at no cost or ability to pay cost.


                        It’s weird here because I am used to all our doctor needs being covered by health care but all the vets, dentists, chiropractors, massage therapists, etc. here are all expensive and not covered. All the vets here charge between $70 and $100 for a 5-10 min exam. It’s ridiculous. So our kitten made his mommy sick too but we kept giving them natural supplements and they got better so we didn’t have to take them to the vet after all. It is just like with humans in that cats can get over colds/upper respiratory in a few days on their own too and faster if their immune system is boosted with natural supplements although vets like to tell you they need an antibiotic which actually doesn’t make sense since doctors don’t give humans antibiotics for colds or viruses. Anyway I hope Casper is better too!

                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!

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