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  • in reply to: 2015 Make-A-Fuzzy Swap | SHOW OFF Thread! #934611

    I got my Fuzzy and a friend. 🙂 His name is Nocturnal Oak and he was found by Amstaff/Mindy. He is very fuzzy with large, luminous eyes and very adorable. His friend (a refrigerator magnet fuzzy) hitched a ride, mainly to insure that I got some of the chocolate that came with, but they became fast friends along the way.

    They left me one chocolate bar, but reassured me that the other two were very, very delicious. I will keep them well supplied with goodies. They are off getting to know the rest of my fuzzies at the moment.

    Thanks! I love them both. 🙂

    Hopefully, mine makes it to her destination soon. She has/had a looong way to go.

    -- Angie

    in reply to: 2015 Make-A-Fuzzy Swap | Swap Partner Info Sent! #933952

    I should be able to wrap mine up early this coming week (days off).

    -- Angie

    in reply to: GB Cougar #933617

    I caved. Shouldn’t have, but you only live once. I’m hoping I get a green one, but if not that’s alright. 🙂

    -- Angie

    in reply to: July Raffle? #932347

    How much fun is this! 🙂 Now I get to get to spend the next week going, “Oh! I like that one!” but “oh that one’s awesome too!” Thanks!!

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Show-off your swap! #930670

    And here she is with my other swap piece from 96037, Sakura:

    So, unfortunately, your first piece broke, was it the same sculpt and theme? Just curious. I hope you are/were able to salvage it. Thanks for a beautiful dragon. 🙂

    Lily looks beautiful! Such pretty colors! And the little koi are so cute! And I don’t see the paint rubs I thought I saw on your pics of ‘Sakura Forest’ after I sent her to you! Whew, I’m so relieved!

    Oh my gosh!!! I am so sorry. Thanks for not being upset. I would have sworn in court that Sakura was 96037’s. I had to pick her up and look at the pads and the signature. Yes, of course you’d know, she is yours! Oh boy, I feel mortified. And, yes, she is in perfect condition. Ok, off to hide now. lol Once again, proof that I am so very human. 🙂

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Show-off your swap! #930666

    A beautiful dragon showed up at my door today. Thanks 96037! 🙂 Lily’s beautiful. There are shades of purple, blue, green and white. She has tiny koi and lily pads and highlighted scales here and there. Her colors remind of cornflowers – one of my favorites. 🙂 She has green eyes and a clear crystal. And no matter what the pictures show, she’s purple and blue. lol She also has sparkle paint on top, but I have clouds overhead even though there’s blue sky in the pics, so the sparkling won’t show.

    Here she is:

    And here she is with my other swap piece from 96037, Sakura:

    So, unfortunately, your first piece broke, was it the same sculpt and theme? Just curious. I hope you are/were able to salvage it. Thanks for a beautiful dragon. 🙂

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Show-off your swap! #930610

    Can I ask, how you got her paint to go like that? Is it a black base coat, then dry brushing over? Or is it antiquing with black? Oh, and to paint the horn, did you have to prime it with anything? You did an awesome job on her, I have her sitting right her next to me at the computer so I can keep looking at her, lol !

    No black. I started out green. The green I was using is fairly translucent and there was was a second wash of a slightly darker green (I darkened it with burnt umber). Didn’t like it, but it refused to come off! It had stained the piece at that point. So several washes of green and purple, back and forth until I got happy with what I was seeing also antiquing of the green and purple. The blue was accidental-a result of the washes mixing. I dry-brushed the lighter purple, pink and yellow, so I had more control. I primed the horn with an acrylic that could be used on metal. I am happy with how she turned out. 🙂

    -- Angie

    in reply to: IP Hippocampus 1/12—MandBsMom PYO #930608

    Very lovely dragon. I also think the eyes are perfect.

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Show-off your swap! #930601

    Whew! Amstaff, I’m so happy she got there safe and sound and through customs and, most of all, that you like her. I had fun painting your uni and painted her sister at the same time. She’s a little more subdued than Addi:

    So many gorgeous pieces everybody. 🙂

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Spring PYO swap sign-up – LAST CALL, #930477

    Fingers crossed that mine arrives on Monday. Tracking says so, but man!, it’s nerve-racking. Will it still be in one piece? Will they like it? Is it still in one piece? No rubs? Why,oh why, haven’t they updated the tracking? I’m on pins and needles over here. I hope it’s still intact. 🙂

    No big deal waiting for the one coming to me. The mail lady comes and goes and, I think, ‘maybe tomorrow’. But the other way? I do not like it. 🙂

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Brindle GB Pebble Wolves Thread May 2015 #930429

    I just want to shout out for gloss as well. Makes my boy look like a polished stone. He’s one of the darker solid brown boys.

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Show-off your swap! #930347

    How did it get there so fast? 🙂 He is very cool though.

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Spring PYO swap sign-up – LAST CALL, #930274

    Mine is on her way.

    -- Angie

    in reply to: Spring PYO swap sign-up – LAST CALL, #930135

    You got my pic?

    Just a curious question dragonmedley, since you often participate, as well, do you have your painter send a pic or do you wait for the surprise to show up in your mailbox? 🙂

    -- Angie

    I probably shouldn’t have, but I snagged one. 🙂

    -- Angie

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