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  • in reply to: Ideas for new color name #513385

      SPark wrote:

      Nye said it better than I could.

      You or I may love these peculiar color names, and think that they’re beautiful. But the only color I see on there that would make a normal person think of something that’s ANYTHING like how these actually look is Turquoise. So that’s what I voted for.

      Only thing is when I think turquoise I think of a ring my grandmother had with a chunk of turquoise that was as big as the first part of her ring finger (above the joint) and it’s a pale/sky blue with some brow tracing on it. Nothing like the paint job of the HEP.

      I’m staring to like ddvm’s idea of Blue Green, nice and simple like Black Gold is.

      in reply to: Ideas for Hybrid Emerald Peacock name #513282

        Nambroth wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        Aurora Borealis is much more trnsparent then these colors though and I thimk it would be too long just like the hybrid name

        Oh but they can be very vibrant indeed! 😀

        Beautiful pictures. I say Aurora as well. Leave off Borealis though because there is also an Aurora Australis.

        in reply to: I was so excited about my #512910

          My collection seems puny compared to some of the numbers I’ve seen thrown out.

          I don’t remember exactly what I spent on some of my pieces so I just looked at issue prices and added that up. It came to $414. I know I spent more than that (probably closer to $500+) since I had to get my black unicorn family (minus the mother) off eBay after they were retired. I tried to pay close to original price, but some pieces got closer to almost twice the price.

          I look on eBay right now and see all the retired pieces out and it makes me sick because when I was hunting for them they were scarce and always seemed to show up when we were short on cash.

          in reply to: Finished PYO wolves #512430

            ladybrooklyn wrote:

            Ooooooh I like the blue jay one! Nice!!! 😀

            I showed my husband print outs of the possibilities when he came home from work and he liked that one as well. It’s called “Autumn Jester” and according to the artist is a Blue Jay/Fox hybrid, but it does have a wolfy look to me. It doesn’t look too hard to paint, which is good for me because I haven’t really done a lot of paiting before other than walls, doors and room trim.

            I did a sunset over an ocean once on a section of a tree log for council scouts at Girl Scout camp, but that was almost 12 years ago! The most recent thing I painted was a Welcome Home banner for my husband’s unit when they returned from a deployment to Iraq last december and that wasn’t even freehand. I used a projector to trace the image and then painted over the lines.

            I definately plan on posting progress pictures when I get started. Have to finish assembling a pillow for my Mother-In-Law’s Christmas present first. Oh and get paints and maybe brushes since I don’t remember what I have stashed under the kitchen sink.

            in reply to: Finished PYO wolves #512428

              I only got my straw eyed wolf on Tuesday and am broke until payday so can’t buy paints for it so I’ve been scouting out different ways to paint it.

              One option I’ve concidered is:

              The other options being something similar to one of the three winged wolves that Amber Hill has posted in the Windstone Staff Gallery: or

              I was actually considering a black wolf before remembering that there was a winged black wolf in the staff gallery.

              Any prefernces? It’s going to be for my 2 year old son.

              in reply to: Why collect Windstone? #510592

                I collect Windstones for many of the same reasons that the other members have mentione. The attention to detail and the reality of the pieces.

                When I look into the eyes of the Windstones I find it hard to believe that the creatures aren’t breathing. To me when I first got my Black Unicorn Mother her eyes seemed so sad until she was surrounded by the rest of her family. Now they seem to be filled with joy.

                I’m also very picky as to how my unicorns and pegasi look and Melody got them right! There are so many figurines of unicorns, pegasi, dragons out there that I can’t stand and some of them even offend me when I look at them and think “That’s not right. They don’t look like that at all!”

                Only thing I wish was different was if the unicorns and pegasi came in a few more horse-like colors than white and black, but there’s always dreaming!

                in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509945

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  I think they were just talking about shipping costs, Nam.

                  If you follow the link ( you would find the Web site selling the peacock mouse wizard for $29.95 which is much lower than the price of $55 listed at Astral Castle (

                  in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509936

                    To ship to my zip code it was $10.43

                    in reply to: PYO WOLVES ARE UP! #509932

                      I can’t believe I actually got one. I didn’t even know they were going up today until I logged onto the Livejournal community. Now to figure out what the wolfy’s gonna look like. I’m making it for my hubby. *Random remembered thought* I once got an image in my head of a wolf hidden in shadows that had tiger stripes. No clue on the colors (if they were wolf-like or tiger-like), just knew it had tiger stripes. Might be a bit too ambitous for a first time PYO though.

                      Glad I have photoshop so I can try and do a color mock up before I paint.

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