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  • in reply to: Show Your Collection Version: 11 #939720

    I call this photo “Reasons I Will Die in a House Fire”. 😉

    It would be worth it. Very nice!

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, Susie! #939167

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Hope you have a great one!

    in reply to: December Raffle? #938896

    Could we possibly get a teeny tiny hint? Like what type of sculpt it is, unicorn, dragon, poad? Unfortunately I can’t collect everything…. 🙁 and probably wouldn’t enter if it was something I didn’t collect.

    ditto on this please!

    Ditto…err I mean…

    There once was rowdy bunch on the forum
    Who could never learn proper decorum
    They’d whine and they’d cry
    The mystery raffle was nigh
    Beseeching: Hints or we’ll surely die!

    in reply to: Moss and Water sprite #938612

    I think Fire Berry would be a nice replacement for the ruby and amethyst dragons that have already been retired.

    This ^ right here ^ yes, yes, and some yeah. Can’t argue with logic! ::stalks the store for fire berry!::

    in reply to: Christmas card #938364

    Got mine today and it is absolutely darling. I totally squealed at the mail box when I saw it had arrived. Thank you a bunch, Melody and crew, and happy holidays!

    in reply to: More Mini Keeper Colours? #937828

    Sad, I never heard they were a pain to paint. Well, it makes them even more special then. Maybe a younger dragon would work well for a grab bag, like if he was freshly hatched maybe he’d have fewer scales, less detail to work on? Could call him the slimy baby dragon…

    in reply to: determining production & limited production colors #937807

    How we decide what colors to make as production or limited production: It is kinda random…
    If you have noticed, we constantly do lots of wild “test paints” that we sell on ebay. If one of them is a reasonably easy color to paint, seems popular, and is a color we need, it might get made as production or limited production color next. For example, we retired the “Red Fire” color, so “Fire Berry” could be next in line to replace it. And although the “Black Rainbow” is one of my favorites, we already have a couple basic black dragon colors, so I don’t want to make that one a limited production color yet.

    AHHHH My heart!! The excitement! HELLS YEAH to fire berry as a production or limited production or whatever production as long as I can buy an awesome red emperor dragon! WOOT! :party:

    in reply to: More Mini Keeper Colours? #937806

    I thought the MK sculpt was mostly for grab bags? Doesn’t using them for production and test paints limit the choices for painting them as grab bags?

    in reply to: Do you have a name for the original Kirin color? #937508

    I’m not a fan of “brown”. It needs a little more something-something. Can we call it “classic fawn” or “vintage russet”. OOhh, how about “mystical chocolate”? Anyone that hears “mystical chocolate” is gonna want some, no matter what it is. 🙂

    in reply to: HUMMUS!! #936543

    Yeah, hummus is great and so versatile; I use it to moisten up sandwiches if I have no egg-less mayo around. You make your own protein-packed version so easily. It’s great on wraps and burritos. 1 can chickpeas plus one avocado mashed and mixed all up, add seasoning, and magic. It’s killer and you get to control the how spicy, how much garlic, etc, so I guess that’s my favorite type 🙂

    in reply to: Fire Berry #934296

    Just saw the emperor on ebay, and yes, you picked the correct color. I’m in trouble, my savings to go to Japan are in trouble, o boy.

    in reply to: Freaking Out! #933894

    It’s cool you have an HOA, as long as there is no dumb cat-on-leash policy there, they should offer you something, some guidelines. Maybe some sort of official neighbor mediation? Even if he is a complete a$$, publicize what was said, spread it around the neighborhood, other people have cats, lots of people have outdoor and semi-outdoor cats. He can feel the pressure from more than you. And gods help him if someone has had a missing cat, even if he wasn’t involved, that’s a neighborhood feud that will never end.

    If he is willing to listen to reason (but what reasonable person walks to a neighbor’s and says btw I’m gonna kill your cats?), recommended pepper sprays for his yards and other commercial animal deterrents and encourage him to spray the cats with a hose if they trespass.

    Call the police and report this incident, cat murder is felony animal abuse in most places. Also try to catch his threats on your cell phone, just turn on your record before approaching him. You might want to test it beforehand and see how long it will run in your pocket. Turn off auto lock. And save that stuff. If he is a cat killer, he won’t stop at 2. Protect now but also think about building enough against him for future prosecution. I would go see him ASAP and ask him to clarify what he meant the previous day, ask for details, and record it. Let him talk himself into trouble, lead him: “What do you mean by that? Have cats disappeared here before? Why would these cats die? What would kill them? How would that happen? Why would that happen?” Don’t worry about defending yourself to him, be calm and sneaky, he is a crazy person and you can beat him. Hand him the rope. And if he obligingly hangs himself with his own words, post it. Everywhere.

    I have a dozen plus ferals now that I’ve fixed these last few year from my neighborhood, though they are not all here every day. I do trap, neuter and release, and explain, very patiently and then very loudly, to any neighbor who comments, that these are not my bloody cats. I am using my own money to fix a neighborhood problem. It’s community service. I ask them how many nuisance cats they have paid to have fixed. I also lie my pants off and say they are all micro-chipped. But I have also started putting out litter boxes, which some of the cats do use. But the neighbors see the boxes, and that is something. But how many loose dogs, how many birds, how many raccoons and squirrels are crapping in their lawns? They aren’t allowed to kill them, cats are no exception.

    Look for a feral group in your area too, they might have more information about dealing with this and support they can offer you; they usually exist in addition to a SPCA and focus on feral colonies. Some places let you register a colony.

    I haven’t had any proof in my area yet, but I find ferals with round wounds sometimes with missing hair. I assume it’s a pellet gun and I stand on a stool on my side of the fence and watch and wave at my suspected neighbor sometimes. Creepy, yes, but I want them to know they will get caught eventually.

    Good luck to you and the fur babies, be safe.

    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933893


    Frog wizard is not happy about sharing his shelf.
    “Hey down in front! I can’t see the tv!”

    Hah! he looks like he is photo bombing! I didn’t even notice him, sneaky wizard pants.

    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933886

    Totally in his forever home. I wasn’t sure about blue eyes at first, but I am now a fan. Windstone sent me the GB I was intended to have /happy wiggles


    Here is the growing pebble animal family from left to right: Fahd, Squirts, and Tala.


    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933839

    mine is arriving today, can’t wait! /happy anticipation dance!

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