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  • in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899892

    I was going to squeak for the rest of the youngs to be painted in simpler colors, but as drag0nfeathers pointed out, the last “normal” babies cost just as much as the last fantasy batch so I doubt the youngs would cost much less than $360 if not the same. Much as I LOVE the grab bag unis I have to agree with rock-reader when she said we should ask for more production pieces if we want simpler designs. I for one would love to add the slate and silver grullas to my little herd and I’m sure I’m not the only collector missing those two youngs. Maybe a small batch of each color can be made for the store. 🙂

    What about white with blue eyes for the store?

    in reply to: If you were a Windstone, which one would you be? #899803

    I would be a brightly colored mother unicorn, wide butt and all 😉

    I prefer the term Fluffy Butt, thank you very much!

    in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899726

    I want Ambrosia Blue, the blue leopard appaloosa!!

    Or one of her sisters if I absolutely cannot get her. She is the only reason I got one and it wasnt easy to justify spending that much on a pretty and I almost didnt. I kept saying if they were over $300 i just cant do it! Still….Put one in my cart and watched the time count down…three minutes left, heart pounding, I shouldn’t, I don’t have that kinda money laying around, two minutes, well fine I just will sell more things on eBay to make it up and who cares about paying off the credit card, so… one. Sigh, just hoping its that blue leopard and if it isn’t, someone will trade with me so I can get her!

    But….This is my last purchase til my credit card gets paid off, which won’t be for a long while. Sigh.

    in reply to: Grab bag young unicorns #899362

    I totally understand the desire and reasons for many people wanting them split into fantasy and safari batches. My main problem with this is that I love so many from both batches and I’d hate having to choose one or the other and eliminating my chance of getting one of my top pics from the batch I didn’t go for. That’s just me personally. I realize most people lean more toward fantasy or more toward safari.

    Exactly! Even though I adore both blue appies, there is that albino zebra that is amazng too, who I wouldn’t mind giving her that forever home! There are some other zebra types i think are amazing too!I but since I’m locked into the fantasy only, i won’t have a chance at any of them!

    One big batch, I have a better chance of getting one I love!

    in reply to: Grab bag young unicorns #899349

    I’m still hoping for one big batch. I like the idea of random and exciting!

    in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899129

    *******edit…..there are TWO blue appies!!! Both are dreamy to me so either one will do! Must have one of them though!!!*******

    Better pix of my ultimate dream young! And she is right next to my second choice! I’m so smitten by both, but my blue, sigh, that is my dream young! Hope hope hope I can get her one way or another!!!! I must have her! I must!!!!

    Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

    in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899343

    These are my current favourites =)

     photo YoungFav_zps1ddc9a13.jpg

    Albino zebra?!?! Uh oh, my blue appies now have competition!

    in reply to: Moving Overseas #899284

    Take your absolute favorites you would miss seeing every day and store and/or sell the rest. Congrats on the move! Sounds exciting!!

    in reply to: Grab bag young unicorns #899240

    We may sell them in two or three batches. Jut because we want to sell the ones that are ready and not wait for the rest to get finished. We shall see.

    If you decide to sell them in 2-3 batches like this, is it possible to get group photos of each individual group right before they get released in the store? I only ask this because if our hearts are set on a particular unicorn, the photos could let us see which batch to order from! (*Of course, I’ll understand if it’s too much of a hassle. I figured it was at least worth asking!) 🙂

    Great idea! Especially since I have my heart set on one particular one! And I have no clue which batch she fits into!

    in reply to: Grab bag young unicorns #899166

    My problem, the one I love is a blue leopard appaloosa. Would she be safari or candy corn? My second choice is the yellow one with stripes, is she fantasy candy corn or safari?! At this time I don’t have a third choice, it’s the blue spotty that is it for me! But which batch would she be in?!

    I vote for one big batch!! Please!?

    in reply to: GB Young Uni Livestream (June 14) #898666

    Color wishes…..

    Pastel leopard appy
    Light blue eyes
    Teal eyes
    Teal or light blue eyed pastel appaloosa
    Light light pink based with light blue or teal eyes and pastel blue green purple spots appy, kinda like Ambrosia!!!

    in reply to: GB Young Uni Livestream (June 14) #898602

    Will there be any pastel or light color or white based ones? Maybe one sortakinda like ambrosia?! Please?!

    in reply to: Bug reporting #898037

    Cart timer still counting down but I have nothing in my cart! I learned the hard way…happened several times, if I put something in my cart and I’m on my tablet, I cannot do anything else til I check out.! Soooooo…..I got my new pretty and thereis nothing in my cart, I did check, but the cart timer is still counting down!

    in reply to: More Grab Bag Young Unicorns? #896007

    Do I get one because I posted the idea? Hopefully I can! What date or month should we expect them so I can save up?

    Yes agreed, give us warning (and maybe a price guideline, since the babies went up a tad in price a few bathes back) so we can have money ready!

    disagree, it’s better to have no warnings though so we don’t mob the store…I prefer no warning…..I like the surprise and be able to order without having a “heart attack” trying to order quickly when the store is mobbed….

    Opposite for me. I’m having a heart attack as soon as I realize there were grab bags in the store, no warning, don’t know how long they have been listed, will I be able to get one, iPad glitches, find a computer…there isn’t one around, start up old lap top…aarrgghhh why is it taking so long to start…..they are going to sell out!!!! Heart racing! Noooooo!

    A warning, even if just a date, would give me at least time to make sure the laptop is on and I could have a chance to get one. Thanks!

    in reply to: More Grab Bag Young Unicorns? #895838

    We have about 90 young unicorn horns left, so I will paint a batch of 90 young unicorns in candy corn colors. Then that’s it, unless we can get more horns somehow.
    We haven’t retired white unicorns, but since we don’t have horns for the adults, and the babies are so popular as grab bags, I haven’t been bothering to paint the white ones.

    Wait.. WHAT! SQUEEE! Young unicorns in CANDY CORN COLORS!!!
    Yes please, yes please, Yes Please!
    OH I gotta have one!

    (I think it would be fun to have GBB Kandy Kirins too though!)

    Oooh kandi kirins! Yes!!! And they might not hit the pocketbook as much!

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